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Chương 12: Chapter 9: The Moonlight Inn

Alex finished his registration at the Adventurer Guild, the bustling hub for aspiring heroes. Eager to find lodging, he approached the beautiful Elf receptionist.

"Excuse me," He began, "could you recommend a good inn?"

The Elf, with her cascading green hair and emerald eyes, smiled warmly.

"Certainly! I recommend The Moonlight Inn. It's quite affordable and comfortable."

"Thank you, Leena," Alex replied, learning her name. "I'll head there and check it out. I'll be back to accept a request soon."

"Sounds good, Alex! Take care and see you soon," Leena responded, waving farewell.

Leaving the guild, Alex set off towards the inn Leena had suggested. He passed several establishments, each vying for his attention, before finally spotting his destination.

The Moonlight Inn, a three-story building, wasn't quite as grand as the guild, but it exuded a cozy charm. Its signboard featured a captivating image: a crescent moon casting a gentle glow upon a dark canvas, perfectly encapsulating the inn's name.

Stepping inside, Alex found the atmosphere quiet and welcoming. The bar and dining area housed a handful of patrons enjoying their meals. A friendly voice greeted him.

"Welcome to The Moonlight Inn! Are you joining us for a meal or looking for accommodations?"

Alex looked up to see a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and warm brown hair, a stark contrast to Leena's elven features.

"I'd like a room, please," he replied.

The woman's smile broadened. "Excellent choice! Follow me, and I'll show you to your quarters."

The innkeeper announced the rates. "It's three silver coins a night, including breakfast and dinner. However, if you stay for ten days, you get a discounted rate of 28 silver coins."

Alex considered. Two silver coins off for a ten-day stay? Since he planned to be in town for a while, a monthly stay made sense. "I'd like to book a room for a month, then."

The middle-aged woman, Lana, beamed.

"Excellent choice! That'll be 84 silver coins."

Alex smoothly produced a gold coin from his item box and received 16 silver coins in change.

"Extra meals outside of breakfast and dinner are 6 silver coins for the month," Lana informed him.

"No problem," Alex replied, handing over the additional coins. "Could you also prepare lunch? I'm quite hungry after my journey."

Lana hesitated. "Actually, it's a little late for lunch, but..."

"I understand," Alex interrupted, sensing her apprehension. "Please don't worry. I'm Alexander Kael Touch, or Alex for short. I'll be staying here for a while, so thank you for your hospitality."

Lana's eyes widened upon hearing his last name. Alex braced himself, expecting the usual assumption of nobility. To his surprise, Lana simply smiled.

"It's a pleasure, Alex. My daughter, Lea, will show you to your room. Lea, dear, a new guest!"

A young woman with long brown hair and bright yellow eyes, mirroring Lana's features, arrived promptly. "Hello! I'm Lea, and I'll be your guide."

Following Lea, Alex ascended to the third floor.

"This is your room, number 305," Lea announced.

"Lunch will be ready shortly. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

With a cheerful wave, Lea departed. Room 305, situated at the end of the corridor, offered a pleasant surprise. Neat and clean, it boasted a comfortable bed inviting a nap after his journey.

Just as drowsiness settled in, a call echoed.

"Your meal is ready, guest!"

Lea arrived with a tempting spread: hearty meat stew accompanied by warm bread, creamy cheese, crisp salad, and refreshing wine. The bread, unlike some he'd encountered, yielded perfectly to his touch. Eagerly, he dug into the stew.

The first bite was an explosion of flavor. Juicy meat mingled with savory seasonings, leaving Alex speechless.

"Delicious!" He finally exclaimed, savoring each mouthful.

"Thank you, it was truly delicious," Alex said, his voice carrying the genuine warmth of appreciation. The words flowed easily, and a genuine smile spread across Lana's face, her delight at his praise palpable. He savored the remaining bread and salad, each bite a simple pleasure after his journey. Finishing with a small taste of the cheese and a sip of wine, he savored the unfamiliar yet pleasant flavor. It wasn't the vintage he remembered from Earth, but it held its own charm.

"Truly a satisfying meal," He concluded, pushing back from the table and rising with a sense of renewed energy.

"Thank you again, Lana. See you tomorrow."

"Always a pleasure, Alex," Lana replied warmly, her smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. "Good night."

With a tired sigh, Alex retreated to his room, the comfortable bed beckoning him like a haven.

Fatigue washed over him like a soothing wave, yet beneath it simmered the thrill of anticipation.

The unknown future stretched before him, a thrilling challenge waiting to be tackled.

"The path ahead may be shrouded in mist," He murmured, sinking onto the soft mattress,

"However, I won't let uncertainty hold me back. My Gift may remain sealed, but I refuse to be idle. Until its secrets unveil themselves, I need to find an edge, a way to bridge the gap between my potential and reality."

He knew leveling up was crucial. Facing monsters barehanded was a fool's errand.

A silent plea whispered in the quiet of the room,

"Perhaps a good night's rest will spark the answer I seek. They won't wait forever, and I refuse to be left behind."

With newfound determination, Alex's thoughts drifted to the unused bonus points waiting to be allocated tomorrow. Each point held the potential to unlock something, a crucial step on his journey. Sleep eventually claimed him, carrying him into a dreamscape where possibilities shimmered like distant stars, waiting to be grasped.

As dawn approached, the first rays of sunlight filtered through the window, painting the room in a warm glow. Alex stirred, the events of the previous night replaying in his mind. It was time to make choices, to invest his unused bonus points wisely. The weight of responsibility settled upon him, but it wasn't a burden, but a challenge, a fuel for his growing determination. Today, he would take another step forward, forging his path in this new world, one strategic decision at a time. The adventure had begun, and he was ready to face it.

Nickaido Nickaido


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