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Chương 17: Adventurers Guild (Part 1)

"Liam. Listen to me carefully. No matter what happens, do not worry about me. Do not look back or even think about me. Remember without fail, no matter what, if you die, we all die..."

What was that...

I was just washing my face as I do every morning. All of a sudden I blanked out looking at the mirror and the scene changed... I was kneeling on the ground, my entire body in unbearable pain. I couldn't move even a finger and all I could see was the bloody ground I was staring down at. It was then that I heard that voice, a woman... As soon as she said the last part, a blast of power surged through my body and once again, all of a sudden I was back in my room in Silver Swan, looking into the mirror...

I had heard that voice somewhere before, someone very familiar to me, still I cannot recognise who it was...

But... What the hell was that...

My light magic hadn't gone out of control, it didn't even react to what just happened...

I splashed water again on my face and looked back into the mirror...

Breathing heavily, I said to myself "If I don't know what happened, no point dwelling on it... Remember what must be done. Today is my beginning."

With a heavy sigh I exited the bathroom and started wearing my clothes and gearing up. My breakfast had already been sent to my room a few minutes after I woke up. Three pieces of bread, an omelette, and a couple of sausages. Accompanied with some hot tea.

I took the food tray, and sat on my bed to have it. It was very different from the breakfast I used to have till now. Much more simpler, and just the right quantity. Back home, even for a single person like me, Sebas and our head chef Santiago would present so much food in front of me, it never stopped being overwhelming even after so many years. Sebas would also make me eat a bit extra always. I had to complain to Lance to get my food reduced. I didn't like wasting food after all. Sitting here on the bed, in this single room, enjoying simple food... Its a bit silly, but I felt really warm and fuzzy inside.

Just as I was about to get done, I heard a knock on my door. "Liam?"

"The door is open!"

The knob turned as Elaina entered. "Why is the door open?"

I shrugged. "I had no reason to lock it."

She closed the door behind her and looked at me. "Lock it from next time. You never know what might happen."

"Yes Ma'am."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "You done yet?"

I showed her my cup of tea. "Almost. Want some?"

"I had mine." She said looking around at my room.

As she stood there with her arms crossed, I couldn't help but again be captured by her beauty. She was in her usual simple gear, though her soft white skin and her caramel hair slightly shined under the morning light as her beautiful sculptured face remained expressionless but with a gentleness to it. Her posture and stance especially made her even more elegant and beautiful to look at. No doubt as Sebas always says, posture is the key to prominence.

"I was surprised you entered a guy's room so easily by yourself without hesitation." I remarked.

She glanced at me. "I grew up with three brothers, so it's completely fine for me. Besides, you don't seem like the kind of guy who would do anything inappropriate to an innocent and defenceless girl like me."

I laughed slightly. "Innocent? Defenceless? Trying to get me to let my guard down, princess?"

She covered her mouth with the back of her hand to laugh, and then smiled at me.

That... that smile was a killer. Oof

"But no way I'm going into Ren's room though. He seems like the kind of guy whose clothes and gear would be all over the place. I have had enough of unorganised rooms, thanks to my brothers. Sylvie's room is pretty though. Well organized, smells nice and she has these little art pieces made from leaves all over her desk."

"What about mine?" I asked, curious about her assesment of my room.

"Clean, simplistic, organized. Just the way I like it. I like how you have your armour, sword and shield well set up. Just don't eat on the bed, you have a desk for that... And...  I don't know what you have against doors... But...," She went over to my bathroom door and pulled it to a close. "Close all doors properly."

"I do like collecting souvenirs, you know. Once we travel a bit, you'll see me building up a collection." I said as I got up and kept the food tray back on the desk.

As I was going back to get my sword I saw Elaina looking at it with hands behind her back.

"Go ahead, touch it if you want to." I said.

She glanced back at me, then turned her gaze back to the sword and slowly lifted it up in its scabbard.

"It's beautiful..." she said as she turned the scabbard in her hands and slowly felt the intricate embroidery on it. "And the hilt... Is it adamantite?"

"Gold and adamantite."

She gripped the hilt and seemed liked she wanted to pull out the sword. She looked back at me expectantly. "May I?"

I replied "Sure. The name is Lightbreak."

"Lightbreak..." She whispered as she was about the pull out the sword, but just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in! It's ope... it's not open." I called out but realised Elaina had locked it.

I went over to open the door. It was Ren "Hey! Ready to go...?"

He tilted his head and saw Elaina standing in my room. Turning to me with a sly smile. "A guy and girl in a locked room? You guys couldn't wait till night, could you?"

I shoved his face out of the room and closed the door with a sigh, only to hear him laugh outside as he walked away.

I turned to Elaina. "We should go. Or we'll never hear the end of this."

I completed gearing up, got my sword, wore my shield over my back and walked out of my room after Elaina.

When we got downstairs, we found the others waiting for us. Sylvie waved at us happily, Ren was still smiling at us mischievously while Luca was leaning against the wall calmly.

I waved off Ren with a smile and greeted Sylvie good morning. I then turned to Luca and Elaina. "All ready to go then?"

"Yep." Elaina replied.

"We'll need to walk till there and then I'll get the carriage once we are ready to leave Eldaria. Is that fine?" Luca asked looking right at me.

"Sure no problem." then taking one more look at the team...

"Alright then. Off to the Adventurer's Guild!"

Aradhya_Majumder Aradhya_Majumder

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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