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Chương 42: Announcement!

Guys, it's been a while! How is everyone?

Over the next few weeks, I will be leaving America for work reasons which has caused my schedule to free up a lot! Therefore there will be new chapters coming out soon. I have also read many of your comments and taken many things you have said into consideration. As the Thousand Year Blood war anime has officially started there have already been things that I feel will go great in this story. Therefore more revision needs to happen and far more detail needs to be implemented which means another rewrite as well! Now there are many of you that are like, "What again?" However this time things won't be the same, I plan on expanding the time that Laylini is a lower-ranking hollow to implement more back story and show her character development so she isn't seen as your typical mary sue. I also need to outline and redefine the relationships between the Arrancars more clearly so it isn't just a list of bullet points and short chapters. So while this won't happen overnight as I have more time after work to sit and write, I will release everything in one go once it is all completed, which should take about a month.

The goal of this story is to improve my writing skills, and storytelling and just release a lot of these glorious fantasies I have in my head. Taking a completely different approach than what is considered the "Norm" in Fanfics and writing as a whole. As always your opinions are valued however they will never stray me from my original intent. As you know fan opinions can be great but they can also derail a story when implemented too often. See you guys soon!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C42
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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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