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So, with Gojo I am already at 104 chapters on pa treon(109 if you count the epilogues and prologue) and I can say that I am already about halfway done in the story. I think that I will have another 100-150 chapters and that will be it(perhaps I will add more if I explore some different things like Western branch or Beast realm)

Anyway. I need to make preparations for a new fic that will replace Gojo. But I am stumped about what to write.

I had an idea about Sending Zaraki kenpachi in Fate as a BERSERKER with Ilya. But I scrapped it because while Zaraki is badass, he isn't exactly mc material.

So here some of my others Ideas. Chose which one you like better or propose another one.

1) Naruto fic with Obito or Neji as the mc.

2) Fate fic, with Shiro from Oath under the snow as the mc or with EMIYA as the mc.

3)DxD with Gojo as the mc.

4)Jujutsu kaisen with Aizen as the mc

5) A complete crossover between Maou Testament and DxD.

6) A To love Ru darkness fic with mc reincarnated as Rito or an OC mc with the same power as Golden Darkness.

By the way, no one piece ideas. One piece is great. But when I write a fic, I like reading everything from the beginning to get as accurate as possible. Already used 10 years of my life for OP. Can't go back to read 1k+ chapters from 0.

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