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Chương 93: A Hero In The Making Part Four

High Priest Randals's face turned red. He had never been so embarrassed in all his life. What angered him the most was not the butt shaking or the fact that she stuck her tongue out at him, but she called him bald! Of all things, she called him bald! He wore his priest's hat all the time in order to cover up his bald spot. How did the damn dragon know he was bald!? He had been trying to hide his ball spot from everyone! The more he thought about how loud she yelled such a thing out in public, the more angered he got! "You damn dragon, I will have your head!" High Priest Randals finally lost his composure and began casting magic let and right, sending it flying into the human soldier front lines, not caring how many he killed in the process.

Screams of pain could be heard as spell after spell slammed into the human soldiers, reaping life after life or severely injuring those that were hit. Kana snickered as she quickly zig-zagged through the mass of soldiers. "Haha! It worked! look how angry he is."

"You never surprise me with how easily you are able to anger people." Lysairth was very surprised that Kana's plan went off without a hitch.

"Well, think about it. Humans are prideful. Especially the ones who are currently leading this war. They think so highly of themselves that if someone disrespects them, they would find it a shame they could never live down unless the party who shamed them is dead. That priest guy looks composed, but the more composed and domineering he is, the more likely he is to flip out over the smallest thing. Plus, from what I understand, these people from the Yuthia Theocracy are all so prideful they would never let anyone disrespect them." Thinking of this, Kana's eyes shined as she suddenly yelled out: "Your goddess's feet smell like rotten cheese!"


Lying on a couch, hunched over its side, gaging on a peeled grape, Yuthia's face was beat red. "My feet don't stink!"

"Says you." Sei leaned over, took a sniff of Yuthia's feet, and then held her nose. "Pew...."

"They don't stink!" Yuthia brought her foot to her nose and took a sniff. Her nose suddenly wrinkled up. She made a strange face as she yelled out: "Why the hell do they stink!?"


"You damn lizard!" High Priest Randals was even more enraged now that his goddess was made fun of. This was complete blasphemy! He was so enraged he started using larger scale spells, killing thousands of his own men every attack! The entire time Kana was running at full speed laughing as she did, which was infuriating the high priest even more!

At the human command tent, a soldier came running in. His face was pale, and his armor was drenched in sweat. "General, we have a problem!"

"What's wrong now?" The General asked. He was exasperated. He had no idea what was going on today.

"Sir, were are losing thousands of men every second!" The soldier replied, still trying to catch his breath. He ran as fast as he could to get here, so he was still having a hard time catching his breath.

"What!? What do you mean!? Is it that dragon again!?" The general was shouting all his questions. If they were losing thousands of soldiers every second didn't that mean that they would soon lose almost all their men?

"No, sir! It is not the dragon... But... But..." The soldier looked around the room. His gaze fell on the high priest in the room, not sure if he should speak or not.

"It's fine lad, go ahead and say what you need to say." One of the high priests said with a bright smile on his face.

The soldier gulped and mustered up his courage as he answered: "High Priest Randals is the one massacring our men while chasing after the dragon..."

"I see... What!? Does he wish for us to lose this war!?" The General flipped out and charged out of the tent, not caring about anything else.

The other high priests all stood there trying to comprehend what was just said until one finally asked: "Can you repeat that, lad?"

"Your Holiness, I said that High Priest Randals is massacring our soldiers as he chases after the dragon." The soldier replied. He was now sweating head to toe for another reason. The whole room seemed to have been engulfed in a massive killing intent.

"That damn idiot! What does the pope see in him!?" One of the high priests yelled out before running out of the command tent as well, followed by the other high priests.


On the other side of the front lines, Tilia was hard at work healing all the wounded. There was no end to the work. The injured were steadily coming in one after the other. Although the enemy soldiers were declining, the frontlines between the two armies were still fighting hard. Currently, on the front lines, the General, as well as the prince and princesses, were covered in mud and blood as they swung their swords and cast magic at their foes. "Haha, listen to the sounds coming from the middle of the group! It seems our little friend is doing a hell of a job!" The General let out a hearty laugh as he stabbed his sword through the chest of the human in front of him.

"I just hope she does not get hurt, or Fifth Sister will be sad." Crown Prince Reegis said.

"Then we need to push harder! Don't let the Princess down!!"

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