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Chương 19: Arjuna

His name is Arjuna (ア ル ジ ュ ナ, Arujuna), the great hero of Hindu Mythology from the ancient Indian epic poem Mahabharata, and his rival Karna. The Mahabharata is an enchanting tale that gathers all the heroes from India, but it is no exaggeration to say that Arjuna is the existence that is placed at the center of it all, the one who is in the position of the protagonist.

Well, Arjuna's depiction in nasuverse and the original is quite different, so it looks almost useless.

If Karna is the "Hero of Charity", then Arjuna is the "Awarded Hero" (授 か り の 英雄, Sasugari no Eiyū). He was born as the son of King Kuru, the third of the five Pandavas, as well as the son of the God of Lightning, Indra.

His most famous rival is Karna, his older brother from a different father, but it is impossible for him to know the truth that Karna is his older brother. Arjuna, who is truly a flawless hero (both from caliber to his personality) was expelled as a result of his older brother (Yudhistira) losing the gamble. At that time, he already had the feeling that a confrontation with Karna was inevitable. However, Karna worshiped Duryodhana, who considered the five Pandava brothers to be mortal enemies. Whenever Arjuna thought of Karna, he shuddered as if he saw himself reflected in the mirror.

"In my heart, resides 'Black (Krishna).'"

He loved his brothers, and was loved in return. He loved his father and mother, and they loved them too. He loved people, and was loved in return. Even so, Arjuna cast his cold eyes on something utterly terrifying.

"My darkness is terrifying. I differ from Karna. He, while cool-headed, is the warmth that believes in the people. I, while quiet, has a resignation that is so far as desperate."

The Kuru family once held a conference. At this conference, the five Pandava brothers boasted a martial art that they were very proud of and very famous for. The skill of the third son, Arjuna, in archery was so extraordinary that he was praised as having no competition. When the kingdoms were united as one voice in search of someone equal to the Pandavas, Karna wanted to participate and perform martial arts with the same rank as Arjuna. Karna challenged Arjuna to determine which of them was superior. But to challenge Arjuna, he must be a member of the royal family, must be higher than a knight. Whereas Karna is a lower caste Vaishya (merchant class) or Shudra (slave). Karna, whose challenge was rejected due to differences in status, was made a laughing stock. The Pandava brothers (except Arjuna) denounced Karna (even though Karna performed a martial art superior to the four of them), saying,

"The son of a coachman must have shame."

Back then, why didn't Arjuna protest, not expressing a word when his brothers insulted Karna with their loud voices? Wasn't it because he was jealous of Karna who displayed martial arts that completely surpassed him? Bad emotions. Arjuna should not keep things like that, because that is the truth. Because of that, Karna was unaware of Arjuna's reason for not really hiding it.

"That discernment, exposing myself ————— Surely I would die in shame, without a doubt. I regulated myself. Thoroughly, I continued to regulate, regulate, regulate. Therefore, the gods, my father, my mother, my wife , my brothers, they all love Arjuna. If I am not loved, I am not worth anything. "

The conflict between the Kauravas who Karna trusted and the Pandavas led by Arjuna escalated and eventually became war. This war was called the Kurukshetra War. Karna continued to use his strength to win over the hundred Kaurava princes. On the Pandavas side, the only one who could oppose Karna was Arjuna. However, even Arjuna could only surrender to the fact that facing Karna head-on meant death. Through multiple conflicts, excuses and mutual hatred, the war between these two camps arrived in Kurukshetra.

In Arjuna's last battle with Karna, Karna fell from his chariot due to the act of his coachman, who was a traitor. Due to Karna's curse, Karna's chariot gets stuck. Arjuna's bowstring was pulled back to its limit. Arjuna shot him while he was struggling to move the wheel of his chariot, and it was something a warrior should not do. Cowardly, perverted, it was behavior that was unusual for others and even truly despised.

