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Chương 17: History and Geography

Taking a book from the shelf, Joon-won found a quiet corner to settle into and began reading. He meticulously absorbed each line, marveling at the timeline of human achievement—vehicles, the first airplane, the discovery of electricity, and countless other milestones. The more he read, the more he realized the profound depth of this world's history.

As time slipped by, the sun dipped below the horizon, and the library's lights flickered on, casting a warm, inviting glow. When he finally looked up, the sky was an inky black, and he noticed the time—7 PM. Sighing, he returned the book to its shelf and headed toward the exit, craving the familiarity of his apartment.

Approaching the front desk, the middle-aged librarian peered at him over her glasses. "Not checking out a book?" she queried.

Joon-won shook his head. "No, I'm fine for now. Do I need to sign anything?"

She waved dismissively. "Only if you're borrowing a book. Have a good night."

Nodding, Joon-won stepped outside and glanced up at the gathering clouds. He muttered to himself, "This world is so different. The pivotal changes go back to the extinction of dinosaurs. My old world gained magic particles; this one didn't."

As he walked home, he continued his musings, "But intellectually, people here surpass us. They've mastered flight without magic and developed a system of governance through voting, unlike the absolute rule of kingdoms back home. Even the structure of continents is different. I'm in the country Ulyss, on the continent Corlea, while other continents include Yorisa, Armihia, and Rainen."

His thoughts swirled with newfound knowledge, but as he neared his apartment, a growl from his stomach interrupted. Realizing he'd only had a burger and a sandwich all day, he looked around for a quick meal. A convenience store across the street beckoned, its neon sign glowing invitingly.

Crossing carefully, he entered the store and perused the aisles until he settled on something comforting—chicken-flavored ramen and a few rice balls. At the counter, the clerk scanned his items and asked, "Eating the ramen here?" indicating a microwave.

Joon-won nodded and handed over a 100 kros note, hoping it would cover the cost. "How much?" he asked, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"Sixty," replied the clerk, relieving him. The clerk prepared the ramen, handed it back with his change, and Joon-won took a seat on a bench outside.

As he waited for the ramen to soften, he pulled out his phone, wanting to check his finances. Sifting through the memories of the former Joon-won, he found that his predecessor had squandered a two-year allowance in mere months.

Opening his banking app, he grimaced at the balance: 1000 kros. "That idiot left me broke and with no proper acting role. I can't even ask his father for help; I don't know him, and it wasn't me who blew the money," he muttered angrily.

"I need a job, at least until I land a proper role," he decided, slurping his noodles quickly. After finishing his meal, he looked around for a trash can and found one by the store's entrance.

As he disposed of his trash, a flyer on the wall caught his eye: 'Looking for employees.' It was just what he needed.

Cruchymonster Cruchymonster

Creation is hard, cheer me up! I decided to create a few benefits for you guys cheering me up.

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