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Chương 27: Villain....

Bakugo PoV

"We here." Ponytail said. We were currently standing in front of a run down building covered in moss and cobwebs. But I could care less what it looks like....Deku is here and I'm going to save her.

"Oh guys let's go here." Icyhot said, pointing towards a narrow path. We followed him until we saw an opening in a wall.

"Here. We can see if anyone's in there."  I said with a gruff voice.

I got up onto Shitty hairs shoulders while Icyhot got onto Pikachus shoulders. Momo stayed down there just in case someone comes. I squinted my eyes and tried to look inside. Then I heard voices from inside. We strained our ears to try to hear what's going on.

"Are you ready to go destroy those UA brats, Deku?" My stomach dropped and my eyes widened. No way he can't be talking about her. No, there is no way. Deku would nev-

"Of course Shigaraki. I can't wait to destroy those bastards...especially my pathetic boyfriend." A familiar voice said. I'd recognize that voice any where. My knees buckled.

"Whoa!" Kirishima said catching me. Tears started streaming down my checks as I fell to my knees. "What's wrong Bakugo, Todoroki? What the hell did you hear?"

Todoroki also came down tears in his eyes. Neither of us can speak.

"What?! What's wrong?! Is something wrong with Deku?!" Kaminari said, frantically. We couldn't form words. I couldn't stop crying. It couldn't have been her. There is no way...but I heard her. I know that voice. I took a deep breath as I looked up to all of them.

"Deku she-" my voice cracked.

"She.....shes.....a villain."

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