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Chương 12: Let's Imagine: Obtaining Priceless Information!

| Euphoria, Town of Lanier, Present Day |

We exit the tavern, making a left as we head through the market to the housing district.

Aiyoma hums a merry tune as I keep up with her pace through the crowd.

This is actually a good chance to ask some questions about this realm. I pretty much came here blind.

"Hey, Aiyoma?"

Aiyoma turns to me, still humming.

I should start with classes and such.

"Are there different roles available for people to choose, such as mages or assassins?"

"Sort of... A person is given a magic ability test in their youth, usually around 13. If the child has a large amount of magical potential, they're tutored to be Sages, Priests, and Healers; they're usually prodigies born with either talent or strong magical genes. Mid-ranged users have a larger assortment of classes such as Beast Tamers, Rangers, and Berserkers but aren't as powerful as mages. Lower-ranged users or non-magical users are trained to be Paladins, Knights, and Champions, sometimes forced if they show exemplary physical strength."

"... Hm, I see."

Usually, in RPGs, you're given the privilege of picking whatever class you want. But apparently, in this world, you don't have a choice, and it depends solely on luck and bloodline.

How fascinating!

"So, what about magics and skills, like what that elf did at the tavern? Can anyone perform spells without any magic?"

Aiyoma puts her hand on her hip.

"There's four different types of sorcery: Pact-scrolls, magical scrolls, spells, and skills. Pact-scrolls work as incantations, usually requiring a sacrifice of some sort. Magical scrolls contain incredible magic that is hard to come by and are extremely valuable. Spells, however, are easier than the last two, and all that is needed is for someone to show you the spell once. Skills are, in a word, quite basic and needed for daily living in Euphoria."

Daily living?

"What are skills exactly?"

"Learning to do things such as fish, cook, or steal are regarded to as skills,"

She beckons to take a right turn in the middle of an intersection.

"Once you see someone do it, the more you practice, the better you get it at."

"Can anyone learn any skill then?"

"Depending on your magical ability, physical ability, and other attributes, some skills may not be available for you. You can get your skill level appraised by a Sage or at the Adventurers' Guild in Phoenia,"

She slows her pace in front of a medium-sized house made of brick and wood.

Aiyoma lifts her head and smiles.

"Here we are, home sweet home!"

She walks up some stone steps and opens the wooden door.

"I'm home!"

Suddenly a small blonde girl lunges toward Aiyoma and hugs her.

"I missed you so much, big sis!"

Aiyoma bends down and ruffles the young girl's hair.

"I missed you more."

A man, quite muscular and tall, comes out nearby room and grins.

"I didn't know you were back in town!"

Aiyoma looks back at me, still on the stone porch.

"Well, come on in, don't be shy!"


The house is a combination of modern and medieval. Different embroideries and paintings cover the wall making the living room comfortable and homey. The floor is made of dark brown wood covered by a rug made of wool.


The broad man approaches me at the doorway.

"It seems we have a visitor!"

Aiyoma steps to the side.

"She's a brave traveler that helped me stop a thief upon my return!"

Aiyoma's father looks down at me.

"Is this true?"

"Y-yes, but your daughter did most of the work...I just tripped him, is all."


Aiyoma walks over to me and grabs me by the shoulder.

"She's training to be a knight; you see, she has the courage of one already."

"A knight, you say, very interesting."

The broad man stands up straight.

"Well, we can talk about this over dinner, your mother went out for something, but as soon as she's back, it's time to eat!"

"Yay, dinner-time!"

The young blonde says as she rushes up some stairs adjacent to where I'm standing.

"Aiyoma dear, please give our guest a spare of your clothes...she's dressed a bit...odd."

Her father turns around and heads back to what I'm assuming is the kitchen.

I look down at my school uniform and brown loafers. That's the second time I've been told that today...

Aiyoma points to the stairs.

"We should get washed up before dinner; let's go to my room."

We enter an evenly spaced hallway with two rooms on the right and four on the left. I follow Aiyoma to the left, where she stops at the door with the name "Aiyoma" carved in it with an embroidery of a sword attached above it.

Aiyoma opens the door, and a room filled with pink and white is greeted to me. The middle of the room houses a small white table with different crystals and minerals on top. The farthest corner has a pink and white laced bed that's neatly made. An armory of swords is seen with four swords glowing brilliantly near her nightstand with a lamp and two pictures: One of her family and another with her smiling with a girl with lavender hair.

You honestly couldn't tell the difference between this room and a girl's room from Japan.

I look to the left and see several runes encircling a mirror on the wall.


Aiyoma walks to her closet, near the front of her bed, and shifts around some clothing. She taps her armor's pauldron (shielding the shoulders) three times, and they disappear along with the breastplate and cuirass (shielding the breasts) revealing her white-laced bra.

"Ah, it's good to take this off after a long day of knighting!"

W-what is she stripping for me?!

I-I don't know if I'm into her or not..this is all moving too fast!

. . .

WinterTimeCrime WinterTimeCrime

D-damn..kind of jealous of Momoko for getting such a show!


What's Aiyoma's family like? Are they having chicken portlets for dinner? And the most burning question of all -- Is Aiyoma wearing matching panties?!?! Find out next time on LIAGFTTOWTBAK!


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New VRMMO Book: Callixtus

Coming soon to RR & SH. Check out the first chap on my Patreon!

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