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Chương 22: How Stupid


A strong arm blocked Su Ai Yuan's attempt. Nan Hua sensed someone had come and her body stiffened but she still managed to stop her conscious reaction to attack the other party and let the hand circled her stomach. It pulled her away from the edge of the small river.

At the same time, the smell of sandalwood wafted to her. She didn't know who this was but she didn't sense any ill intent.

As a young lady who was 'weak and helpless' how could she possibly resist? Her original plan was for her to fall down by sitting on the ground anyway. This development was not that bad either.

"Little Girl, didn't I tell you that you're not allowed to go near that madwoman without me around you?" A helpless tone sounded from near her.

Nan Hua's eyes behind the blindfold narrowed. This voice…

Long Qian Xing.

"Young Master Long!" several servants were terrified when they saw Long Qian Xing stood there. Those who had been staying in Long Family Residence for a certain period of time would know that the person in charge of the residence after Old Madam Long was this young brat who had not even reached 13 years old.

Long Qian Xing carried Nan Hua effortlessly, thinking of how thin this little girl was. It felt as if a gust of wind could blow her away. He swept his gaze to the servants coldly.

Splash! Splash!


Su Ai Yuan couldn't swim and the river was deep enough to drown children. Adults would fare better as they could kick the bottom to push them upwards but short children like them would never be able to do so.

"Get someone to help her," Long Qian Xing gave an order.

"Yes, Young Master!"

"Hua'er!" Nan Luo saw the commotion and didn't hesitate to abandon his fight with Feng Ao Si immediately. In his heart, there was no one more important than his little sister. Seeing Nan Hua in Long Qian Xing's arm, he felt a bit dismayed yet relieved that there didn't seem to be any harm on her.

"Are you hurt? Let me see your face! What happened?" Nan Luo fired the questions away rapidly.

Nan Hua looked at her twin brother, wondering where she should begin to explain. It was just a small incident between children.


Right now, Su Ai Yuan was brought out from the small river. Her clothes stuck onto her body while her teeth chattered due to the cold. The servants who brought her up was not any better as she tried her best to warm her body by rubbing her hand together.

"She's fine," Long Qian Xing answered on Nan Hua's behalf. "I would like to ask you all instead as to why you let the children get too close to the river."

The servants shivered when they saw Long Qian Xing's gaze. They were all only following Long Xu Nian's order to not stay near here and let the children play. But now that Long Qian Xing wanted to settle them, they knew that they couldn't do anything.

"Young Master, it's our negligent."

"Please forgive us, Young Master!"

Long Qian Xing snorted. "Go receive 20 stroke. You all have caused the children to fall."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Watching from a distance away, Long Xu Nian gritted her teeth. The servants she prepared here were some of the few who were loyal to her. The rest were people whom she had bribed to follow her.

Losing them all in one go was unacceptable!

"Brother, don't you think you're going too far?"

"Too far?" Long Qian Xing swept his gaze to his older sister. Even though he was shorter than her, the deterrence his gaze could give to people was not one that could be matched by ordinary people.

He sneered. "These unruly servants need to remember who their master is."

Long Xu Nian's heart thumped when she heard that. Did her brother know that she was the one behind the scene? That shouldn't be!

From beginning to end, she was merely a bystander!

"Young Master Long, why don't you help Su Ai Yuan too?" Su Ai Yuan's sister, Su Ai Lin asked in aggrieved tone.

Long Qiang Xing tightened his grip to not allow them to even take a look on the girl in his hand. "Hua'er is my fiancée. Isn't it normal for me to help her?"

In other words: Who is that Su Ai Yuan to the point that he had to help?

Su Ai Lin gritted her teeth and proceeded forward. "But Young Master Long, you're strong and should have been able to help both of them, right? Not to mention, it's that young girl who push my little sister to the river!"

Push her?

Inside Long Qian Xing's arm, Nan Hua's eyebrows arched slightly. The Su Family was so stupid. Didn't they realize that it was an impossible accusation?

Portuguese Translation

Translation title: Lenda Esquecida da Flor Ensanguentada

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