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93.15% [Alpha]


Helooo folks, at least those that are still around😂😂I know I have promised many of y'all that I wouldn't drop this fanfic…..

And I still keep that promise…kinda

I must say we have come a long way from chapter 1 with Alfie McBride being a neighborhood bully, a little too far if you ask me.

When I wrote the story in my mind, there were countless ideas that popped up here and there to which I thought it was a Great idea, but those great ideas have put a cap in the progress and potential of this story that many of you have love…or loved.

I have also went back to do a bit of rereading and boy was I a baad at writing, I was getting the story down a bit but my grammar and…the cringey shitt I put up on my chapters was fucking EMBARRASSING😂😂

It's like I'm lookin back on text messages I had with a girl during middle school, not a good time to be alive🤣🤣

But anyways, lemme get straight to the point…


The only difference is I am gonna correct my grammar, take the CRINGEY SHITT OUT, the OTHER REINCARNATORS OUT and maybe a bit of changes here and there.

I have already started on rewriting for a while now, it might take a little while more to catch up to a certain chapter but I'm still deciding if I should post every chapter after I'm done or one by one.

But I hope some of y'all can still hold some interest towards Alfred "Alfie" McBride, I might focus on his part a bit more than usual as well.



I would like to say thank you, and fuck you.

This bastard is the reason I am back to writing as Kensei777 have been throwing power stones at my window everyday since the last time I wrote on [Alpha].

So thank you for still having this fanfic in your heart, and fuck you for making me do all this writing again🥰🥰

I wish you all the best and we'll interact once more…

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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