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Chương 39: The Federation’s Advanced Beastmaster Academy's Treatment

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Locke was still thinking about his own problems.

When suddenly...

His eyes lit up.

'I understand now. Although my total mana is extremely huge, I'm still at the same level as the others.'

'Sure, I might have three times as much mana as the others, but we all share the same starting point."

'In other words, even though I'm at the 4-star silver-tier, the total amount of mana I have is three times more than the total amount of mana the others have at my level.'

Realizing what the reason was, the gloominess on Locke's face disappeared.

He then burst out laughing.

'I have such a good foundation, why should I be depressed?'

'Even though I'm at the 4-star silver-tier, I am much stronger than them.'

However, Locke suddenly became depressed again.

"If I have more mana than the people at my level, doesn't that mean that the total amount of mana I need to absorb is three times more than theirs?"

"Does that mean that I need three times more effort, three times more resources, and three times more time to make myself three times stronger than them?"

However, he soon came to an understanding.

There was no shortcut to success.

The glory of every genius was earned through the extraordinary efforts they had put in.

There was no free lunch in this world.

If you wanted to get something, you had to give out an equal amount of effort.

If you wanted to get more, you have to give more than others.

Locke quickly found his motivation again.

He was in a good mood, standing in an open space, and he was full of vigor.

In contrast, Alice had an unusual aura about her.

All the glory should have been hers.

However, she was interrupted by this man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

How could she not be angry?

Alice glared at Locke with an angry gaze.

If looks could kill, then...

Locke, who had the Beastmaster System, would have been killed over 800 times.

The mana assessment ended very quickly.

Nearly a third of the students were eliminated.

The eliminated students no longer had a chance of entering the Federation's Advanced Beastmaster Academy.

However, with their abilities, it was still very easy for them to enter the other Beastmaster academies.

The assessment had ended, and the two instructors from the Federation's Advanced Beastmaster Academy, Trista and Jacques, also walked over.

"Congratulations on passing the second round of the assessments. You've taken another big step towards entering the academy."

"I'm looking forward to your performance in the future."

Trista said to the students in a serious voice and a solemn expression.

"The next assessment will be an actual combat test."

"This is the most important test for Beastmasters, because you'll definitely encounter Daemons in the future."

"That's why you need to have sufficient firepower to pose a threat to the Daemons."

"Otherwise, you'll just end up as free food for them."

Jacques, who was standing at the side, also spoke up.

"That's right. The combat power of a Beastmaster is their foundation."

"In the academy, only powerful people would own more resources."

"Three months after entering the academy, there will be a class-dividing assessment."

"And the class-dividing assessment is a combat ability test."

"There will be a total of five classes, and each class assigned is based on the students' abilities."

"These are the classes arranged in ascending order of strength."

"Bronze class."

"Silver Class."

"Gold Class."

"Diamond Class."

"The stronger you are, the better the class you will enter."

"The better your class is, the more resources you will obtain."

Suddenly, a student shouted, "Didn't you say that there are five classes?"

"You've only mentioned four."

When Jacques heard that, he said to the student with a smile, "The final class?"

"That's the trump card of the Federal Academy."

"That's the class where only the best students the Federation can enter."

"That's where the true monsters are. Their growth rate and actual combat ability are all terrifying."

"Even us instructors feel ashamed when we stand before them."

Before Jacques could finish his words, another student asked loudly, "Then will any of us have the chance to enter the class that you mentioned?"

The two instructors shook their heads at the same time.

The students below the stage were not only disappointed.

Even Locke was looking slightly disgruntled.

"Just ignore that class' existence."

"That's the business of geniuses. As long as you can make it into the silver class, your future will be guaranteed."

Sensing that the mood had soured, Trista decided to change topics.

When the other students heard the instructors' words, their expressions gradually became better.

Meanwhile, Locke was thinking long and hard.

'I have the Beastmaster System. Even if I'm not as good as those so-called monstrous geniuses right now...'

"I have a hack. I'll be able to catch up to them before long."

Thinking of this, Locke straightened his back, and he had regained his confident look once more.

Trista said to the students below the stage, "If you have any questions that you don't understand or want to ask, you can ask us now."

"We will try our best to satisfy you to the best of our knowledge."

As soon as she said this, the students below the stage instantly became excited.

They were chattering and asking all kinds of questions.

Trista was instantly overwhelmed.


Trista shouted loudly.

It stunned the restless students.

"If you have any questions, ask them one by one. What's the point of making a fuss?"

There was a hint of anger in Trista's tone.

This had given the students a fright.

In an instant, everyone fell silent.

Suddenly, a student asked,

"If we really do manage to enter the Federation's Advanced Beastmaster Academy, what kind of treatment will we receive when we enter the Academy?"

"What do we need to prepare when we enter the Academy?"

This question was asked.

The students below the stage became excited.

After all, this question concerned everyone, and they all wanted to know.

This question was undoubtedly in everyone's hearts.

Trista responded, "Don't worry, everyone. The treatment of the Federation's Advanced Academy will definitely make everyone very satisfied."

"Do you know why the Federation Academy is the number one academy where all Beastmasters want to enroll in?"

"That's because, we possess resources that no other place does."

"That's why the Federation Academy's treatment is far better than the other academies."

A student below the stage asked,

"What exactly are the resources? The ones that the Federation Academy has, but not the other academies?"

Trista replied,

"They are resources that can hasten a Beastmaster's growth."

"Cultivation techniques."

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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