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Chương 17: Note to readers

Voting has closed and decision has been made. Thank You so much for expressing your opinions. Wait and watch Will as he goes to *redacted* house.

By the way, of you like the novel so far, go ahead and vote for me, as well as give a review. This is my first fanfic, so I happily take in any advice.

You can further support me and get EXTRA chapters before hand on p@tron. So, go ahead and do that if you want to read further and just cannot wait.

If you are enjoying the novel, then do check out my other novels.

The Alpha's return is a novel that I have started for the WPC, and I really want it to succeed, so go ahead and give that a try. If you want a good read, I guarantee that my main novel, "The Golden Throne", will satisfy you. Please give that a try as well.

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