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No second Chances: The beginning of the end No second Chances: The beginning of the end original

No second Chances: The beginning of the end

Tác giả:

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Chương 1: Prologue

The beginning of everything is unknown for those who were not there to behold, but there will always be a glimpse of what could have happened for those who dare enough to wonder about it. Human beings have the ability to craft and build, but most importantly, to wonder. The limit of every single one of us is our own imagination.

The story I'm about to redact will be fictional, but every character will have relatable human traits and their lives will have different backgrounds. Their personalities will be connected to what they do. Feelings, ideas, and relationships will influence their skills, making them grow stronger or sink them in despair. however, please note this is my very first story so it might lack many features, I hope everyone understands that while reading,

Life and death are empty concepts without each other, just like the story would lose its meaning if the main purpose of it gets defeated by the lack of importance in a certain character or if a character takes more importance than it should, think about it while reading.

As a fair warning before continuing, I will be redacting certain grotesque scenes that could not be pleasant for many. I ask for the readers' discretion.

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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