However, opportunities should not be limited. And on top of that, Karna smiled. Of course, that wasn't a scorn for Arjuna. Even though it was a smile of various emotions and reasons, to Arjuna, it didn't seem that way. At that time, Arjuna left the code of conduct for war as a Kshatriya. It was not a fate decided by the gods, the karma Arjuna chose along with sheer enmity. Thus, Arjuna's role also ended. Even though Arjuna is still a saint, his heart as a warrior is in a state of division.

—— "Sure enough, that one arrow shot down the sun." —— "Am I probably going to shoot it at him once more?"

Very diligent, integrated, fair, and honest, Arjuna has a flawless personality. he has an honest and loyal personality, which seems to embody justice itself. At the very least, the people around him, including Karna, thought of him that way. A person whose behavior is perfectly similar to superman, he is at a standard where he is "forced" to come to help others like Gawain. He was not interested in wealth, whether a battle was honorable or not. All of this was done according to his instinctive values ​​(according to ancient Indian customs) as a warrior.

However, when a small opportunity came along, Arjuna would be willing to carry out all kinds of cowardly schemes. Although he was very hesitant at the initial stage, when he wondered if he could do it at that moment, he showed a smile. That smile should not be seen by anyone. If someone saw him, he warned himself that he had no choice but to kill that person.

In his heart, Arjuna carries another personality who can be called "Black". An evil person who hates, sneers, and plots evil designs against enemies. Unable to accept that fact, Arjuna behaved as if he was a servant by his side. This is perversion, but Krishna, the reincarnation and eighth avatar of Vishnu, is a different hero from the personality of the evil Arjuna.

Arjuna felt comfortable when he was alone, a sentiment he felt was no match for a hero. He didn't really like it when people tried to get into his heart, and he couldn't help but express his embarrassment. Thus, the bond is a bit irritating for him, but he states that this is also the fate of a Servant. His desire for the Holy Grail is eternal silence.

Basically calm, Arjuna openly followed his Master like a butler, and most Masters would view him as someone without the slightest sense of aristocratic pride. When it comes to the relationship between himself and Master, admitting his greatness is irrelevant to the fact that he considers whoever his partner is his Master. However, if the Master tried to read the true nature of the Servant like any other Master, there was a possibility that Arjuna would be willing to kill the Master. Or, for the Master who had seen his real face, he became very sad, and begged the Master to keep it a secret. This side of Arjuna appeared because of his immense guilt when he killed Karna, even though it wasn't really his fault. He hoarded the suffering himself, and finally gave up. That side which is called 'Krishna' grows into its own personality.

Trust isn't the only thing one gets when understanding a partner's true nature. There is also the possibility of losing trust of course because of understanding the true nature of a partner. Even if his partner accepts that dark side, the way Arjuna brings that dark side to him makes him feel even more embarrassed. However, in his interlude, his attitude has developed from the initial 'don't look at the other side of me' and 'let me suffer alone' to 'I will never leave you, Master'. He already knows how to overcome his regrets and is completely in sync as our Servant.

In the singularity E Pluribus Unum, Arjuna was part of the Celtic army, serving under Medb. He appeared together with Cu Alter to protect Medb from Geronimo, Robin Hood, Billy the Kid, and Nero. While Robin was running away, the others remained behind to stop Arjuna and Cu Chulainn. Arjuna killed Billy the Kid by reflecting on Geronimo's Noble Phantasm, Tsago Degi Naleya. Medb sends him to chase Robin Hood, but he is able to escape with Scathach's help.

Arjuna then led a Celtic army against the United American and Resistance Army, facing Karna in battle. Arjuna understood that at some point, in any era, his natural enemy was Karna himself. He has no interest in saving the world, if the world is to perish, it will perish. However, Karna wanted to save the world.

"That is why such a joy… If you (Karna) are good, I will become evil. That is only equivalent. This time, as the equalizer, I will put an end to your life!"

Karna said, if he lost, Arjuna had to use his bow (Gandiva) to protect the world, which Arjuna later accepted. Nightingale says that their battle is a manifestation of a myth, the two eternal rivals of Mahabrata face off once again in a new era. However, during their battle, Karna was stabbed by Cu Alter. Arjuna showed dislike for that act, even though he had a disadvantage against Karna from being summoned as an Archer. Cu Alter said he didn't allow him to fight one on one. However, Karna used Vasavi Shakti before he disappeared. Cu Alter was badly injured, but didn't die (Maybe because Karna got nerfed here while Cu Alter was buffed). Arjuna takes on Ritsuka's team, who are also part of the rebel team. Arjuna was finally defeated by them. After that, he went to the mountain to calm down.

