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Chương 63: Chapter 35 - How To Torture A Spirit Beast (Part - 1)

First of all I want to thank you all for supporting me till now and I also want to ask all of you a favor.

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The color-changing hidden dragon lying on the barbecue was desperate.

It can clearly feel the burning sensation of its skin, and also feel that its own meat is slowly changing from raw to cooked in the black flame.

It was so painful that it wanted to scream loudly, but it couldn't make a single sound, and its paws didn't even listen to him, and it consciously grabbed the bottles and cans next to it and kept smearing something on itself. An alluring fragrance spread out from it, making people salivate.

Ye Zhiqiu watched with a smile on his face the whole time, with no extra moves. But in the heart of the color-changing hidden dragon, Ye Zhiqiu had already been labeled as a devil.

'This human child is so terrible, it scared me to death.' thought the color-changing hidden dragon.

Logically speaking, the body has been roasted and cooked, and the color-changing hidden dragon should have died long ago. However, from its dark green pupils filled with fear, it can be seen that it can still think and know that it is afraid.

This is why the Tsukuyomi is horrible.

The color-changing hidden dragon was tossed on the barbecue for several hours, finally, it couldn't hold it anymore.

Its consciousness slowly faded away...

The color-changing hidden dragon felt that perhaps it would be a good ending to die just like this. The feeling of burning his body in black flame was really painful.

However, everything did not end as expected.

When the color-changing hidden dragon regained consciousness again, it found that its body was intact, but why was it still that the barbecue grill was familiar to the beast? Why were the seasonings that scare the beast was still next to it?

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Don't panic, there are still three days and three nights, seven or seventy-nine grills waiting for you, take your time..." Ye Zhiqiu chuckles and winks at the color-changing hidden dragon. Obviously speaking with a lively atmosphere, the color-changing hidden dragon felt cold all over.

The black flames under the barbecue grill, as Ye Zhiqiu's voice fell, it rose again...

The color-changing hidden dragon once again experienced the feeling of dying like before.

For the first time, the color-changing hidden dragon persisted for several hours before losing consciousness. This time, it only persisted for less than an hour, and its consciousness was blurred again...

The spiritual will of the color-changing hidden dragon has been devastated by Ye Zhiqiu and shattered.

Because of Tsukuyomi, after three days and three nights, in the real world, only one second passed.

Since color-changing hidden dragon consciousness was brought into the Tsukuyomi world, the technique of changing the body color of the color-changing hidden dragon has failed, and it has been directly exposed to several people.

Seeing that the color-changing hidden dragon had deceived his body to within ten meters of Ye Zhiqiu and Ning Rongrong, sword Douluo was about to shoot the sword, but the color-changing hidden dragon suddenly stopped.

Sword Douluo only heard Ye Zhiqiu yelling "Tsukuyomi" softly, and the color-changing hidden dragon suddenly stopped. Ye Zhiqiu also stopped.

'Ah~!" Ning Rongrong's loud high-decibel voice burst out the moment she saw the color-changing hidden dragon, and it spread far away in the spirit-hunting forest.

"Tick..." One second passed.

Ye Zhiqiu, who had just come out of the world of Tsukuyomi, was startled by Ning Rongrong's loud voice. He was about to make fun of her. When a sharp pain suddenly spread in his left eye.


If want to read the next chapters before everyone and also support me in the process than you can support me on P.A.T.R.E.O.N.

For next chapter   :-


Plz share your thoughts about the story and what you want to see in it.And also plz comment if you find any mistakes,I will edit it.

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