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Chương 14: Wide Awake

Suddenly he freed my lips. Disappointed, I looked up at him as he left the bed. I watched him discard his clothes and throw them on a heap on the floor.

He then climbed back to the bed to claim my parted lips as his naked body covered mine. I respond to the kiss with equal ardor, wishing the sweet intoxicating kiss would last forever.

The kiss ended so soon only for him to find another soft spot of my body which is my neck and rain it with gentle kisses before drifting down to my chest to claim a pink bud with his mouth. My feet curled in ecstasy as he sucked it like a baby overcome with thirst while his thumb massaged the other pink bud until it hardened from the ticklish sensation.

My fingers curled around his hair, pulling them to keep myself from drowning in the ripples of heart-melting and jaw-dropping ecstasy.

He stopped worshiping my chest only to nudge my legs apart. A soft moan escaped my parted lips when he positioned himself on my center and thrust forward. My teeth sank into his shoulders when my body welcomed him inside. My fingers dug to his back as he pushed deeper until my core clung to his hardness like a perfect glove. My unrestrained moans filled the four corners of the room and his lips captured my mouth to silence me.

The room faded, for a while, I was transported into space and millions of fireworks burst in front of me when I reached the zenith. I could feel his powerful release before he convulsed on the top of me.

Ace laid beside me. I curled beneath him with a soft contented sigh. My heavy eyelids fluttered close from exhaustion.

"I have to set you free, Phoenix. I want you to be happy, that's why I'm making the ultimate sacrifice. I'm sorry if I have hurt you too. In time I hope you will forgive me. That's the only way I know to drive you away so I could move on from you."

I felt his lips land on my cheek but I didn't open my eyes. "I love you Phoenix." I heard him mumble before I drifted to dreamland.


The morning sun permeating from the glass window woke me up. Instantly my eyes fluttered open.

What time is it? 

I tried to get up but a splitting headache pounded my head and I fell back on the bed. Groaning, I lay still and waited for the surge of pain to subside before getting up again. 

My head was still throbbing after I sat down on the bed but it was more manageable this time. However, my stomach felt queasy and I felt like throwing up. 

My gaze landed on the glass window and discovered the blinds had been drawn to the side. Then the smell of coffee lingering in the air suddenly caught my attention. I searched where the scent was coming from and discovered a hot cup of black coffee on top of the night table. Beside it stood a glass of water and a bottle of Aspirin for my headache.

The thought that I wasn't alone in my room froze me on my tracks. I immediately grabbed the blanket and wrapped it to cover my naked body.

My heart was pumping wildly inside my ribcage as I searched for Ace. He was nowhere to be seen in the room. However the other side of the bed was rumpled, an indication he had slept on the bed beside me.

I remembered finishing the bottle of red wine last night and passing out on the bed. But I couldn't recall anything after that, except that I woke up because I sensed that someone was looking at me.

Then the image of a man and a woman tangled in a bed, right in the middle of lovemaking came to my thoughts and I gasped in shock realizing the woman clinging to the man was me.

No it couldn't be! My horrified eyes bulged in shock as the brief memory of a passionate love making returned.

ruffatorres ruffatorres

Check out Mr. Ceo's Secret Obsession!

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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