Medb used the Clan Calatin vessel to summon 28 Demon Pillars. Eliz + Helena + Robin + Edison withstand the 28 pillars, while Ritsuka + Mashu + Rama + Nightingale against Cu Alter, which is the main pillar. Tesla then came to help Edison hold the pillars until Arjuna arrived. Arjuna sacrificed himself using the Pasuphata. It was true that the strength of each pillar was different, but they were still very strong for ordinary Servants to face. Pasuphata's strength here seems very strong. Even though we can beat Arjuna (maybe because of the plot), he still shows that he is indeed one of the most OP Servants. His Pashupata did a finshing blow by killing all 28 pillars in one go.

ATK: 1,907 / 12,342

Mobile: 1,940 / 13,230

ATK Grail: 13,510

HP Grail: 14,494

Voice Actor: Shimazaki Nobunaga

Illustrator: pako

Attribute: Sky

Growth Curve: Semi Reverse S

Star Absorption: 154

Star Generation: 8%

NP Charge ATK: 0.51%

NP Charge DEF: 3%

Death Rate: 31.5%

Alignments: Lawful ・ Neutral

Gender: Male

Height / Weight: 177cm ・ 72kg

Source: Mahabharata

Region: India

Role: mob-cleaner, instakiller, divine instakiller, farmer, survivor

Traits: Divine, Earth or Sky, Humanoid, Male, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish


Strength : A

Agility : B

Luck : A++

Endurance : B

Mana : B




Q: 2 hits

A: 3 hits

B: 3 hits

Ex: 5 hits

For NP gain, of course the best chain is the Arts chain. With an NP charge at 0.51%, assume neither crit nor overkill, so:

Arts + Arts + Arts + 20% + Extra

= 6.12% + 8,415% + 10.71% + 20% + 5.1%

= 50,345%

If we put aside the 20% bonus, then it looks like the NP gain is actually dragging. He was saved thanks to the Arts deck.

For stargen, the best chain is QABEx. With a stargen of 8%, stargen up to 50% from skill 1 level 10, assume neither crit nor overkill, so:

Quick + Arts + Buster + Extra

= 316% + 234% + 294% + 890%

= (3 star and 16% for 4 star) + (2 star and 34% for 3 star) + (2 star and 94% for 3 star) + (8 star and 90% for 9 star)

= 15 ~ 19 star


1. Pashupata - Raised Hand of the Destruction God

Rank: A +> A + (interlude)

Classification: Anti-Army, Anti-Unit

Type: Buster

Hit-Count: 1

Range: 1 ~ 100

Maximum number of targets: 1000 people

Effect: Deals damage (NP1 400%) to all enemies + 50% Chance to Instant-Kill them + 80% Chance to further Instant-Kill Divine enemies.

Overcharge Effect: Reduces their defense (20 ~ 40% depending on OC) for 3 turns.

«Well then ... What to do?"

"Holy Ground Expansion, Space Fixation, Divine Punishment Enforcement Period Establishment ... All Clear. By Shiva's wrath, your life ends here ..."



Pashupata: Raised Hand of the Destruction God (破 壊 神 の 手 翳 パ ー シ ュ パ タ, Hakaijin no TeeiPāshupata) is Arjuna's NP. A Divine Construct, this is a weapon given by one of the 3 Supreme Gods of Hinduism, Lord Shiva, who governs the destruction and creation of the universe. It is called the Anti-Unit NP simply because of its nature of not collectively destroying all the humans around it, but judging individually and giving Moksha to those who fail. Moksha gives instant death. That is, even though NP attacks many people, not everyone is affected by the original effect (instakill).

