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Chương 158: Chapter-157 "Crystal Eyes" and "My demons" pt-10 (Side-Chapter-10)

"No!!!...." (Dragon)

"A new era is about to begin!" (Erik)


Few hours after rescuing Mikihiko...

Finally, Erik defeated the ancient spirit using his [Hollow-Magic]; he even successfully converted the latter into [Time] to compensate for the lost [Time].

The struggle was real!

He could have died a few times during his battle with the spirit but thanks to his [Clairvoyance], he persisted and won!

Mikihiko finally broke out of his constraints and swam to the surface with Mizuki's help, who had jumped in the formerly dark water to help her friend.

After making sure that both of them were fine...they tried to search for their Senior but to no avail.

The sudden collapse of Mikihiko's mindscape left them with no other choice but to escape from this place.

They needed to escape the "Collapsing World" before it could fall apart and bury them underneath the debris known as Mikihiko's fragmented memories.

To avoid this catastrophe...

Mikihiko used his ancient magic to transport his soul and Mizuki's soul out of his mindscape into their physical bodies.

The process didn't take much time and very quickly, they were back in the physical world.

Both of them simultaneously opened their eyes and looked around...only to find their Senior standing in front of them.

Erik looked tired and weary yet standing nevertheless.

The battle had taken a lot out of him and he needed to rest and recover.

Overcome with emotions, Mikihiko moved forward to thank him.

"Senior Erik...thank you!" (Mikihiko)

"Thank you so much!" (Mikihiko)

"Thank you for everything!" (Mikihiko)

He dropped on his knees and deeply bowed towards the man who saved him from his demons and helped restore his strength.

Years of pent-up emotions were finally being released in the form of tears; running down his face.

"You don't have to bow, Mikihiko! Stand up!" (Erik)

Erik bent down and held Mikihiko's shoulders, he pulled the latter upwards...forcing him to stand on his feet.

"You shouldn't bow to me...especially since you belong to the [Ancient Magic Clan]." (Erik)

"It is a sign of great respect!" (Erik)

"A man should only bow in front of his parents, teachers, and God." (Erik)

Erik was aware of the traditions in the [Ancient Magic Clans] and bowing to an outsider was a big deal!

It wasn't something that should be committed lightly.

But what Erik couldn't have known was the fact that Mikihiko already admired him as a very important person in his life.

It was not only him but even Mizuki...who considered Erik to be her elder brother.

He had helped the two of them to use them in the upcoming battle against the parasites...but it seemed that he rather ended up developing a much deeper bond with them.

"Senior Erik...to me, you are just like my family." (Mikihiko)

"You have been a big brother who shields the younglings behind his back." (Mikihiko)

"Today, you and Mizuki-chan are the only reason why I am free." (Mikihiko)

"Yes, Senior Erik...you have helped us on every turn and for that, we would forever be in your debt." (Mizuki)

"Thank you...nii-san." (Mizuki)

It was clear that both his juniors admired him a lot and it was a good feeling...to be admired and loved by those around you.

Faced with their heartfelt feelings, Erik genuinely smiled for the first time after quite some time.

"Alright, Mikihiko take some rest and go prepare for your match, the [Monolith Code]." (Erik)

"Remember to seal your power so that you can better control your newfound power." (Erik)

"Yes, Senior Erik." (Mikihiko)

"Mizuki...you also take some rest and recover." (Mizuki)

"The fight against the spirit has taken a toll on me...I need to rest." (Erik)

"Sure...we will not disturb you." (Mizuki)

He urged them to leave so that every one of them could rest and recover.

Saying so, both Mikihiko and Mizuki bowed once again before leaving the room.


The door was opened for them to leave.



Erik closed the door after bidding goodbye to his juniors and made his way towards the dressing table.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself while picking a glass half-filled with alcohol.

"It is time to change a few things..." (Erik)

He emptied the glass in a sip and moved towards his hair.

He gently held the long, white hair, dangling from his back... in his left palm as he undid the cloth that bound the hair together.

A dagger or rather a [Sword-Breaker] slid out from his right-hand sleeve.

The blade was exceedingly sharp and menacing but that didn't matter to Erik...not one bit!

He grabbed a bunch of hair within his hand before placing the blade above his head; very close to his other hand.

"No more holding back..." (Erik)


He cut his long hair in a single slitting motion as he gazed at his new look.

One would find it rather hard to believe that cutting one's hair could bring about such a change in the looks of the person.

Nevertheless, Erik was satisfied with his new appearance.

If you considered him to be an 8/10 before... then now he was surely a 9/10.

There was no particular reason behind his actions yet he felt like it was the right choice...the right thing to do.

Erik once again picked up the empty glass and filled it with some little more alcohol.

He made his way towards the bed and sat down.


Erik downed the entire glass of the alcohol without any hesitation and leaned back on the bed frame.

"The 3rd match of the [Monolith Code] will be held tomorrow."

"Mikihiko, Leo, and Tatsuya will face off against many teams and may even come across Minoru's team." (Erik)

"While they may win against Ichijou..." (Erik)

"Even with the power-up from the spirit, it wouldn't be enough to fight against Minoru; especially since everyone is limited to a certain level of power." (Erik)

"[First-High] will lose and we will be behind by one point." (Erik)

"Looks like I would need to participate in the [Special Event] after all." (Erik)


(A/N:-I will be taking a break, one of my close friends was diagnosed with Covid and things are not looking good.)


(A/N:-The server °•The Coffee Shop•° was created with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server.

The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server that welcomes more authors to join.

Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN)"

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