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Chương 400: Simply Alex Conway

Claire felt herself relaxing over the next few weeks as she prepared for Halloween. She made those sugar cookies, got costumes for everyone, and bought candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters. 

This was normal. Familiar. How her life was when she wasn't involved with danger. 

The day of she made sure everyone got pictures before going their separate ways. Ethan was going to watch scary movies and have a game night with the Jorgensens and some of his other friends at their house. Alex had the night off work because the gym was closed for the holiday and he would accompany Claire and Emma trick-or-treating with the Osbornes, Carmen, and Finn. 

They had all dressed up like Super Mario characters. Emma was Princess Daisy because she had brown hair while Claire was the blonde Princess Peach. Alex was Mario and Ethan was Luigi. 

Mcllorycat Mcllorycat

That's all folks! Thanks for sticking with Claire and Alex to the end. If you haven't already, please check out my completed novels my ongoing novels especially my newest ones She's No Beauty Queen, Love Is...What?, A Dose of Love, or With Love As My Witness for new reading material. I'm also on Facebook and Instagram now so check me out :)

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