Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 14: Chapter 14: Unveiling the Team

They discussed strategies, reviewed their magical abilities, and trained together, all while keeping an eye on William's progress.

Over the next few days, Sarah and Anna discreetly observed William, curious to witness his martial arts prowess firsthand. They were impressed by his discipline, agility, and effortless execution of his techniques.

As they watched him spar with other students, it became clear that William's martial arts skills could indeed complement their magical abilities. His precise movements and ability to read his opponents' actions would provide valuable insight and support in combat scenarios.

It had been a week since the graduation test announcement, and I dedicated myself to training whenever I returned home. With my parents absent, I opted to stay with my master, seeking guidance and assistance in my training.

After a week of rigorous practice, I finally completed the first cycle of the 36 Warrior Fighting Technique. However, progressing to the second cycle proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated. Nonetheless, at this pace, there was hope that I could reach the third cycle by the time the graduation test arrived.

According to the teachings, one needed to master at least nine cycles of the 36 Warrior Fighting Technique to advance to the third chapter of the Supreme Warrior Scripture. It was a long and arduous path, but I remained confident in my ability to achieve it.

Today, I had made a promise to Sarah to meet the other members of her graduation test team. Despite a week passing since I agreed to join her team, no further details had been shared. Sarah mentioned that she wanted to wait until everyone was present before introducing me, as one of the team members was currently away due to personal reasons.

As evening approached, I made my way to the designated meeting place—a gymnasium near our school. The gym was a popular spot for students to train their combat abilities, and it was usually bustling with activity. However, today the entire gym was closed off, reserved for our team for the day. The fact that someone had rented the entire building piqued my curiosity.

"Her family must be quite wealthy," I mused to myself as I stepped into the building.

"William, over here!" I heard Sarah's voice calling out to me as I entered the gym. I spotted her waving, accompanied by two other individuals by her side. Excitement and curiosity welled up within me as I approached the group.

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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    Stone -- Power Stone
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