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Chương 153: Chapter 131: The reason for the invitation

As the sun gradually set below the western Mountain Range of Laymanas, a loud knock on the door suddenly disrupted the conversation between the temporary residents of the small pavilion. 

「Maia dono?」Answering the door, Maia found the official who greeted her and the others waiting on the other side. The old man briefly looked Maia up and down with a pair of judging eyes before continuing. 「Please inform princess Yue that the banquet to honor her arrival is ready.」

「Of course.」Nodded the girl.

「We'll be leaving now, Master.」Yue bid Kibadios goodbye after getting ready. Instead of her usual clothes, she was now dressed in her official royal dress, which mesmerized any onlookers with its blend of ancient allure and otherworldly grace. Layers of sumptuous fabric cascaded from the waist, shimmering with an ethereal glow. What caught Kibadios' attention were the elaborate motifs crafted with meticulous detail depicting a pair of phoenixes showered in scattering cherry blossom petals, which reminded him of his own <Ultimate Skill>. Its sleeves billowed like clouds, trailing behind like wisps of moonlit mist, while accessories of ornate hairpins and bejeweled adornments added an unique hint of elegance.

「You look beautiful in this dress, Yue chan.」was all Kibadios could comment on as he caressed her lightly blushing cheek. The fresh wounds on his hands were still visible as proof of the fierce battle he had just fought in last night.

「Thank you, Master.」The girl smiled as her head instinctively leaned on her Master's touch. 「Legend has it that this dress was designed by The First herself. I'm sure if that was the case, then she'd be happy to learn that you like it.」

「Well, I do like it but I think more than half of its allure is thanks to the pretty girl who wears it.」Kibadios grinned. Had this not been a mission that they were on, the hybrid reckoned he would already have pinned the girl down and fucked her senselessly right now. Despite the intense night he just had last night with his harem members, seeing the princess in this official royal dress had made him horny again. 

「Exactly, Yue chan!!」Maia excitedly agreed.「You look beautiful!! I'm sure Master is already having some indecent thoughts right at this moment.」The girl, who had known the hybrid the longest, shot her master with a mischievous grin. 「Right Master?」

「I'm always in the mood.」Kibadios admitted.「Though I know full well now is not the time. Anyways, I will watch over you guys from afar… Still, be careful!」

「「Of course Master!」」 

「「We will ensure the Princess' safety, Your Majesty」」Kuron and Falkor promised. 

「Maybe if a chance arises, I can even kill Wei Shimin for you, Kiba chan.」Uri confidently pumped his chest. 

「No. Don't do anything rash.」ordered Kibadios.

「... Fineee.」

「I'll make sure to reign in Uri chan, Young Lord.」Gyo ruffled the Vice Captain's red hair.




The long anticipated banquet did not disappoint since it was as grand as those that were being held by the Yinese Royal Court itself. There must have been more than 500 servants, dancers and musicians participating in the celebration. The group were seated onto one side of the Grand Hall, while sitting on the opposite were the people from Wei Shimin's entourage themselves, with each of them exuded a menacing martial aura befitting vassals of the Great Commander. As a guest of honor, Yue was now sitting on an elevated platform at the end of the hall, right next to an empty seat, which the group all suspected to be reserved for Wei Shimin himself. In the middle of the hall, the dancers moved with grace and precision, their performances captivating both the Grasslander guests and Wei Shimin's entourage. Despite the opulence surrounding them, there was an underlying tension in the air. The presence of Wei Shimin's vassals, each exuding a formidable martial aura, served as a constant reminder of the political intricacies at play. As the banquet commenced, the air was filled with the aroma of delicacies from across the Empire, enticing even the most disciplined of guests. Plates of exquisitely prepared dishes adorned the tables, each one a testament to the culinary prowess of the Empire's top chefs. From succulent meats to fragrant rice dishes, the banquet offered a feast fit for royalty. Among the group, Uri's lack of restraint stood out as he visibly struggled to contain his excitement at the sight and smell of the gourmet foods. His undisciplined demeanor provided a stark contrast to the composed facade of the others. 

Suddenly, the festive music stopped, allowing a suspenseful silence to envelope the room as a figure slowly made his way toward the front of the Hall. It was fairly easy to have guessed who the man was, since everyone aside from the Grasslander group hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply as the man walked past them. 

「Don't try anything funny, Uri chan.」Gyo warned the Vice Captain, though such warning was definitely unneeded, for Uri had already found himself to be frozen in awe at the man's presence.

「Ha, now that I see him in person, I doubt that I can even last for a few seconds if I challenge him head on.」Uri whispered to the swordsmith. 「I may be adventurous, but I'm not an idiot, Muscle-chan.」

「That man is truly a monster.」Falkor nodded in agreement. 

