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Kaiser Masters: The Mage in a Mage Hunter Family Kaiser Masters: The Mage in a Mage Hunter Family original

Kaiser Masters: The Mage in a Mage Hunter Family

Tác giả: Deathseeker

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

Kaiser 'Kai' Masters is a 6-year-old boy with short blond hair and blue eyes. He lives with his parents that are fighting quite often lately in an apartment. He fell in love with magic when he was three and his mother showed him a magic show on TV.

From there on he always tries to impress everyone by performing his Tricks earning him the nickname the Mage Boy or Freak since he was doing what he loved while others were still searching their path.

"Is everything alright, boy?" asks a man with white hair as he saw Kai who seemed sad.

"No one likes to play with me," says Kai sad as he was playing with a coin.

"You are good with those fingers. It seems you are more dedicated to your dream than most others I know of," says the man as Kai seemed happy that someone recognized his hard work.

"Do you want me to show you a magic trick?" asks Kai as the man nods.

"Just follow the coin," says Kai as he made the coin disappear when the man suddenly pulled the coin behind Kai's right ear surprising Kai when he suddenly looked for his coin finding it missing.

"You are good, even better than my children. Do you want to learn real magic and alchemy?" asks the man with excitement in his voice.

"Real Magic?" asks Kai as the man suddenly summoned a ball of fire in his hand.

"Real Magic, I will teach you in it. What do you say?" asks the man as he gave the coin back to Kai while saying, "You don't have to answer me now. How about you think about it and we meet here in a week?"

"See you in a week then," says Kai excited as the man smiled when he vanished in front of Kai's eyes making him feel even more excited.

But his excitement was crushed when he returned home to find his mother with three suitcases outside while shouting at his father.

"Kai, we are leaving. I won't leave you here with that cheating son of a bitch," says Rebecca angry.

Rebecca Masters is Kai's Mother, she has long blond hair with blue eyes. She is from a good family but ran away with Kai's father when she was younger. But since Kai was born both seemed not to meet the eyes of each other as Rebecca wanted the best for her son.

She packed her things and Kai's before leaving the house as she was waiting for Kai to arrive so they could leave.

"But Mom, what about my friends?" asks Kai as Rebecca looked at him.

"Don't worry," says Rebecca as she petted her son's head feeling sorry for her son but they needed to leave while saying, "You will find new friends maybe they will be nicer to you."

Then a Bentley rolled towards them as it stopped in front of them when the window rolled down and a young man was sitting behind the wheel saying, "I was surprised by your call, sister."

"Ben! Help me with the suitcases," says Rebecca as Ben opens the door and looks at Kai.

"So you are Kai, my nephew. Nice to meet you, I'm Ben Masters. How about you sit down inside the car while I help your mother before she rips my head off," says Ben as Kai nods and sits down inside the car.

Ben helps Rebecca as she then sits down on the passenger seat while Ben sat down before starting the engine as they drove away making Kai look out of the window feeling that he lost his chance.

They drove for a while when they arrived at a mansion. Kai was still sad even after seeing the mansion making Ben feel sad as he asks, "What's wrong, kid?"

"Nothing," says Kai as he tried to hide his sadness.

"Kai, you will find new friends sooner or later trust me," says Rebecca as she tried to cheer her son up thinking he was sad that he left his friends behind.

"I heard you like magic, Kai," says Ben as Kai nods.

"I have a friend that is quite the mage. Maybe I should call him. He can show you some nice tricks," says Ben smiling while looking at the rear mirror seeing Kai's excited look when he mentioned magic.

"I meet someone that could be seen as a real mage. He stole my coin without me even knowing about it. Then he created a fireball in his h-," says Kai when Rebecca stopped him.

"Kai, are you alright? Maybe we should bring you to a Psychiatric. I know that it can be hard when a mother and father separate. The child is the one that suffers the most," says Rebecca since her mother also separated from her father.

"You are following in her footsteps, did you know that?" says Ben as Rebecca hit his shoulder before they arrived.

Once there Kai saw a silhouette of the man he met placing his finger over his lips telling Kai to be silent as he vanished again.

Kai seemed excited again making Rebecca and Ben think that it was because of the Masters' Mansion since the Masters' were one of the old families living in England before it became Britain.

"You know that mother will be angry right. You run away from the house seven years ago and now you return with a boy," says Ben as they entered the mansion.

"It's like I remember it, cold," says Rebecca as she hated the mansion but it would be the only way to raise Kai without trouble.