Moksha (/ ˈmoʊkʃə /; Sanskrit: मोक्ष, mokṣa), also called vimoksha, vimukti, and mukti, is a term in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, which refers to various forms of liberation, enlightenment, and renunciation. In its soteriological and eschatological terms, it refers to freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth (reincarnation). Moksha is a concept related to saṃsāra (cycle of rebirths). Samsara originated in a religious movement in the first millennium BC. Movements such as Buddhism, Jainism, and newer schools of Hinduism, see human life as tied to a process of repeated rebirth. Repeated reincarnation, every life subject to injury, disease, and aging, is seen as a cycle of suffering. By being freed from this cycle, the suffering involved in this cycle also ends. This renunciation is called moksha, nirvana, kaivalya, mukti and other terms in various Indian religious traditions.

The higher one's Divinity, the higher the chances of them receiving Moksha. The Servant known as Anti-Hero has a lower chance of getting Moksha.

The Pashupata is probably a corrupt version of the Pashupatastra, the strongest weapon of Lord Shiva, Kali, Tripura Sundari, and used by the heroes Indrajit and Arjuna.

In Extella Link, Pasuphata's normal strength is equivalent to the super-buffed Vasavi Shakti (well, because when I finished fighting Charlemagne, but buffs are still buffs). Karna got a buff because he was under the influence of Karl.

In the interlude, even Arjuna accidentally burned the entire forest because his Pashupata output was just a little out of control. Parvati (in the game) often tells Arjuna to control his Pashupata more and not to overuse it, because it can destroy anything.

For calculations, we first collect data. With a stat at 13342 at level 90 (already 1000 Fou), NP1 400%, Buster up 30% and NP dmg up 20% from skill 3 level 10, divinity 175, base multiplier 0.95x, that would be around 27,461.52 / enemy. When it comes to dmg, he is equal to Gilgamesh if his enemy is not "weak against Enuma Elish". For the instability, it might not be expected because the chance is only 50%. It can be increased again if the enemy is divine, but divine enemies are practically rare, like the Sphinx. The OC effect is pretty good for parties.

2. Agni Gandiva - Flame God's Yell

Classification: Anti-Unit

Rank: A.

Range: 1 ~ 50

Maximum number of targets: 1 person

Agni Gandiva: Flame God's Yell (炎 神 の 咆哮 ア グ ニ ・ ガ ー ン デ ィ ー ヴ ァ, Enjin no HōkōAgni Gāndīva) is Arjuna's NP. This was the arc of fire which humans (living beings) basically could not carry, given to Arjuna by the God of Fire, Agni. It was normally just an ordinary bow, but at the mention of its name, the arrows fired from this bow would turn into a missile enveloped in flames. The arrow is not a homing missile, but because Arjuna is a genius archer and has Clairvoyance, the accuracy is equivalent to a homing missile.

Btw, if you want to bother about Karna who was denied because you didn't bring Vijaya, maybe you didn't read that there are only 2 NP Arjuna even though he has dozens of astras which are quite tricky to use. Even Vajra and Anjalika-astra are not included as his NP here.


1. Clairvoyance> Clairvoyance (Bowman)

Rank: C +> B + (interlude)

Effect: Increases own critical star generation rate (50% at level 10) for 3 turns + Grants self Debuff Immunity for 5 turns

Cooldown: 8/7/6

Arjuna has the possibility to spot invisible targets (Assassin-class rich?). Maybe this is the manifestation of his story that can shoot the eyes of the birds hiding in the trees. With high concentration the moment he fired the arrow, he could manipulate his own sense of timing. In other words, he had abilities similar to Kiritsugu's though limited to his eyes.

For gameplay, this increases his stargen, even though he doesn't take it too seriously because his Quick hit-count is low and there is only 1 card. Well, Arts and Buster can make stars thanks to this skill because the hit-count of the two cards is not bad. After upgrading, this skill also has debuff immunity, making it immune to debuff for 5 turns. Debuff immune 5 turn with 6 turn CD means that he is not protected for only 1 turn.