「Indeed… I could not find any openings as he walked by, despite the fact that he did not even spare us a glance.」Kuron, the Yves, who was specialized in analyzing his opponents with his extra pair of eyes, conceded. 

「Wei Shimin… dono… It is… a pleasure to finally meet you in person.」Yue spoke, her words laced with a subtle undercurrent of resentment. Much like the Princess, the man was dressed in a golden colored royal clothes. He had the appearance of a young and beautiful man, though his expression was rather sorrowful and melancholic.

「Yue dono, we finally met. I've been looking forward to this moment.」Wei Shimin inclined his head in acknowledgment, his expression solemn as he addressed her with equal formality. With a courteous nod, he proceeded to take his seat beside her, extending a gesture of hospitality towards the girl. 「Please enjoy this party that was prepared specifically in your honor, Princess.」

Once he had situated, the man signaled for the banquet to resume. Despite the cheerful music and gleeful dance recommenced, the tension inside the room has not been quelled. Besides Uri, who unceremoniously devoured the food in front of him, everyone else was ever watchful as they slowly sampled the gourmet food presented in front of them. Yue was expecting Wei Shimin to quickly delve into the reason why he had invited her over, going as far as promising not to attack Alsen for the duration of the meeting. Yet, the man did not want to discuss such a topic yet since he continued to converse with her about other trivial matters. 




「So, that's Wei Shimin?」sneakily spied from afar on top of a curved roof, Ayer noted. 

「He does appear much younger than I expected. Didn't that girl say he and his brother, the current emperor, were responsible for conquering her kingdom decades ago? Shouldn't he look older?」

「Apparently he has elven blood flowing in him. Since the Kingdom of Yue and Yin were rather close for more than a millenia, the Yin kings of old, once or twice, took elven princesses to be their empresses. That's why he looks rather young for his age.」

「... Look is one thing… but that man… Now that I see him in person, he really is dangerous.」Ayer observed.「and to think he was planning to perform "that" ritual. Haa, maybe there really is a chance you may perish fighting him, Zaeryn. I can't wait.」

「You think?」Kibadios asked.「Though, you're right to deem him to be dangerous. I was surprised to learn of his plan back then. I guess making chimera isn't his only shady deed.」The hybrid paused for a moment.「...Now that I think about it, this is what you Astrals fear, isn't it?」

「This?」Ayer raised his eyebrows.

「Yes, the advancement of mortal races' power. 」Kibadios grinned.「Right at this moment, he's trying to obtain a power that can be said to almost rival the Astrals with his upcoming "ritual." Being the Astrals is stressful… You try to cultivate mortal races' progress in order to ensure our souls are powerful enough to be harvested to nourish your Yggdrasil, yet, at the same time, you need to prevent individuals like him, or myself, from becoming too powerful. I pity you guys.」

「Stop your condescendence.」Ayer gritted his teeth.「Despite how close you think you are to us, you mortals are merely insects in our eyes.」

「We may be all insects, yet, a swarm of lowly locusts can still bring misery to all in their path.」Kibadios reminded the irritated Astral before focusing his gaze again at the high platform at the end of the room where Shimin and Yue sat. Rather, he was paying attention at one of the attendant behind the Yinese prince, who cloaked himself in a dark cloth.「That must be the one who's preparing the ritual for Wei Shimin. Although it's faint, he still has that scent.」

「Scent of the cursed race. I thought we eradicated them all when they rebelled against us.」Ayer looked down at the hybrid. 「You must be happy to know your kindred still survive until this age.」

「... Not if what we were told about them are true.」 The hybrid scowlfully noted.

「Hmm…」The enslaved Ennead said nothing.

「Say, Ayer… does it feel weird as you look at it?」

「Look at what?」

「Where Yue and Shimin are sitting.」

「... Now that you point it out… it feels like there's an invisible screen.」

 「A barrier?」

「Who knows. If it's a barrier constructed by the prince or the princess, then it's most likely Runecraft, which is something I'm not familiar with.」Ayer leaned back on his arms, caring not for the safety of Kibadios' group or whatever was transpiring.




「Did you put it up?」Yue asked her counterpart as she calmly sipped the hot green tea in front of her. 「The illusionary screen, that is.」

「Yes. After all, I don't want the others to hear what we're saying. As of right now, with the barrier I have erected, your attendants and mine are simply hearing we chatting about trivial matters.」Wei Shimin turned his gaze toward the cloaked figure standing close to him.「Even he wouldn't be able to listen in our conversation.」

「I'm well aware of this type of barrier, Wei Shimin dono. So, why did you invite me here?」Yue sternly asked. 