"My lost daughter finally returns," says a woman coldly as she walks down the stairs when she notices Kai and sees his blonde hair and blue eyes.

"It seems he inherited his look from us," says the woman as she comes out of the shadow and Kai could see her better.

She had blonde hair and blue eyes like Ben, Rebecca, and Kai as she says, "Come here, boy."

Kai was in his mother's embrace when the woman looked at Rebecca to let Kai go. Rebecca released Kai and Kai walked towards the woman.

"I'm Sarah Masters, your grandmother. You will be living here with your mother from now on but as a member of a noble household, you will need to learn etiquette for when you are around other nobles. For example, the Queen," says Sarah as she began to informing Kai about their family history.

Kai was exhausted after his grandmother showed him around the mansion finding out that this mansion stands since the first Masters' received it as a reward for participating in a war. The same goes for his noble title.

"Do we really have to live here?" asks Kai to Rebecca who nods warmly knowing the feeling of being trapped.

"We will leave as soon as possible. Once I have a new job and enough money to rent an apartment, my little Mage," says Rebecca as she kissed his forehead.

A week passed and Kai was in the middle of his etiquette class with his grandmother. He found out that she could be quite fair even if she is mostly cold to him.

"You can rest for a while now Kai," says Sarah as Kai smiled before hugging her.

Then he leaves a shocked Sarah behind as she normally would receive an evil glare back in the days from Rebecca and Ben.

Kai ran into the garden. He ran towards his secret base there and finds the man there waiting already who asks, "So what will it be?"

"I want to learn magic!" shouts Kai with excitement as the man smiles and touches his forehead with one finger making his body feel hotter then it turned colder before returning to his normal temperature.

"From this day on you, Kaiser 'Kai' Masters, is the student of Logan Wyrm," says Logan as he was using an avatar to walk in this world.

Kai then fell asleep from all the power when Logan woke Kai up while saying, "Wake up, Kai. It's time to learn the basics of Magic and Alchemy."

Kai wakes up burning accidentally the ground because of his excitement when Logan repairs the damage re-growing the grass Kai burned away.

"What are the basics of Magic and Alchemy?" asks Kai as Logan smiles.

"A strong body and mind. You can't be the best if you are exhausted after fighting one enemy," says Logan as he takes a piece of paper out and hands it over to Kai.

"As my student, you need a strong body and mind. Your grandmother is already training your mind with her etiquette classes she is giving you but this should help you too," says Logan giving him a book.

"It will help you in the future so try to solve it while training your body. I will teach you around this time for an hour magic and alchemy and the rules you need to follow while performing it," says Logan as Kai seemed excited to hear that he would be learning magic.

In the meantime in Hogwarts, a Quill begins to write a new name in a Book. After it finished there stood Kai's name when it continued writing other names under it when an older woman checked on the book before rushing off.

She stood in front of a Gargoyle that made way for her when she uttered the word 'Iced Mice'. Then stairs appeared that went upwards circularly into an office. Once up in the office, the woman walks towards a desk where an older man was sitting behind.

"We have a problem, Dumbledore," says the woman seriously as Dumbledore looked confused about it.

"And that problem is, Minerva?" asks Dumbledore as he was confused about this.

"The Masters have a magical descendant!" says McGonagall as Dumbledore's eyes seemed to turn serious.

"That is bad. Really, really bad," says Dumbledore as he stood up.

"How comes the family most feared by us Mages has a Magic Descendants," says Dumbledore sweating bullets.

"The Lineage of the Masters walks back to the first Mage Hunter in existence. They killed many Mages over the years before they got conferred the title as Dukes because they married into the Royal Family. But now one of them is what they hunt. What do you think will happen," says McGonagall not knowing what to do.

"We will have to meet on a neutral ground. If the child is a mage then he needs to be educated that we all aren't evil as his or her family tells him or her we are," says Dumbledore seriously as he was thinking about what a Mage Hunter with magic could do when his family already without magic could kill experienced Mages since before Hogwarts was founded.

"So you want to inform the Ministry about it?" asks McGonagall as Dumbledore shakes his head.

"No, they would just piss themselves since the Masters have always held them down. They would try to run for their lives if they find out about it," says Dumbledore as he sat down while holding his forehead.

"God really has a strange humor," says Dumbledore as he was feeling fear as well.

He met a Masters before but survived because she wanted it and not because he was strong. He still is haunted by how fast a human being can be if they are trained to fight against Magical beings their whole life.

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