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Chương 21: One's own technique

When they showed Meng where he will be staying, almost all new disciples piss themselves when they saw him. They had no idea how to behave around him without knowing his personality and they also couldn't understand why would he be living there with them when he could clearly get his own courtyard.

After taking a look at his new room, Meng quickly went out to the new disciples' training grounds. He took out the spear that was granted to him and took a time inspecting it in more detail. The shape of this spear reminded him of Guandao. The weapon itself weighted quite a lot, around 100 kilos so he speculated if the clan master saw through his abnormal physique and strength and specifically granted him this weapon. The weapon itself looked like it has never been used before which is only normal since people using the spear usually pursue the speed which is usually impossible with a 100 kilos weighting spear.

[Elementary Spearmanship (Lv. 0)+]

He immediately started lightly practice with it just to get accustomed to it.

After a while of swinging the spear around, Meng stopped.

[Elementary Spearmanship (Lv. 1)+]

'Vista, why does it seem like I leveled up that skill too quickly?'

[There exist places that can boost the host's speed in training. In Iron Spear Clan's case, training on their grounds will grant the host 15% bonus speed to the training Spearmanship.]

'So that's the case anyway, it's time to increase my cultivation but first, time for a little experiment.' Meng thought with a faint smile and went to the courtyard where Lin, Ren, and Wan were residing. On the way, numerous disciples bowed to him if they were passing by him which made him feel kinda weird considering that he wanted to be treated like a normal new disciple. He couldn't do anything about it so he just nodded his head with a polite smile every time anyone bowed to him but that was probably his mistake as female disciples who saw this now had a new big target to pursue other than young master Tie.

When he arrived at his destination, he asked around for Wan's location.



"Juni- *ehm* brother Meng~! How are you doing? After all, this is your first day, I hope you don't feel too lost." Wan Xiu quickly asked Meng when she noticed his presence.

"I am doing alright, thank you for asking, sister Wan. I have a small request, could you show me some moves with your spear?" Meng replied with a nod.

"Eh? Me? I think brother Meng should go to the elder with this. I don't want to show my mediocre Spearmanship..." Wan said with a slightly sad expression.

'What am I saying?! I can use this to spend some time together with the brother Meng and get to know him better! Ah, I am so stupid.' Wan thought, immediately regretting her previous words.

"It's alright, please show me just a few moves..." Meng insisted and Wan quickly accepted, not letting this chance slip by once again.

[Elementary Spearmanship (Lv. 2)+]

After they were done training, Meng asked her if she would be willing to accompany him for the rest of the day and perhaps even part of the night. Hearing his question, Wan's face became beet red but she still nodded her head.

For an hour they were just walking around the clan's grounds so Meng could familiarize himself with it before they sat down under the tree at the most remote place.

'W-What should I ask him? What does he like or maybe-... Is he...meditating?' Wan Xiu thought while nervously fidgeting before she looked at Meng sitting next to her just to sense that he is cultivating which caused a blank expression to appear on her face.

After an hour of sitting together, Wan Xiu felt a little disturbance near her.

'?! He broke through?!' She thought with a surprised expression before Meng finally opened his eyes.

"Sister Wan, would you mind accompanying me for a bit longer? I feel like it's much easier to cultivate near you, sister Wan is keeping my mind clear and peaceful." Meng asked with a happy smile which could be perceived as charming from Xiu's view.

"...Oh! Well, how can I refuse after hearing your words, hehe" She blushed a bit and agreed to his request.

In the middle of the night, when Meng broke through the 3rd stage to the 4th stage of the Elementary Realm, he felt someone's head gently fall down on his shoulder.

"..." When he looked to his right, he saw Wan Xiu who has already fallen asleep in a sitting position.

'She actually remained here by my side the entire time without a leaving...Let's get her to the bed' Meng petted her head a few times without waking her up and then picked her up in a princess-carry position, carrying her to his room since he had no idea where is her room.

When he arrived at his room, he settled her in his bed and then went to sit down on the ground next to the bed, leaning against the wall.

"Mm" Wan released a low innocent moan.

"...Heh" Meng looked at her peaceful expression and couldn't help but release a satisfied smile before closing his eyes.

The next morning...

"Huh? Eh?!" When Wan woke up, she noticed that she was sleeping in the bed but she knew that it wasn't her bed which made her slightly panic.