「I've always wanted to meet you but you have always been outside of our reach, staying inside the Vernys Forest and acting as their High Shaman ever since the Kingdom of Yue was annexed into our Empire.」Wei Shimin explained.「Imagine how happy I was when my spies told me you have finally left the forest.」

「That's because as of right now I'm to serve my…」Yue paused for a moment, trying to figure out a word that best described what Kibadios was to her.「Kibadios sama. Since he had decided to travel back to his homeland, I have to accompany him.」

「Ah, yes, the strange, powerful hybrid. I was told of him.」Wei Shimin nodded.「With your help, he was able to repel my assault on the last bastion of Monas Kye. He's a rather interesting individual… he and his kin, trying desperately to struggle for survival, even knowing that they would all perish under the yolk of the empire in the end. As we speak, knowing that we cannot retaliate and attack their city due to the runecraft-binding oath I made, they even tried to use this opportunity to inflict damage onto my army by attacking our supplies.」

「You're surprised? You should have known that the demihuman in Monas Kye are fiercely independent and resourceful. That's why they have been able to survive for ages in the plain.」

「They're just being nuisances. No more, no less.」Wei Shimin coldly replied.「Sooner or later, Alsen will fall. Your and your brother's presence wouldn't change anything, my princess. Once again, you will see the Yin army devour the last settlement that stands in our path, much like what happened to your capital years ago.」

「You!」the mild-tempered princess clenched her fist.

「That's why, I want to propose to you an alternative.」

「What do you mean?」The girl was taken aback.

「Abandon the hybrid. Leave the soon to be vanquished people to their fate. Come and join me, Princess Yue.」For the first time, Wei Shimin turned and looked the elven girl straight into her faded eyes. 

「Is this a joke, Wei Shimin?」Yue was not amused.

「You hold no allegiance to the people of Monas Kye, why should you continue to help them?」The man asked.「Is it all because the hybrid wanted you to? He meant nothing to you, didn't he? If what my spies told me are correct, the only reason why you followed him and left the forest was because he took a glimpse of your and your brother's naked bodies… supposedly by chance. And because you lost to him in the following battle, you two were forced to serve him. Compelled by the obsolete tradition of your extinct kingdom.」

「... I'm disappointed. I thought you have something else to say, but is this all you want to say to me? I will not leave Kibadios sama's side. You can waste your time trying to convince me otherwise, but I will not change my mind. My devotion to him is absolute.」Yue solemnly declared.

「... Why? Isn't he just a stranger to you?」

「So what if he is? Besides, what gives you the impression that he is just a stranger to me? There are secrets that even your ever expanding spy network cannot report back to you.」smirked Yue. She knew that maybe she had said too much, but she could not help but wanted to belittle the man to sooth her hatred toward the Empire.

「I see… You seem to hold him in such high regard, Yue dono…」Wei Shimin still seemed unfazed by her unusual loyalty. 「Does your devotion toward this Kibadios even eclipse even that love and devotion you dedicated to Zuoen dono (NOTE: PREVIOUSLY, I USED CALLED HIM ZAEN, BUT I FINALLY DECIDED TO CHANGE HIS NAME INTO CHINESE SOUNDING NAME "ZUOEN")?」

「What did you say?」flinched Yue.

「I merely ask you whether you love this man named Kibadios more than you love Zuoen, the hero of your Kingdom.」smiled Wei Shimin. 

「Don't you dare say Zuoen's name!」Yue angrily shouted.

「Well… it seems like you've already answered the question.」Wei Shimin leaned forward, inching his face ever closer to the visibly upset elven princess.「What if I tell you that by joining with me, you will get to see your beloved again?」

「What nonsense are you sprouting?」

「How much do you know about Zuoen's demise?」Wei Shimin asked. 

「He… he died at the Hangu Fortress, while trying to fend off your brother's army.」Yue shakingly answered.

「What if I tell you that wasn't the real story? What if I tell you he's still alive?」

「How? It can't be!」

「Ah, we have some time. Let me tell you the story of Zuoen, the hero of the Yue Kingdom, and the decision he had to make to protect you.」Wei Shimin leaned back onto his chair.「You knew how after our kingdom, Yin, had conquered the other five states, the Kingdom of Yue was the only state that remained unconquered. Despite the repeated warnings from Zuoen that sooner or later, Yin will turn our attention toward Yue and that your Kingdom should have helped the other states resisting us, your father, the King of Yue, adamantly refused to break the Yue-Yin alliance. And just as he had predicted, once we had conquered all the other states, we turned our army toward Yue. Still, what we thought would have been an easy campaign turned into a 5-years of brutal conflict that resulted in a stalemate, with Zuoen's defiantly fought off multiple of our attempts to breach the fortress to enter Kingdom of Yue's heartland. But Zuoen knew. He knew that no matter how long he could hold out for, in the end, the war of attrition would wear out the forces of your precious kingdom. Unless there was external intervention from other countries, Kingdom of Yue would succumb to our relentless attack. But such help never came. And so, one day, my dear brother, still a crowned prince at the time, approached him with a proposal: Zuoen was to lay down his weapon and join us. In exchange, we promised to leave you and your brother unharmed.」

「...You're… lying」Yue was clearly shaken.

