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Chương 666: 666. Ready for Date

This Catwoman was Selina Kyle. Years of training had made her stealthy and agile as a world-class criminal, and her mastery of martial arts made her a formidable physical opponent. Although she began her career as a burglar, she had since then reformed and begun protecting Gotham City in her own style.

Her history was also a painful one, she married at a young age to a wealthy man who beat her. When they divorced, he used his connections to try and ruin her in every way. The only loss he understood was material, so she broke in and stole all of his possessions. Believing that she deserved these things for the pain she'd been through, she became "The Cat" for two years until she met Batman.

She had just mugged a mugger to return the purse to an old lady. But, now she was being chased by a creepy cat with a creepy smile. And on top of that, it meowed as if it was speaking.

"GO AWAY, STUPID CAT." She shouted back.

"NO... YOU ARE MY FATED ONE." Hats shouted back.

Catwoman abruptly stopped running. This was a clear sentence. This cat was really not normal.

Hats came to her proudly with his chest out and walking on two feet. "Hey there, beautiful. Where are you going?"


There was a long silence. Catwoman was trying to understand the situation she was in. A talking cat, who came out of nowhere was trying to flirt with her. She didn't even know if she should get mad or be surprised.

"What are you?" She asked back.

"I am... one and only, Hats, God of Chaos of the entire Omniverse." Hats revealed.

"Heh, sure, I created the universe then. Now be honest, which lab did you run out of?" She asked, totally not believing in his self-declaration of his identity.

"I'm not lying, lady. Seriously, why do you not believe me? Because I look like a small cat?" He asked with arms wide open.

Catwoman seemed to be enjoying the talk so she sat down on the roof. "Exactly, you look like an ordinary cat who somehow got the ability to speak."

"Is that so, okay then. Ask me to do something that will make you believe that I am not lying." Hats said confidently.

"Are you sure? Then destroy this planet." She demanded.

"Hmm, I can easily do that. But, you would die then." Hats argued.

"Fair enough, then I want you to give me a hundred bricks of gold. Right now." She wished.

Hats chuckled, "This one is too easy. Here you go."


Hats snapped his fat fingers and all of a sudden, shining bright gold bricks appeared beside Catwoman.

She was left speechless and shocked, she picked one of the bricks and checked them herself, by biting it, by scratching it. All of them were real.

"Are you really not lying?" She asked in disbelief.

~Gods are real?~ she wondered.

"Absolutely, do you want to fly in the sky with me?" Hats asked.

"I don..."

Hats didn't let her speak. He made her hover nearby himself and soared to the sky. At first, Catwoman was hyperventilating a bit, but soon she started enjoying the scenery on the ground, all the lights of Gotham City were intoxicating.

She turned to the strange cat flying beside her. He looked kinda pretty with the city lights making his fur shine. She couldn't help but think that Hats was not lying, maybe he really was some kind of a strange god.

"So, why did you follow me, Hats?" She inquired politely.

Hats rubbed his head, "Umm... I found you very pretty and hoped to date you, so I followed you behind. I know it's creepy but I really wanted to talk."

"Haha, this is my first time being asked out by a cat, but I am single at the moment and I can't really deny my sugarkitty now as you've given me so much gold." She jokingly said.

"Yeah yeah, just make sure you don't sell all of it in one place. Otherwise, the gold market will tank." Hats advised.

"I know what to do with this material, been in this business for a long time now. Seems the gods don't know much about mortal stuff?" She asked.

"Well, I won't deny that. But I do know about gods who are very much involved with humans. He's probably around somewhere too, but you can ignore him, he's an old man who likes helping people a lot, it's kind of like his fetish." Hats said.

"Hah, then he seems somewhat similar to someone I know. Anyway, I am Selina Kyle, just call me Selina. So, where do you want our date to happen?" She inquired.

"Ummm, can you help me buy a nice house first? I don't have any place to live in the city." Hats asked.

"Hmmm, smart boy. You are trying to find more opportunities to be with me instead of just a date. Well, I need to change my clothes first, can't roam around like this. What about you? Do you have some kind of a human form?" She inquired.

Hats' little lovestruck heart panicked. He didn't really have a human form because he never needed it. He never thought he would like a human-ish girl.

"Of course, let's meet in an hour near the city hall." Hats assured. With that, he said goodbye and ran away to find Alexander.


Alexander was currently on the road, driving his nice convertible car. He was going to an investor's summit as a big fat pocketed investor. A lot of rich folks were going to come there.


"OOOOOLD MAAAANNN... HELP MEEEEOWWW..." Hats appeared out of nowhere.

Alexander was expecting him, his omniscience was really a big natural spoiler to him. But he still acted with others like he didn't know.

"What happened, Hats?" Alexander asked.

"I met a girl, I really like her. We will be going out later. I need a human form, or else I will be nothing but a joke. She will not be serious." Hats cried.

"Hmm, well, Hats my boy, here, eat this and also practice the technique I just sent to your brain." Alexander did his magic.

Hats took in the information for a few seconds. Finally, he understood.

"Go to your grandma, she will give you some clothes and get you ready." Alexander nudged him.

Hats was so happy, he hugged Alexander and before disappearing said, "You're the best, Grandpa."

Alexander chuckled. This was the first time Hats had called him this. "Haha, of course, I am the best Grandpa in the world."



"GRANDMAAAA... I got a date. Please help me get ready. I need to look the best in my human form." Hats requested.

"You have a human form?" She inquired.

"Yes, Grandpa taught me. Hurry hurry now. I don't have much time." Hats rushed.

Olivia chuckled, "Okay, calm down. I'll get you some new clothes. Come with me. Amy. You can draw clothes for him."

Soon, Hats had turned into his human-cat self.

Thea saw him and exclaimed. "Wowww... Uncle Hats is pretty."

"Hehe, thanks, Thea." Hats was in a happy mood. Slowly, a full T-shirt was made for him, matching his purple hair and cat ears. Then, there was a black overcoat with a hint of gold here and there. Also, some jewellery was added by Rina and Gali.

"Look at my Hats. So cute." Olivia spoke proudly. She clicked a few pictures of him.

"Hehe, thanks, grandma." Hats blushed.

"BOZ BOZ... all the best." Chappy also spoke.

Well, Chappy was his adopted son, so Hats felt very nice hearing him. He caressed Chappy's head and decided to go out.

"Okay, everyone. It's time for me to go and face the challenge."


"I think you made him look too pretty." Hela, who was just seeing them from a distance while reading a book, spoke.

"Well, that's an advantage then." Amy shrugged.

[Check the paragraph comment to see Hats.]

[You can see Human form of Hats on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


For 30 Advance chapters and my new Harry Potter fic, check out -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

MisterImmortal MisterImmortal

We have arrived at the one and only, the holy number 666.

1 Stone = 1 glass of holy water, it cleanses you of all your sins and of course, keeps your digestive system good.



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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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