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Chương 10: Chapter 10

Currently, Yan was walking through the Scarlet dragon mountain ranger, towards the south of the Cyan forest town. On his face was a serene expression as he looked around beautiful and deadly nature surrounding him.

The trees were more than 100 meters tall, and felt like colossuses, while their canopy prevented any direct sunlight from hitting the ground. There were some animal trails here and there which were, compared to the tree's size, not very wide. It was because the scarlet dragon, the overlord of scarlet dragon mountain range, was an anomaly, while the rest of the animals here were mainly in true and nascent profound realm.

As Yan was walking, he thought back to the quest he had received, and also what he would get from accepting, rejecting and completing it.


As Yan was walking inside the cave, he noticed that the temperature generated by his attack hadn't completely cooled down, and the cave was still quite hot for a normal human and to some extent, for cultivators as well.

After walking for a while, he came upon a field of herbs, whose name he quite frankly didn't know, but he knew that they were some fire type herbs from his memories of the novel. Pulling out one such herb, he ate it, leaves and all, and was surprised to find that they tasted quite well, as if he was eating chips. Better yet, he could feel getting some magic, chakra, spiritual energy and profound strength from them. He hadn't bought or developed haki but he had a feeling that he would get haki as well.

Quickly, he plucked out all of them, and stored them in the inventory, after which he continued walking ahead.

In the dark depths of the cave, he immediately noticed the contrasting red light and its source.

A marble sized red ball was emanating extremely pure heat energy and light to its surroundings. Even without his knowledge of the novel, he would know that it was definitely something important, which it was as it was the evil god's fire seed.

Yan had just picked it up when he felt a tremendous pressure descend upon him and lock him in place. This pressure was specifically targeting him, and anything other than him didn't experience even a slight change from the presence of this pressure.

He didn't even have the chance to resist as the pressure came nearly soundlessly and rendered him immobile, leaving him stunned as when he saw other protagonists of fan fics do this, nothing happened to them.

Before his mind could process further, he felt the pressure release itself, and he suddenly felt the stagnant air of the cave move.

For a moment he felt as if the sunlight outside had pierced the cave, lighting it up and the air swirled around him, as if the world was an anime and it was congratulating the main character about the beginning of a great change.

Yan found his own thoughts like a chunni, but before he could even think further, a system screen opened in front of him, describing a quest.

[Quest (Chain, Sponsored) – Help the heaven's son Xiao Che

This quest has multiple objectives

1.Treat Xiao Che's profound veins and allow him to open all of his profound entrances.

2.Teach Xiao Che 'strength of hundred seals'

3.Train Xiao Che using Isolation Training chamber till the appointed time (6 months)

4.Train Xiao Che in real life in physical strength till the appointed time (6 months)

5.Improve Xiao Che's profound veins and bloodline.

Rewards for accepting the quest – Xiao Che's location and his medical condition, Strength of hundred seals technique, Isolation training chamber summons feature, Bloodline purification technique, Profound veins strengthening technique

Penalty for rejecting the quest – The world will turn against you

Rewards for completing the quest - ???, more chances to receive quests from Meng Xi, the ancestral goddess, which cannot be rejected.]

Seeing this Yan had been somewhat stunned, but after having experienced sudden quests from both Acnologia and system a few times, he had somewhat gotten used to it.

Immediately after, he started thinking what he should do, and in the end decided to accept the request, as he hadn't given much thought about harming Yun Che as he did not have anything worthwhile on him that he couldn't get from the system, and certainly not before he transmigrated from Azure cloud continent.

"System buy me Transformation technique, Flying Raijin technique, along with some kunais like the ones minato had where I can place my seal, along with all the knowledge of fuinjutsu from Naruto universe. Also, tell me if I can buy sosuke aizen's zanpakuto?"

[Transformation Technique (5,000) - Transformation Technique allows its user to transform into someone or something else. With sufficient mastery, the user can even transform into things much smaller or larger than them and also change his body's properties to be the same as target's.

Flying Raijin Technique (50,000) – Flying Raijin technique allows the user to teleport to any location marked with a special formula seal of the user. The number of seals that can be left behind by the user at a time depends upon the user itself.

Kunai (100) – A throwable and short range, close combat weapon used by shinobis of Naruto universe. These particular kunais are three pointed ones shaped similar to tridents and were made famous by Minato namikaze.

Fuinjutsu (100,000) – Fuinjustu is a special art of imbuing your intent into patterns and words that allow user to perform many mystical things. Seemingly able to do almost anything, the limits of fuinjutsu hadn't been tested yet.

Kyoka Suigetsu (200,000) – Kyoka suigetsu is the zanpakuto of sosuke aizen which is known for its overwhelmingly powerful ability to hypnotize anyone, no matter how strong, the moment one lays eyes on its blade. The bankai of Kyouka suigetsu has not been achieved yet.

*Host has already awakened his zanpakuto, hence, when host utilizes the power of Kyoka suigetsu, he will not be able to use either his fullbringer or zanpakuto powers.

*Host can only utilize the abilities of Kyouka suigetsu upto its shikai, and will have to achieve bankai separately using proper method.]

After buying everything, he created his own flying raijin mark using the knowledge of both the technique and fuinjustu, which was similar to minato's and left after marking the inside of the cave.

On his way, he marked the hundred kunais he had bought from the system with his teleportation mark before storing them within his system���s inventory.

~Flashback End~

Yan had been walking for a long while, and he soon reached the bottom of the mountains. By now he was quite bored with walking so slowly through the animal trails and thus decided to move quickly through flying, or maybe by trying his flying raijin technique, but before he could, the smell of blood hit his nose, and he immediately stopped.

This blood was different from the only other blood he had smelled, of the dragon's, but he was sure that it wasn't the blood of a beast but of a human, probably from Acnologia's memories. He quickly used true profound arts to scan the area.

Some distance away from him, he felt quite a few energy signatures gathered together, most of which were in nascent profound realm while there were some tens in true profound realm and one was in spirit profound realm and one without any cultivation.

He quickly dashed it the direction of the energy signatures, like a person who likes to watch drama, and he felt that he will get to watch one.

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