'What did I do yesterday?! The last thing I can remember is being with brother Meng...Don't tell me it's his room?! What exactly had happened?!!' Her mind was in disarray and when she noticed Meng sleeping in a sitting position, leaning against the wall, she couldn't help but freeze.

"Hm? Sister Wan is finally awake, huh? Sister Wan fell asleep in the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake you up and I obviously had no idea where is your room so I simply brought sister Wan to my room. Rest assured, I swear to heavens that I haven't touched sister Wan aside from carrying her here and settling her on the bed." Meng slightly moved his head towards her and explained while pointing with his index and middle finger up.

"Aah! Brother Meng...if you were awake, you should have told me! It's hard to tell if you are asleep or not with that mask on!" Wan was slightly startled by this.

After his quick explanation, Wan Xiu sighed in relief before she started giggling as if she became mad.



During his morning training with the spear, it was widely spread that his first day and night spent in Iron Spear Clan, he directly broke through 2 stages which shocked everyone. So much that it made clan master pay him a visit during the afternoon to check on him with his own eyes.

"Clan master, I hope that I can leave the clan's grounds as I please because I would occasionally like to go out and hunt some profound beasts." Meng asked.

"Of course, on the contrary, we are promoting disciples' freedom of movement and not to mention eagerness to get stronger. There isn't anyone here who would try to stop you from going out to test your strength on profound beasts! However, usually, our disciples are recommended to form at least a team of 3 people before going out of the city but it's not a requirement and I definitely won't force you to travel with anyone, not even the elder." The clan master understood Meng's worries and assured him.

"I thank clan master for this freedom, I promise not to bring a bad reputation to Iron Spear Clan's name, neither will I unnecessarily risk my life." Meng bowed to him and after that, the clan master left with a smile on his face.

A few days later...

Meng could be seen on the training grounds early in the morning, none of the few new disciples that woke up earlier to practice understood his movements. Instead of attacking with his spear, it looked to them more like he is performing some kind of dance.


[Name: Su Meng]

[Cultivation: 6th stage of Elementary Profound Realm (Density of Profound Energy comparable to the 9th stage, Yin-Yang energy)]

[Physique: Hell Suppressing Physique (Initial stage)]

[Passive Skills: |Intermediate Harvesting (Lv. 2)+|, |Intermediate boxing (Lv. 2), |Elementary Swordsmanship (Lv. 9)+|, |Intermediate Nimbleness (Lv. 4)+|, |Elementary Detection (Lv. 9)+|, |Intermediate Tracking (Lv. 1)+|, |Intermediate Concealment (Lv. 1)+|, |Elementary Alchemy (Lv. 9)+, |Elementary Crafting Lv. 4|+, |Intermediate Spearmanship (Lv. 1)+ ]

[Personal Skills: Cloud Steps(Lv. 5), River Crossing Slash(Lv. 2), One with the Shadows (Lv. 1)]

[Skill points: 127]


During those few days, he immediately took a liking to the way of spear and most importantly to the spear he has gotten from the clan master. One might even say that he got a little obsessed with it as he spent numerous hours killing all kinds of beasts only with his spear and then he spent all points to level up his Spearmanship. With every higher level, he felt as if the connection to his own weapon was growing stronger.

Meng was currently trying to create his own unique move set of attacks which would later become one profound technique. He got that idea when he has reached Intermediate Spearmanship (Lv. 1).

Although he had yet to perfect it, he already named it himself: | 7 Moves of Ferocious Sun |

The idea was to create a move set containing 7 different moves while each move would be stronger than the previous one, with the last 7th move being the reason for its name. The 7th move was meant to be in total another realm in terms of power compared to the other 6 moves. When one would perform the 7th move, an "illusionary" image of the burning sun would appear behind one's back, giving the last move strength of the sun made of pure Yang energy itself.

Of course, Meng's cultivation was still too weak, not to mention the 7th move, he still couldn't even perform the 3rd move.

Other than his Spearmanship, he also gained a new technique called One with the Shadows (Lv. 1) which when trained to perfection will allow him to completely erase any traces of his existence and become part of the shadows. His soul, profound energy, and aura will become undetectable.

darvom darvom

Added levels to techniques so you can see how much mc mastered his techniques. Max. level for profound techniques is 10.

Also, if you can think of a better name than |7 Moves of Ferocious Sun|, please suggest since I am really bad at naming.

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