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Chương 2: Chapter 2: The Halted Voyager 2

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Du Gang's original plan was to find a secluded spot to delve into the Ancient God System he had just acquired, but upon hearing his classmate's loud shout, he didn't rush to leave, instead, he turned his phone on.

"Voyager 2 has finally reached the edge of the solar system, but something shocking has happened..."

"Voyager 2, speeding up with the third cosmic velocity, has stopped right before exiting the solar system!"

"After research, there's a thin layer on the edge of the solar system, just like the greenhouse we use for growing vegetables, it envelops the entire solar system..."

Du Gang was shocked!

"Are we being bred?"

A student shouted out loud.

Everyone in the classroom fell silent, all stunned by the news.

Du Gang quickly opened up the whole page to find that the top ten headlines were all related to the edge of the solar system.

He opened each one in turn, reading them one by one.

Famous astronomer: "At the edge of our solar system, a thin layer was observed half a century ago, and after research, it's concluded that this thing is formed by the intersection of solar wind and cosmic wind..."

Host: "So now, why is Voyager 2 stuck there? Is it because of the wind? Or did the thin membrane stop it?!! "

Famous astronomer: "Everyone shouldn't be too pessimistic, there are many forces that could stop Voyager 2, and many possibilities. Maybe it's struggling with the sun's gravity..."

Upon realizing that there's nothing useful in the follow-up to this news, Du Gang immediately clicked onto the next article.

Los Angeles Astronomical Center: "Latest observation results show that a layer of black matter appears near the contact point between Voyager 2 and the edge of the Solar System, but we still don't know what it is..."

"This black matter cannot be perceived by the human eye..."

Black matter?

Du Gang frowned, not quite understanding what they meant.

The accompanying image in the article was just a very tiny distant view, obviously taken with a telescope. Apart from professionals, he looked at it several times and didn't see any black matter. In his eyes, the entire universe was black...

Not understanding, he didn't dwell on it, and clicked straight onto the next news piece.

"The sun actually has been protecting us all along, the reason why humans evolved into rulers of Earth is all thanks to the thin layer on the edge of the solar system, blocking 99% of the dangers in the universe..."

"The arrival of Voyager 2 at the edge of the solar system could potentially open a Pandora's Box, allowing creatures outside the solar system to discover us..."

At this moment, after a brief silence, excitement surged among all the students in the classroom.

One after another, exclamations of "Holy shit" filled the air, as groups of students jokingly discussed the destruction of the world.

For students of this age who found their daily classes tedious, they wished something big would happen.

"Do you think we'll get a holiday?"

One student, somewhat excited, shouted out loud in the class.

All present, including Du Gang, were somewhat excited. No one would ever scoff the idea of having a day off.

Du Gang scrolled through a few more news stories, found no new content, stood up, and walked out.

"Du Gang, where are you going?"

A young man with acne not far away asked.

His name was Ma Li. He gets along well with Du Gang and they are good friends.

"I'm going to the restroom!"

Du Gang didn't tell him the truth. After giving an offhand response, he immediately rushed outside-

He had ten minutes of recess, within which he wanted to inventory the Ancient God System in his mind.

There's a building under construction at Experimental Middle School, which has been fully framed and is awaiting renovation; it's currently an ideal secluded place.

Du Gang arrived at the experimental building, looked around and found it quiet, without a single noise, which indicated that no one was there.

With that, he went straight into one of the empty rooms.

"Transform!" The moment he walked in, he yelled out loud.

Before long, Du Gang realized everything in front of him had "shrunk" in an instant.



Before he could ponder over what had just occurred, his head hit the ceiling.

Simultaneously, his school uniform burst open.


Du Gang let out a cry subconsciously, not dwelling too much on it, he instinctively squatted, his head bent sideways.

It was at this moment, information about his current state suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Du Gang]

[Rank One Ancient God]

[Current Status: Transformed]

[Duration: 00:09:59]

9 minutes and 59 seconds, this figure began to tick down with time.

With the explanation crystal clear, Du Gang understood at an instant.

He truly possessed the ability to transform!

For a moment, he was overjoyed. He immediately stood up a bit, his body bent, moved to the doorway, roughly measured it against his height. The top of the door frame just reached his waist.

A momentary calculation excited Du Gang, "Am I over three meters tall now? !!"

The door frame was two meters high, which only reached his waist, so his current height had to be at least three meters.

Looking at the rest of his body parts, be it his arms, fingers, or any other part of his body, they all appeared to have enlarged proportionally.

Du Gang looked at his palm, which had almost doubled in size, as he tentatively slapped the wall.


After a loud noise, there was a peculiarly large handprint, two centimeters deep in the solid cement wall. Anyone could tell this wasn't a handprint that a human could make.

"Holy shit!"

Du Gang looked at his hand, feeling incredulous. He didn't feel a sting, yet there was a dent in the wall.

"Is my strength too strong, or is this a shoddy wall?"

Even though he was questioning verbally, he knew in his heart that his power had been greatly enhanced. Even if the wall was of poor quality, it wouldn't result in such a deep depression.

By now, eight minutes were left according to the countdown in his mind. Du Gang quickly made a decision and decided to take care of it.

He couldn't leave the handprint on the wall; otherwise, it would cause trouble if someone found it.

So, he stretched out his hand again and started to scratch at his fingerprints on the wall.

After his efforts, the handprint on the wall disappeared, leaving behind an irregular circular shape where the handprint had been previously.

Just then, "ding~~~", a sharp sound echoed around, the class bell ringing.


On instinct, Du Gang shouted out. Immediately after, his body shrunk to his original height of 1.75 meters.

Just as he was about to run back to the classroom, he tripped over something.

He looked down to see that his once perfectly fitting shoes had been stretched out of shape.

A further look revealed, forget the shoes, aside from the elastic underwear he was wearing, his school uniform had been ripped into strips of cloth...

"Damn it..." Du Gang let out a cry, stopping in his tracks.

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Quà tặng

Quà tặng -- Nhận quà

    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

    Đặt mua hàng loạt

    Mục lục

    Cài đặt hiển thị



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