Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 15: Olympian Counsel ( Part 3 )


"Say what now?" Hades asked again, not believing what he heard.

"Emm, it's about time you get married to someone you know? Almost all of us is married already." Zeus said awkwardly.

Hades snorted, "that's bullshit"

Zeus then slammed his hand on his throne, you could hear the faint crack from the throne.

"Hades I've given you some respect by telling you to get married." Zeus said in a low voice.

"Zeus. Enough bullshit, even if I get married who is going to marry me anyways?!" Hades said.

"You have 20 years to find someone you love, if you can't then Aphrodite here is volunteer to marry you if you can after the deadline."

"Lord Zeus!" Aphrodite shrieked.

"Sorry Aphrodite but as king I need to make it fair for him" Zeus said apologetically.

"FAIR MY ASS!!! Aphrodite just slept with you a few times and you just agree to whatever she wanted, what kind of shit king is you? So ducking shameless!" Hades yelled angrily at Zeus.

The other Olympians flinched at his voice, nobody wanted to see angry Hades.

"ENOUGH! This is final, if you dare disagree I will make you live as a homeless mortal for 100 years!" Zeus said.

This made Hades quiet down, but they knew he isn't going to let this go.

"Just you wait Aphrodite and Zeus, I will make you pay" Hades muttered, gritting his teeth. His nails dug into his skin making it bleed golden liquor.

He turned around and went straight back home, to the underworld.


A/N: I decided to give Hephaestus a break in this universe, haha poor Hades though.

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