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Night Eternal Night Eternal original

Night Eternal

Tác giả: VampyrDaemonia

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Prologue

For over a hundred centuries, the shadows have obscured something much darker and much more sinister. By the light of day, the world seems normal but as night falls, a new world awakens. There are those who believe this society to be much older than what it seems. To the mortal world, it is but a myth. However, myths have a habit of becoming a reality for some. The reality of it is those myths can be very, very deadly. When the last bit of remaining sunlight dies, those who dare to venture out at night tend to either go missing, or turn up dead and drained of their blood.

The mortals of the world are quick to write the killings off as some deranged murderer, and to a degree they are right. To those who know the truth, the creatures that stalk the dark of night are known as demons or more precisely, vampires.

To protect the defenseless, The Order of the Dawn was formed. They were educated in the knowledge of these creatures and how to kill them. Some members of the order were trained from a very young age to become what they call hunters or slayers. Since the founding of the order, the number of deaths at the hands of vampires have significantly decreased due to them. However, the scourge of these creatures seems to be never ending for even if the sun may rise, the night is eternal.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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