「After one week of deliberation, the hero of Yue Kingdom decided to take my dear brother's offer, for his love for you outweighed his loyalty to the kingdom.」

「Shut up… Zuoen would never…」

「Oh, but you know what I said was true. After all, Kingdom of Yue's cities and fortresses were designed by the First Queen herself, in a way that acted as a giant Rune that protected the kingdom. Using the cities as focal points that redirect the flow of energy of the ground to boost the power of the native inhabitants, if the invaders do not know when to attack which cities or focal points, then they cannot break apart the kingdom's greatest barrier. For decades now, you thought that since my dear brother is a genius Runecraft user, he was able to figure out the pattern. But in reality, even he was unable to break the code. It was Zuoen who divulged the Yue Kingdom's greatest secret to us. He allowed our army to swiftly take over your land, decimate your capital city, all to save your and your brother's lives. Why do you think you were able to escape the encirclement around your Capital unharmed?」revealed Wei Shimin.「Afterward, he joined the ranks of my brother's 12 heavenly generals, obediently serving him to ensure your safety.」

「Nonsense… You're speaking nonsense… He would never betray our kingdom… he would never betray my father…」

「But he did. All because of his love for you.」The prince's eyes glared down at the confused girl.「Right now, he's nothing more than my brother's puppet since if he were to betray my brother, he knew that my brother would immediately bring harm to you. That's why, I offer you this deal: come to my side, join me and free Zuoen. Only I can protect you from our current emperor and only then can Zuoen dare to rebel against my brother.」Wei Shimin's hand reached out, slightly touching the frozen princess' silky hair. 「Together, we can defeat that thing that my brother had become and I promise, I will free you and Zuoen. Then, you two will finally have your happily ever after.」

「...」Yue desperately wanted to deny the story that came out of the twisted prince's mouth, yet, deep within her heart, she knew the man was telling the truth.

「What's there to think about? Abandon Kibadios, turn your back against those demihuman and join me. Does your fidelity toward this hybrid stranger really outweigh your love for Zuoen? 」

Does it? Yue thought to herself. But if Zuoen really did betray father… betray our people… allowing the Yin Empire to slaughter our innocent civilians… Can I really forgive it?

「... Fine. I'll let you have some time to yourself to think about my offer. Five days. I don't know if you have noticed, but this fortress is slowly heading toward Alsen.」Wei Shimin coldly revealed.「Once we're there, I would have fulfilled my oath of not attacking the city until you're "returned." That also means Alsen will finally be extinguished as we launch our final assault. This fortress can do more than just floating. It possesses enough firepower that can reduce the city into ashes just by aerial bombardment. That is how we were able to destroy any one who dared to defy us and bring the inhabitants of Monas Kye to heel. Whether you accept my offer or not, the fate of Monas Kye and the demihuman living here is already set in stone… Princess.」




「Are you okay, Yue chan?」Maia quickly noticed something was different with the princess since she has been remaining strangely silent as they all walked back to their pavilion residence after the end of the banquet 


「Yue chan?」

「Ah… yes… I'm fine…」Yue shook her head.「Sorry… I just don't feel so well.」The girl gave Maia a faint smile. 

「You should rest as soon as we get back. Did you drink too much alcohol back then?」

「No, I barely touched it. I cannot handle alcohol well, Maia chan… I…」Yue admitted, her balance faltering as she leaned on her fellow harem sister.

「Yue chan, you're burning hot!」The girl concernedly noted.

「We're back.」Kuron pushed the gate open as Maia helped Yue walk inside the building. 

「Welcome back.」Kibadios was already there, waiting for the group in the dark, candleless room.「What's wrong? 」

「I don't know, Master, but I think Yue caught a cold.」explained Maia as she helped Yue to a seat.

「Yue chan's sick? Were you already feeling unwell? You shouldn't have overexerted yourself.」The hybrid rushed to her side.

「...Master…」Yue's voice was weak, and a solitary tear escaped her feverish gaze. She knew it wasn't a mere cold afflicting her but rather the turmoil within her troubled mind. She knew time was running out for her to make her impossible choice.

Babo12345 Babo12345

I should write faster lol... but I've been soooooo tireeeeddd lately... ~4 hours commute! >.>

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