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Chương 11: Profound Opening Powder

"Yes, my father is already aware of this fact. I appreciate you not screaming it all around."

"I see, if that's so, everything is alright. Is there anything else, miss Xia?" Meng said with a relieved smile before he asked her.

"...Are you perhaps trying to get rid of me? I guess you want to sleep..." She asked with a calm tone.

"Eh?! O-Of course not! It's just...shouldn't miss Xia spend her time with her new husband instead of a lowly servant?" Meng asked with a self-ridiculing smile.

"...I really can't see through you or your intentions. You say that you are just a lowly servant but your eyes hold so much confidence within them. If you are just a lowly servant then what is my husband when your strength is comparable with each other, no, you are much stronger due to your experience in living a dangerous life. Forget it...I will take my leave now, I wish you good night." She said with a short sigh before gracefully leaving the vicinity, however not before Meng wished her good night too.

'Of course, you can't see completely through me. If you could, all those espionage trainings I have done would be in vain. As if I would let a little girl see through me, no matter how mature or wise she can be, she misses experience.' Meng thought while sitting down and leaning against the tree once again before throwing a cold glance towards the spot he last saw Xia Qingyue.

'I will remain here for at most 30 days before trying to convince the old man Xia to help me leave, maybe help me join some minor sect in a bigger city than this one, or at least arrange some meeting since I doubt he would agree with that due to me being a cripple. No one would think of accepting me even as an outer disciple' Meng closed his eyes and went back to sleep.


When Xia Qingyue returned to Xiao Che's room, a ghastly figure once again appeared before taking the form of a woman.

"I haven't been able to see anything abnormal, master" Xia Qingyue said with a regret in her voice.

"You said that he just turned 16 not long ago...however to me, he seems like a cunning old man. The way he can keep composure, it's not something 16 years old boy in such a remote region can do...What I personally think is that he is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a polite fellow and his presence is calming and as long as one around him is peaceful, he will remain this way, however, I would like to see what would have happened if otherwise." Her master replied.

"But haven't I already released my killing intent and attacked him? He did nothing in response." Xia Qingyue asked with a confused tone.

"True...I said that's how I feel about him when I look at his polite smile and mannerism. However, it could also be possible that he was aware that your killing intent was a fake one. Releasing one's killing intent to scare someone and releasing your killing intent unintentionally and trying to truly kill someone has a vast difference between each other, if he is familiar with it, he could have sensed it." Her master explained.

'However, why would he act that way without even a bit of response...Was I perhaps mistaken about him-?! He couldn't have been aware of my presence, could he? Well, his profound strength is too low and he can't get any stronger unless he repairs his profound vein, no need to trouble myself with him so much.' Xia Qingyue's master thought before dropping the matter.


The next morning when Meng woke up, he immediately approached Xiao Che's courtyard and went to inform Xia Qingyue that he will be returning to her father to receive further instructions since he was practically clueless about his duty here.

"What a polite and friendly fellow, haha! I like him, you know how to make good friends, Che'er" Xiao Lie who was the fifth elder released a hearty laugh when Meng left.

"Ha-ha, yeah..." Xiao Che released an awkward laugh while he was scratching the back of his head.

While Meng was leaving the Xiao clan's grounds, he saw a lot of people with excited faces running around and some of them were even mentioning Xiao Sect.

'That Xiao Sect, one of the four major sects? Looks like something interesting is about to happen, maybe I should delay my request for leave.' Meng also thought about that feeling when Xia Qingyue's cold energy entered his body. If his profound vein wasn't damaged, he would perhaps try to cultivate the way of Frozen Cloud Arts just out of curiosity but if people knew about this, they would treat him as a madman, trying to cultivate in arts just from the one-time feeling alone.

When he arrived at Xia Clan's manor. As Meng expected, Xia Hongyi offered him to stay there.

Meng explained to him that he wishes to travel to another city and he would appreciate if he could cancel the contract that is between him and Meng's parents since it is unknown if they are even alive. Xia Hongyi had no problem with nullifying the contract but he was trying to convince Meng to stay and promised that he would live a comfortable life.

'What is he thinking? Is he really that kind? Maybe his relationship between my parents and him truly wasn't ordinary, or maybe there is something hidden inside that contract between them. It wouldn't be surprising if my parents made some future plans in case anything happened since our job was quite dangerous.' Meng thought and even though he appreciated the offer, he had to reject it, all he could do was to agree to stay for a few days, after that, he would leave no matter what since there was nothing else tying him down to this place.

Xia Hongyi told him to give him a few days until he can contact someone from New Moon City which is at least 10 times larger than Floating Cloud City. He told him that if he truly wants to start somewhere else, he should go there but he still warned him like hundred times of the dangers. Meng happily agreed.

Meng was given his own room for now where he spent his entire day by practicing Cloud Steps and cultivating his Physique. He was aware that cultivating his Physique this way was very slow and the best option would be battling strong opponents but he would worry about that once he leaves this city.

A few days passed by and Meng's proficiency in using Cloud Steps has risen by a lot, he was now completely confident in using it quite efficiently during the combat.

As he was about to go down to greet Xia Hongyi and ask him about the matter they discussed previously, he noticed his reflection in the mirror.

'...' He decided to quickly cut his bangs short and the same for the top and sides of his head and instead of a high ponytail at the back, he pulled his hair back into a low and long ponytail reaching up to his middle back. Right now, Meng had middle-length hair and a low long ponytail at the back with his bangs reaching slightly under his eyes but he made sure that they weren't obstructing his vision and divided them into 3 parts. He collected the cut hair on the floor and let Vista destroy it before going out of his room.

Xia Hongyi was slightly surprised by this change but he treated it as Meng starting a new. He explained to Meng that he was able to get into contact with someone from a branch of Black Moon Merchant Guild and they should be able to give him directions once he arrives there.

"Thank you for all your care until now, I won't forget what you have done for me, lord Xia." Meng lightly bowed in gratitude.

"It's alright, I am just sorry for what happened to your parents...Can you tell Yuanba and Qingyue farewell before leaving?" He asked with a regret visible in his eyes.

"Of course!" Meng said his farewell to him and to Yuanba who was also quite sad that he leaves so early after he just started living there. Since Meng promised to old man Xia, he took a trip to Xiao Clan's grounds where Xia Qingyue was residing now.

However, when he arrived, there were numerous people assembled in one place with all elders in front of them together with 4 other people that were wearing extravagant clothes. Meng immediately knew who they were and he couldn't believe that he arrived at such an interesting moment.

Right at this moment, there was some commotion about some Profound Opening Powder being stolen from the infirmary.

'Profound Opening Powder? If I remember from that book correctly, it should be able to heal damaged Profound Veins. Interesting...maybe I will truly test my strength here today in the end.' Meng smiled and leaned against the wall, far enough away from everyone.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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