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Chương 1: ✧ Prologue ✧


Domino, Nine hundred years ago

[Wind howling as the snow flakes are falling on the tip of the isolated mountain]

Documents of a hundred places that describes the Werewolves transformation has been hidden together with its location.

[A blood encircled the sword in the middle of a heavy snow]

On the territory called Domino the documents had a range of many progenitors wrapping a hundred years of witches protection.

[An human-elf opened its palm as the daughter of the Moon Goddess watched her blood dropping on the snowy ground as she reached out a hand facing the distant sword]

A long time ago, the first daughter of the retired moon goddess that was in charge of the Werewolves fell in love with a human boy and conducted a bond that was forbidden on both sides.

The daughter of the retired moon goddess was punished for what she did.

[Rocks were shaking. The human-elf uses its magic to remove her powers. At the same time some areas in the snowy ground exploded like glaciers together with a resounding laugh that surrounded the entire area]

"The daughter of the former moon goddess, you are the new titleholder. You lost your focus on a human boy. Risking the whole process of the Werewolf's life. Conducting a forbidden bond!"

[The Sun God emerged out from one of the glacier holes in the ground which causes the daughter of the former moon goddess to spill out a few drops of blood from its mouth due to the harsh impact as her powers slowly being taken away from the human-elf]

With its remaining strength, the moon Goddess daughter speak up, "One day, from the werewolves clan there will be a son that will fall in love with a human girl and I promise you, he will find you and with my powers being taken away, he will inherit them by the time he reaches the young adulthood. And you know, no one could erase what I said since it is for the universe to keep until the day it will come to give it back to its new, legitimate owner."

"And you think that the human girl can help your so-called son from the werewolf's clan?" The Sun God ticked off her unreliable beliefs.

"Do not underestimate the future generation. You do not know what they are capable of. And yes, she will prove you wrong!"

"Your mother must have been disappointed with this. You unfilial child!"

[The daughter of the former moon goddess spilled out more blood from her mouth, she could not feel her powers flowing in her veins anymore. The human-elf successfully removed her powers.]

"I die today with a cause. And the effect will bounce back to you and the rest of those who wanted me dead!" She screamed out every word she said. She was the Moon Goddess, her mother -- the retired moon goddess looks down upon her werewolves, will she bless them or curse them?

[The Sun God and Human-elf will be witnessing how the first daughter of the retired Moon Goddess dies]

With one last breath, she whispered 'I will be the one to bless them with a genuine love even if one of those two will live on with the curse.'

and then the hand she reached out, gradually falls on the bed of snow that covers the ground, leaving her pair of eyes open as she dies.

Write_D_Words Write_D_Words

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