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Chương 9: Today, You give me the Cold Shoulder

Dịch giả: CokeZero Biên tập viên: Rainystars

Other than his rumored fiancée, what other reason is there?

A few days ago, a woman suddenly arrived at the company and took an upper management position. Everyone there guessed that this was the Mrs. Leng the Leng family had appointed.

Nowadays, Leng Sichen and this woman spend all their time together from morning to night. Therefore, she lost her right to even approach him.

What makes her nervous and afraid is the fact that based on what she knows about Leng Sichen, she knew Bai Qianning is his ideal type the moment she met her.

The enemy was too strong. This time, she truly was more likely to lose than to win!

Leng Sichen froze in surprise and his expression turned gentler. However, he suddenly remembered something and then jolted like lightning, "Who were you with last night?"

Xia Yuxun's gaze flickered, "I… I was alone…"

Leng Sichen's fingers tapped against the door rhythmically, "Tell the truth."

Xia Yuxun gulped, "Really… really… I was alone… ah, blarg…"

What a tragedy. Why did she stutter again!

Xia Yuxun was now hopeless towards herself and could only tilt her head and respond with the truth, "I was alone at first. Then one of my friends passed by and saw just how drunk I was. Since he didn't know where I lived, I was sent to spend the night in a hotel."

"A friend?" Leng Sichen easily grasped onto the most important part. If she went to a bar just to drink, she did not need to be this nervous.

"Yes…" Xia Yuxun answered in a murmur, praying that he does not continue asking.

Sadly, the reality was the opposite of what was hoped.

"A man?" Leng Sichen continued to ask.

"Yes…" She nodded forcefully.

"Ou Mingxuan." Leng Sichen uttered out a name in a convinced tone.

The moment that name was said, Xia Yuxun cried out on the inside. Could that man read her mind?

Xia Yuxun gave up struggling completely and admitted honestly, "I didn't think I would run into him. It was a coincidence this time! I don't understand. Why do you think so lowly of him? He is a great person…"

Leng Sichen's expression darkened. "A great person? How long have you known him? Do you know what kind of person he is?"

"What does that have to do with how long I've known him? I have known you for 20 years but so what? I still do not know you at all! Twenty years of trials and hardships! Enough friction to crush even steel into powder. Do you really feel nothing towards me? You don't find me cute even for a moment? Even stupidly cute is alright with me!"

Leng Sichen rubbed his brows and then lifted his head after a while. His face was now cold and frozen like a rock, "When you first interviewed at this company, you announced that you wanted fairness and to separate my private and professional life. Xia Yuxun, I have already said everything I needed to say. If you keep on bringing up your private emotions at work, then please leave this company. I do not need a subordinate who cannot differentiate her private life from her professional one."

If she didn't make that statement back then, he never would've given her the chance to work here. Yet now, he was using this against her to shut her up.

Xia Yuxun's eyes reddened from the impact generated from his cold and distant words. "Alright, then I'll leave! Leng Sichen, who do you think you are! All you do is take advantage of me because of my feelings towards you! I am telling you right now that if you give me the cold shoulder today, then tomorrow…"

"What about tomorrow?" The man's eyes and brows lifted slightly. His handsome face that was against the light shed slight darkness.

Xia Yuxun felt a lump in her throat and tears in her eyes. The words that were about to leave her lips took a turn, "Tomorrow… tomorrow is sunny then cloudy in the afternoon. The wind is blowing from the south, and the temperature is 10 to 15 Celsius. Keep warm…"

Leng Sichen, "…"

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