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Chương 22: My fault...

Bakugo POV

"No Genderbend! We need her!" A girl with two blonde buns said. She had vials of blood and a needle. Toga...

"Awww cmon plzzz???" Genderbend said.

"No." Dabi said.

Well at least they weren't gonna kill her but still...they needed her which wasn't good. I brought Deku behind me.

"Stay behind me Deku!" I yelled.

I looked over to other areas where my classmates were fighting other villains. They weren't paying attention to us. Okay looks like we are on our own.

"You are not going to lay a finger on her." I yelled making tiny little explosions. I started exploding my way through the villain trying to get a hit but she kept on dodging somehow.


She was going to kick me. But before she could she grunted and moved out of the way. I saw Deku behind her engulfed in green lightning her leg outstretched like she just kicked.

"KACHAAN!" She yelled.

"Are you okay?" She said coming next to me with tears in her eyes. It pained me to see her cry.

"Hey hey...it's okay...see I'm fine..." I said softly grinning at her. I kissed her forehead. But all of a sudden I saw a purple portal behind her. Shit....

It happened way too fast. Deku lost her footing and fell straight into the portal. I tried grabbing her but I couldn't reach.

"No no no no NO ...DEKUUUUUU!" I yelled trying to jump into the portal after her. Tears were streaming down my face as I fell to my knees trying to process what just happened. The villains retreated victory raining above them as my classmates stopped fighting looking at me cry.

"DEKUUUUUU!" I yelled sobbing. My world...the person that mattered the most to me...was gone...just like that....and I couldn't protect her....

Kirishima was the first to recover from shock. He ran to me and hugged me. I took it sobbing.  He kept on trying to comfort me but I can't calm down. Not while she's with them. I'm such a failure of a boyfriend. Only god knows what she's going through and....

It's all my fault.....


Be okay.....

Don't leave me....Izuku Midoriya.....

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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