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Chương 13: 12: The Future Lady of The Eyrie

(The Eyrie, The Mountains of the Moon, The Vale of Arryn, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Jon Arryn POV)


Myranda Royce, Cersei Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Janna Tyrell, and Lysa Tully were all Contenders for Rogar's future Lady Wife. Jon kept tabs on Rogar, he was aware of his son's affairs with Jvnna Tyrell and Ashara Dayne, did Hoster Tully had been sending Ravens in the interest of Rogar possibly wedding his Second Daughter Lysa. But Rogar had remained steadfast in his desire to court The Lady Myranda Royce.

Perhaps it was time to put the matter to rest permanently. But Rogar would need to be involved, and yet Jon couldn't just up and call for his return. Rogar was his Son and Heir yes, but Rogar was also A Squire of Ser Arthur Dayne of The Kingsguard, a Royal Page of the King's Small Council and The favor of King Aerys. Jon would have to see Rogar in person.

''Maester Quinn, have the Horses readied at the Gates, I need to see my son. Ned's in charge until my return, have Yohn and Elbert advise him.'' Jon decides.

''Yes My Lord.'' Maester Quinn replies dutifully.


(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)


Father was coming to See him, and got once Rogar couldn't determine why. Lord Hoster Tully had been trying to get Him to marry Lysa, sending inquiries and eventually offers, eager to wipe the stain someone had placed on her.

Word got out that she gave her maidenhead to a Man just richer than the average smallfolk, and had the resulting pregnancy aborted. What Hoster did not know, was that Rogar had been the one to hve that bit of news spread, and the boy who took her Maidenhead Crucified and then beaten within Riverrun.

Now Baelish was still alive of course, but with the very public displayment, news about him snd Lysa, and his resulting physical condition, House Tully had been damaged. And Lysa was seen as tainted, which she already frankly was.

Rogar would never allow her to become an Arryn, but he wasn't a Killer of women but nature. Oh he'd certainly order a Woman's death but he drew the line at a Pregnant Woman, or a Woman who'd been stuck with am abusive husband. He'd be more likely to kill the husband or wait to the baby is born then kill the woman.

But that was just hearsay presently...


(POV Shift: Hoster Tully)


Lysa was a mess, which didn't help things. The rumors and Peter's Crucifixion were not helpful, but Lysa was lovesick. Hoster had been pushing first for Jaime Lannister and Now Rogar Arryn to become Lysa's husband. But both young men had little interest in her.

Rogar went so far as to write him directly telling him to stop. Lysa wedding him was a Non-Starter, he was already courting a Noblewoman and Lysa was the last woman he'd ever consider marrying.

That typically would've angered him, but as Brynden pointed out, Rogar clearly had something against Lysa, snd this predated the rumors, and it left Hoster wondering what Rogar had against his wee little fish.

And with the rumors, Hoster needed Rogar or someone of similar standing to wed his Lysa. Perhaps it was time to visit King's Landing together with his daughters? Find out the heart of the problem with Lysa inside of Rogar's eyes? And seeing the capital again would do him some good as well. Not for the stench obviously, but the Great Sept of Baelor, if he could pray to the God's and be heard anywhere it would be there.


(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)


Rogar was mixed in his emotions upon Ashara informing him of her upcoming Pregnancy by him. He was overjoyed yes, but he was also concerned as in Cannon she'd allegedly given birth to a stillborn daughter, before the Rebellion. He was also nervous, because if Ser Arthur even suspected that Rogar was the father he'd know it and Train him extra hard during training.

Still Rogar wouldn't let his unborn child die, which meant Ashara needed constant care and support. Luckily his Order had the bodies and supplies to care for her. It just meant ferrying her away in secret, and frankly there was one man who could probably help him....


(POV Shift: Prince Rhaegar Targaryen)


Rogar Arryn....

He was really something. The Boy had a wisdom to him, a powerful sword arm, and immense administrative Capabilities. Rhaegar remembered bringing up the idea of Rhaegar becoming his Hand in the future, but Rogar revealed a preference for being Master of Ships.

A Curious notion to hear from a man who was effectively his father's Master of Laws in all but office and name.

Even so, the boy would be one to watch out for in the future.


(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)


Sat at a table in his assigned chambers with his Lord Father, Rogar poured his Father a Dornish Red, his go to wine of choice.

''So, why are you here pop? Better question is, why in the Seven Hells is Hoster Tully coming here with his bitch daughters?'' Asks Rogar.

''I'm here because we need to put the matter of your wife to rest, Lord Tully's youngest daughter just happens to be a contender.'' Says Jon, and Rogar looks mortified.

''Are you off your fucking rocker? Lysa Tully being my wife? No fucking Way! She's worse than Catelyn. How many times do I have to make this clear? To you? To Hoster? Myranda Royce is my chosen bride?'' Rogar says angrily.

''Son, I understand you desire Lady Myranda and have been courting her, but there are alternatives. Don't think I don't know about Ashara Dayne and Janna Tyrell.'' Says Jon calmingly.

''I hear you pop, but I've made...my...choice. Now I'm asking you to honor it, and let these other options rest.'' Says Rogar.

''Are you sure?'' Asks Jon.

''Yessss. Short of impregnating her, how clear does it need to be made?'' Asks Rogar, already quite sick of this particular conversation.

''My Lord's Hoster Wishes to see you both.'' Says a Guardsmen as he enters.

''Oh for fuck's Sake.'' Says Rogar exasperated.


I have created a P atreon account and while I will still post here freely, my Patrons shall receive it earlier than the rest by several Days at least. The lowest tier is 5 bucks, that's in Australian Dollars btw, now So you guys don't get charged for a month of nothing it'll be per post. I'm still working out the kinks after all but if your Willing to pay it makes my life easier. Get's me grandparents to shut up about writing not being a sustainable career at least. And most of the money gets laced into my Writers Account for research materials and other shit. I plan to Spend The first Month writing, before releasing next month. This way I can release without feeling rushed or pressured and release decidedly sub-par content as an unfortunate result.

On an unrelated note, I've been not writing due to terror. Lost a piece of my dead pops WW2 Dog Tags, on a farm....during Christmas. You get the reason of while I've been in a terrible state of mind no? See you soon!

TheRagFromTheCragCorner21 on P-atreon Down Under in New Zealand!


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