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Chương 10: Chapter 10

"Next, number 263!" The Dude in the back called.

That's my number!

I went up to the stage in front of the three judges.

"Hello!" I said



"Welcome" the three judges said one at the time.

I took off my hood since I was wearing it because I feel uncomfortable at people staring at me like a pack of wolves.

Taking off my hood, the judges stared like they just saw a Angel. Don't blame them though, since I always stare at myself every morning.. *COUGH COUGH* moving on.

"Ehem, what's your name, your age and what your going to show us?" The middle judge said after getting out of her daze.

"My name is Kim Taehyung and I'm 15 years old. I can Sing and Dance." I introduced myself.

"Ooh nice, you could start when your ready Taehyung" the judge on the right said.

"Thank you!" I lightly bowed and went to where the big X was.

Thus he began to start singing first. Called "black swan". (A/N: do check it out 💅 Also I am NOT going to write the lyrics, sorry 😩)


Third Person POV:

After singing he started to dance the 'Black Swan'. The judges were astonished. It took them 10 minutes to get out of their daze this time.

"*Cough* that was really an eye opening for me." The judge on the right said.

"I agree. It was really over and beyond my expectations." The judge on the left agreed.

"Right? Taehyung your singing voice and your dancing skills is really top notch." The middle judge complimented.

"Thank you!" Taehyung lightly bowed.

"Let me ask you a question. Did you write this song by yourself? Or did someone help you?" The judge on the right asked.

"I had a friend help me write this song, you see he is very talented in songwriting." Taehyung obviously lied, but he couldn't tell them,

"oh I got reincarnated into Taehyung, a superstar in BTS so I know this song and learned the dance by heart."

"Ooh, then the friend of yours is really talented!" The judge on the left said.

"Thank you!" Taehyung said, relieved that they believed his lie.

"Alright you can go, if you passed then there will be mail tomorrow or the next day with information for you and your parents" the judge on the left said.

"Okay! Thank you, bye!" Taehyung bowed again and left.

"What an extraordinary Boy." The right said after Taehyung left.


To… Be… Continued… 💥😌👌



It’s partly a thank you chapter, short but the next chapter will be over 1k words I hope ;-;

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