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Chương 56: Clearing the Ice

Yang Tian entered the house and asked Xia Yuanba to run an errand for him. Mainly, it was to make him go to the market and buy some things for Yang Tian. He naturally gave some purple profound coins to Xia Yuanba for that…

The items Yang Tian had asked him to buy weren't all that rare or essential things, he could have easily bought them while he had gone to the Black Moon Merchant Guild, but he wanted to send him away. Another reason behind this was because he wanted to see if Xia Yuanba would be able to buy those items or would he return empty-handed… Or maybe someone would be able to steal his Purple Profound Coins or not. Strictly speaking, it could be considered that Yang Tian was testing Xia Yuanba.

After Xia Yuanba left the house, Yang Tian waited for some moments before calling out, "Are you sure someone of your status should be stalking an insignificant disciple like me?"

"Y-You can sense me?" Her disbelief was evident from her voice. She slowly appeared in front of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian ignored that question and spoke, "I have already told you, this Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal won't be able to solve the Ice Poison within your body. It's far more terrifying than what you expect."

"How did you know that I have the Poison of Origin?" This was a question she had asked him before. But Yang Tian had not replied at that time. This time again, she had asked him.

"I can be considered a doctor, I guess. By carefully observing you, and feeling your Profound Energy, it's easy for me to come to this conclusion." Yang Tian looked apathetic as he said that.

"A doctor? You said you saw through this poison merely by observing me for some time and sensing my Profound Energy?" The woman didn't show any reactions. And Yang Tian nodded at her questions.

He wondered why did she feel the need to repeat the words he had previously spoken.

"Then do you have the means to treat this poison?" She asked him, a ripple of anxiousness appeared on her face behind the veil.

Yang Tian kept on staring at her before he slowly nodded his head. Before the woman could speak though, Yang Tian added, "It depends on the condition though."

The woman's eyes contracted a little as she stared at Yang Tian, "What sort of conditions?"

"I can feel that you are at least at the Sky Profound Realm. You can be considered one of the strongest within this tiny Blue Wind Empire. I will be leaving for the Wasteland of Death after a month. You need to protect me in the Wasteland of Death for one whole month. After that month, you can return even if you have to leave me in the deepest part of the Wasteland of Death," Yang Tian spoke his condition very casually.

The woman had to think for some time before she nodded her head. That wasn't a bad deal for her.

"Very well, that condition is indeed acceptable." The woman said while staring at Yang Tian.

Yang Tian moved forward and noticed that Chu Yuechan visibly stifled. He knew that it was probably because she abhorred the contact with a man.

"I can see that you are very uncomfortable with the prospect of allowing me to touch you, but you should understand that if I don't touch you, I will not be able to dispel that Poison of Origin within your body. If you are opposed to this, then treat it as if it never occurred." His words were spoken with such a neutral tone that if Chu Yuechan gave a slight hesitance, he would immediately give up on treating the poison.

And indeed that was true. Yang Tian didn't care that much about Chu Yuechan's strength or having her take him to the Dragon God's Cave. If she wouldn't do that, Yang Tian would only need to try a little before he could find her replacement. It was just that he was using his knowledge to make use of her strength.

"…Alright. But you can only touch my hand." Chu Yuechan raised her arm and pointed it at Yang Tian's direction.

Yang Tian raised his right hand, and the tip of his index finger touched Chu Yuechan's palm.

The Sky Poison Pearl on his right hand flashed and instantly, the Ice Poison which had been troubling Chu Yuechan for so long was purged.

It was so quick that Chu Yuechan even wondered if that poison had been false or not.

"It's done. You should uphold your end of the deal." After having said that, Yang Tian turned around and started to walk towards his house.

Meanwhile, Chu Yuechan revolved her Profound Energy and was awe-struck when she found that not just the Ice Poison had been treated. The Ice Energy which had been within her meridians had been completely cleared as well. No… It wouldn't be appropriate to say cleared, but the fact that it had been thoroughly refined.

Typically speaking, just after starting to cultivate in the Frozen Cloud Arts, ice would appear in all parts of the body. It would make the body very cold and even be very painful for the person to continue cultivating it. However, once a few years had passed, and the boy had gotten used to the chilliness, it would assist their cultivation.

But it had a massive flaw. Firstly, the ice had already done the damage and shortened the vitality force of the person. The second was that, although the ice within the body helped the person cultivate faster, it would still be excruciating and the ice in their profound veins would prevent them from using their power more quickly.

With her condition right now, Chu Yuechan felt that her veins had been completely cleared of the ice energy and it won't restrict her at all. Moreover, the ice in her body had been removed so her life-force would no longer be affected for some time while cultivating the Frozen Cloud Arts. Specifically speaking, this alone had raised her combat power by 40% or so.

She was quite shocked because at her Cultivation Base, to be able to raise her power by another 40% was a lot. She was now sure that she could defeat any person under the Emperor Profound Realm.

Chu Yuechan stared at Yang Tian, who was returning to his house.


Yang Tian was confused upon hearing her voice. With Chu Yuechan's temperament, he believed that she would immediately go away. Why was she still present here? Was it something related to clearing the ice energy clogging different parts of her body?

That was merely something he did on a whim.

"Yes? Is there still something that you want?"

"You cleared away the ice energy from my body, right?"

Her question was relatively straightforward, and Yang Tian gave his nod.

"I am Chu Yuechan from the Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect. I want you to use that skill to clear the ice energy from the bodies of the other disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard Sect."

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