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One punch man:Gamehall System in one punch man One punch man:Gamehall System in one punch man original

One punch man:Gamehall System in one punch man

Tác giả: Sital_dangi

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Lucky

"Please choose fast mister!"

Hearing these words, Morty quickly raised his head and said with a smile, "Big man, don't worry, this is the first time for me, so I'm bound to hesitate."

The white-robed man standing in front of Morty pointed around and said disdainfully, "Look, all of these people are doing this for the first time?"

 It turns out that when Morty was writing a book for readers of a web novel, he wrote all night and didn't shut down until five in the morning. His eyes couldn't resist so he fell asleep on the keyboard.

When he opened his eyes he found himself in a large and strange place. Looking sideways he could only see people sitting in chairs concentrating on the card placed on a table in front of them. There was a huge glass separating each person around and everything from the floor to the table was painted in white colour. Morty was sleeping at the table placed in front of him and at the other side of the table stood a bald man wearing a white-robed.

On the table, there are ten golden cards placed one after the other. Morty is given the option of choosing one of these ten cards as a container for his new body.

Morty asked," So what does this card do, can you say again?"  

"This card is your ticket to a new body. Aren't these cards amazing!!..."

When the man was speaking suddenly an angry voice came across several glass walls, "Whatttt aaaaaa toilet? I would be a toilet?"

"Would you mind explaining that to me?" Morty said to the man.

"If you choose and get unlucky you would be reborn as an object. But if you are lucky, you would get a chance to be reborn in the human body."

 Morty couldn't even think about it. No matter which world this guy goes to, being born a toilet is better than not being born.

After that, Morty couldn't hear that guy's shouting, he seemed to have been teleported.

  All in all, these ten golden cards may bring hope or despair.

 Under the repeated urging of the bald man, Morty suddenly stretched out his right hand to jog back and forth on the ten cards, " Eeny meeny miny moe I am selecting you please be better, go!"

Reto's index finger just lands on the fifth card of the first row.

"What?" The bald man raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had seen this way of choosing cards.

" I am done selecting," Morty said while nodding.

This was his lucky choosing manner, which made him grab a fortune in a Las Vegas casino twice in a row. 

When Morty's finished speaking, the fifth card was suspended in the air, the card shone with golden light slowly flipping revealing the words besides.

 "Golden card," Morty said looking at the bald man.

"Congratulations, you got the body of Shazam!"

The bald man's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his eye and watched the card that Morty had drawn. To be honest, the probability of getting this card was two out of a million people.

"Needless to say, this boy is super lucky."

Morty just smiled looking at the bald head man, who was in a little shock at that time.

Shazam: The host received the body of Shazam which he can also upgrade, but the power level is limited up to the host's strength.

Side effect: When you transform into Shazam, your IQ will drop sharply!

"What IQ drops sharply?" Morty twitched his mouth.

"Don't question, just be happy with what you have." The bald man snorted.

"Haha, right." Morty chuckled as he thought the bald man said something reasonable.

Then the second phase of selections begins. Also in this round, there are a total of ten cards that have appeared on the table. But these cards are different from the first round cards. The previous ones were body containers, and the current ones are abilities.

At this moment, Morty felt a lot of eyes looking at him, and those eyes were full of greed and envy. Indeed, there are very few people like Morty who draw the golden card, so everyone is very envious. There are also a few lucky enough to draw the purple container. It's only one level weaker than the golden container, and it's not bad.

  Morty took a breath and looked back on the table. He looked at the ten cards and finally chose the card the same way as before, but with a different formula. After all, the dots are the same.

After choosing one of the cards, the bald man reconfirmed whether the selection was completed, and the card floated. Morty's heart throbbed as if it was about to break through his chest.


The golden light shone again, and Morty's eyes became very big. Although it was unusually dazzling, he felt that his heart was about to explode.

 "You can't be that lucky" The bald man was also taken aback.

Now the bald man started to doubt the card positing, at first he thought it was just his luck but the second time also he got the golden card. To confirm it the bald head whispered something in the air, it looked like he was asking if the card had some fault to someone responsible. But the person replied that everything was normal, it was Morty's luck.

  The people around were all looking at Morty in a daze. The golden rays of light twice flashed while they were observing Morty closely.

"Congratulations, you got the power of Enel!"

   Abilities: Electrotherapy, Electric Discharge, mind-reading…..

"Stop it…." The bald man shouts.

"Why…?" Morty questions in an instant.

"I won't let you get more ability since you already got enough."

Morty burst into tears as he was listening to the introduction of the card. On the one hand, he was excited and on the other hand, he felt sad as the introduction was stopped by the bald man.

Thunder God Enel is the number one overlord of sky island. He has absolute strength. In terms of combat power, he is equal to Shazam, which is outrageously strong. The sad reminder is the side-effect.   .

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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