2. Endowed Hero (Skill)

Rank: A> A + (strengthen strength)

Effect: Charges own NP gauge by 25% + Recovers own HP (2000 / turn at level 10) for 5 turns + Gains critical stars (8 star / turn at level 10) for 5 turns + Charges own NP gauge by 10% per turn for 5 turns.

Cooldown: 10/9/8

A.k.a the Awarded Hero (授 か り の 英雄, Sazukari no Eiyū), is a skill that represents Arjuna, in which he has always been loved since he was born. Arjuna will sometimes get whatever he needs most at a time. He wouldn't lack anything, as long as he didn't have a curse.

For gameplay, this skill allows him to use NP only by being given NP starter CE. This skill also provides a considerable amount of heal per turn for 5 turns, allowing him to survive even on hard content. This skill also gives him a star per turn for 5 turns, which of course he will suck back because of the large star absorbing Archer. I think that CD is fair, considering the effect duration is also 5 turns. After upgrading, this skill also gives him an NP charge per turn. This is of course really good because his NP gain is not good even though he has 3 Arts. Oh yeah, this skill also gets a CD reduction which makes it even more steady.

3. Mana Burst (Flame)

Rank: A.

Effect: Increases own Buster performance (30% at level 10) for 1 turn + Increases own NP damage (20% at level 10) for 1 turn.

Cooldown: 7/6/5

Is a skill attached to Agni Gandiva that he received from the God of Fire, Agni. A burst of mana at jet-like speed was released, not from his body, but as a booster for his arrows, allowing the arrows to hit his enemy faster than a rifle. In PV singularity E Pluribus Unum, you can see that Arjuna shoots a fire-coated arrow that can blow up cliffs in one hit.

For gameplay, like Mana Burst in general, this is used to increase its NP damage. Also, Combined Buster up and NP dmg up is multiplicative, so the effect is better than the pure Buster up by 50%.


1. Independent Action

Rank: A.

Effect: Increases own critical damage by 10%.

Allows him to live even without a Master. However, in order to use Noble Phantasm with a large amount of Mana consumption, a Master's reserve was still needed. At rank A, he could stay in the world for about a week without a Master.

2. Magic Resistance

Rank: C

Effect: Increases own debuff resistance by 15%.

Cancels the mantra by chanting under two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft at High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Ritual levels.

3. Divinity

Rank: B

Effect: Increases own damage by 175.

Arjuna is the son of the God of Lightning, Indra.


Name: Endowed Hero


Min / Max ATK: 100/100

Min / Max HP: 100/100

Stars: 4 ★

Cost: 9

Max Level: 80

Craft Essence ID: 282

Effect: When equipped on Arjuna, increases own NP damage by 30%. Increases own critical star absorption by 1000%.


--- I shall offer you treasure.

--- I shall grant you power.

--- I will bestow everything upon you.

After I have been granted everything,

after everything has become meaningless, I realized.

What I, "I", wanted, was not this sort of thing.

So now, to gain what I truly want,

I shall wager my life.

This life that has been blessed by everyone,

I shall casually put it on the betting table.

These are my honest thoughts.

It was a most pleasant act!

CE Advise:

Bond CE dia

Golden Sumo


Hydra Dagger

Tsukumihara Student Council

White Cruising

Battle Olympia

Battle Companion

Sweet Days

Detective Edmond ~ Foreign Nation Infiltration Arc ~

Afternoon In The Citadel

Miss Sailor in White Uniform

Welcome to ONILAND !!

Heroines Anniversary

Four Beasts in the Moonlight

Holy Night of Learning

Cute Orangette

Summer Little

Trick or Treatment

A Pilgrimage To The Other Side

Trifas Heading Towards

Ring the Bell

Resplendent Spring


Servant Advice:









Raikou Lancer



Queen of Sheba



High dmg NP

His stat was the highest among Archers

The arts deck helps his dragging NP gain



Drag NP gain

Stargen up is a bit wasted because he only has 1 Quick, even then his hit-count is low

Old skill 2 CD


Arjuna's nickname as the weakest SSR Archer cannot be denied, considering that the SSR Archer is full of damager monsters while he is more concerned with survival. Even so, he can still be a solid damager in many compositions thanks to the Arts deck.

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