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Omniverse Mayhem Omniverse Mayhem original

Omniverse Mayhem

Tác giả: IWhoMustNotBeName

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

Fire burning!

Wind screeching!

A figure was seen lying in a pool of blood flowing out from his left eye and a hole on his side of the waist, with bodies scattered around.

"Is this how I meet my end? I couldn't even fulfilled my parents last wish. Everything was my fault, they took away my parents, and they didn't even spared my little brother." A hoarse voice sounded out.

"Only if I had power like from those anime's characters then none of them would have died." The figure said looking at the sky as half of his house had already burnt.

Tenya Morisaki was a successful businessman, billionaire, youth icon, etc. many adored him. However, there's no such thing as free lunch in this world, because of it, his family and even his little brother was killed by schemes of his enemies who had their eyes on his property, when he heard this news he was devastated beyond shocked. Not even two days passed, they even decided to end his pitiful life. They sent numerous assassins to erased him when he's at his lowest. In the end, he lost everything he had ever worked for, his businesses, his families and his own life. At the hand of those greedy bastards, who would do anything for money.

"Hehe...truly a life of a fool. HAHAHAHA." The man laughed, coughing more blood.

'I am sorry everyone!! I was too naive...I shouldn't have showed mercy to them. Only if I had a second chance....'

With these kind of thoughts, Tenya Morisaki had passed away.










Wait, Wait....Who said that was the end? You may have, but I didn't. Then, let's wait for his comeback like civilized people...So what do you think, audience?
















"What the hell? Hadn't I died? Then, How come I'm here? And what with this body and these tattoos, it's not mine!! " A handsome young man screamed while touching all over his bodies.

He had long black loose hair and blue eyes and tattooed hands...but that was not the main problem..right?







IWhoMustNotBeName IWhoMustNotBeName

Hi Guys!!! I'm back with a cliche new story. Although it's not finished, I'm at chapter 12, so I'll post 1 chapter everyday.

I couldn't write fast because of damn exams and family problems. Exams worms are still not finished anyway...

Ugh, my brain hurting, brain hurting, brain hurting, brain hurting...I think I should go to hospital for check up..LOL.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it.

Hope you all will like it and Don't forget to left a review and let me know if found any mistakes.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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