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Chương 4: IQ - Questionable

Clara's word startled Layla. In just a few breaths, she drew a clear line separating them.

Eve's mouth curved into a smile. Studying Eve, the Manager escorted Layla out and gave the instructions that she was not allowed into the private area anymore.

Layla was still confused and lost, her vision blurred. Her phone vibrated, and the name which calmed her mind appeared.


All her piled up emotions started flowing as her finger swipe to answer.

- - - - - - - - - -

**Inside the Private Room**

Two young ladies were sitting facing each other.

Eve took a book from her purse and started writing her assessment while Clara's vision danced between Eve and her book.

'IQ - Good'

'Emotional Intelligence - needs improvement.'

Clara became anxious as she read further. Unable to restrain her curiosity, Clara asked, "Thank you for helping me out today."

"hmm." Eve only hummed and continued writing.

"By the way, what is your name?" Clara looked straight towards Eve.

"Eve. I told you that already."

Eve looked up from her book and gave a half shrug. It was an expression Clara never encountered before. Eve made a correction in her notes.

'IQ - Questionable'

Clara's eyes widen. She shouldn't have asked anything. Even after a few moments, Eve's evaluation did not end.

"Are you a journalist?"

Eve raised a bow giving a questionable look to Clara.

"Sorry." Clara chose to keep her mouth shut. She took her lemonade and started drinking it, keeping her head lower.

Eve re-evaluated some points again.

'IQ - extremely poor, need urgent work.'

'Hair - needs change.'

'EQ - need fixing.'

'Poor listening skills.'

'Friends need to be evaluated.'

'Can read the surroundings and modify' were a few.

At least, the last one was in Clara's favor.

Once done with her work, Eve took her lemonade and enjoyed it. Clara's phone was vibrating continuously, and she was sure only one person would be calling her now.

"Text him your address and call him to pick you up." Clara followed the instructions as it was a must-do step anyway. Otherwise, that person would torture everyone. Once done, Clara decided to focus her attention on the unknown girl.

"Why did you help me?"

"Because your image affects me." Clara was confused with the reply.


"You will know soon," Eve crossed her legs over and relaxed " Give me a smile Miss Sheldon, we are being photographed."

Clara was unclear, but Eve's gaze was fixed at the glass behind her. Understanding that the glass gives a good view of the window facing her. There was a flash at a distance.

"What are we trying to portray?" used to the tactics, Clara relaxed and smiled. It was like she was enjoying herself with her girlfriend.

"That we are long-lost BFF who has finally met again." Eve's eyes twinkled as she took a sip from her glass, "And that you cried because you were too happy to meet me and not because your spirit was destroyed by your lifelong best friend."

"And how do those interests you?"

"Patience, my friend. I told you before, you will know that soon," Why is this girl so forgetful was the only thought on Eve's mind, "Anyway, the problem is not your heartbreak but the person who broke it,"

Clara's eyes widen. It is true. Even though her family owns the largest Entertainment company in the country, being rejected would affect the company's stock.

The impact will magnify if the one rejecting was Kyle Black, who she has been friends with since childhood, a family who dominates the Healthcare Industry.

"You seem to know us very well."

"Is there anyone who does not know you guys and the complicated friendship you share? after all your families share the top position in the country."

IrisSky IrisSky

Hi.. dear readers.....this is the 4th chapter and I personally enjoyed writting it. Let me know, was it enjoyable? Comment and keep voting!!!!

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