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94.73% God's Cafe

Chương 36: Speed Demon

[With Ruby and Poison Ivy]

After seeing off Ozpin, the duo hurry toward their destination, Ruby has to slow down a lot just so that Pamela can keep up with her. Putting all her points into agility and going with a speed-focused class has increased her movement speed to unprecedented levels.

Despite the difference between the two, Pamela isn't exactly slow either, and the two soon reach their destination, a huge house where a battle is raging on the roof between four individuals. Well, it's a completely unfair fight with three people teaming up against one old man.

The thing that really stood out, though, was the giant purple barrier around the group fighting.

To test things out, Pamela made a vine shoot out from the ground and attack the barrier. However, all that was achieved was the vine catching on fire the second it made contact.

"Tsk, how are we going to get through that thing?" Pamela asks as Ruby is already looking around the palace for anything they could use. Suddenly her eyes light up with stars as an idea comes to her.

"Hey, there is an entire forest here. Do you think you could make all the trees come to life?" Ruby asks, only to get a glare from Pamela.

"I could, yes, but if you want me to send them all charging at the barrier, then I will tell you now I'm not doing that. It would only end with all the plants getting burned." Pamela says.

Ruby shakes her head. "No, no, no, that's not what I was thinking. Do you see how the barrier is only on the roof? If you could have your plant monsters tear down all the building's walls on the first floor, the entire thing would collapse, and the barrier wouldn't be a problem anymore, see? Could your plants do that?"

Pamela thinks for a second, but as the battle on the roof heats up, she makes up her mind as hundreds of the surrounding trees start coming to life and take more human forms. They all charge at the building as a group, bashing into it with their giant bodies as the entire house quickly starts getting unstable.

The four fighting on the roof had noticed the building shaking beneath them as well as they tried to figure out what was happening. Unfortunately for them, not much time is given as the entire building collapses seconds later.

The four, of course, are Orochimaru as well as the first, second, and Third Hokage. They were able to react just fine, and all landed on their feet above the now turned to rubble building.

The Sound Four working for Orochimaru, who were focusing on keeping up the barrier, probably weren't as lucky, though, as they all ended up either unconscious or dead under the pile of debris.

"Wow, that worked a lot better than I thought. Now, what are all of your names? We need to decide who is good and who is bad here." Ruby says.

"You should get out of here, kids. I can't protect you and fight at the same time." The old man says hurriedly, trying to get Ruby and Pamela to leave the area.

"Old man, you look like you have one foot in the grave already, trust me, we can handle ourselves. Now you don't happen to be called Orochimaru, do you?" Pamela asks as she makes all her plant monsters form a tight circle around the group.

"Hmm, no, I am the Hokage of this hidden village, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Orochimaru is that guy over there." He says, pointing to the pale-looking man who was fighting against him.

"Oh, so you are the enemy." Ruby nods, pulling out her scythe and pointing it at Orochimaru, who just laughs at the girl's gesture.

"I don't know what you are planing, little girl, but you should have taken the old man's words to heart and escaped while you could, now you are going to di-"

Orochimaru isn't given a chance to finish his sentence as Ruby appears before him, swinging her scythe. The girl traveled so fast that only after images can be seen of her, and neither Orochimaru nor Hiruzen could see when she moved.

Pushing her semblance to the max, Ruby's fastest speeds could reach as high as ten times the speed of sound or roughly 12,000 kilometers per hour. It's not a surprise that most wouldn't even be able to see her move.

(Note: If game theory has taught me anything, it's that Ruby would be fucking dead when moving at such speeds, but I'm not here to make things realistic, I'm here to write big, unrealistic numbers.)

Not going for the kill, Ruby only hits Orochimaru with the backside of her scythe, making the pale man fly back in surprise.

Seeing this as a sign that the battle has restarted, Pamela sends her tree army to attack the two other accomplices on Orochimaru's side. Hiruzen thinks about making an attempt to stop her from going after his two teachers but eventually decides against it.

The first and second Hokage are strong enough to fight off one or two trees, but as hundreds are surrounding them, each putting everything they have into every attack as well as trying to bind them to the ground with their roots, they are quickly overwhelmed and taken down.

The whole process takes less than a minute, at which point Ruby returns, dragging a broken down Orochimaru by the neck. "Hey, this guy tried to protect himself, and I accidentally cut off his arms, what should we do? We have a mission to kill him, right? But I…" Ruby hesitates, not having killed anyone before. She just throws him on the ground in front of Pamela and Hiruzen.

Pamela is fine with doing the deed, but just as she is about to order a tree to stomp Orochimaru's head, they see a giant blue meteor falling from the sky.

"What the hell is that?" Hiruzen asks, eyes much wider than should be possible.

Everyone turns their attention to the falling meteor as Ruby gets excited. "Ooh, that must be the headmaster! I heard he got an epic ranked skill book as a drop from some boss and has been training to a high level to bring it out into the real world. I guess he reached it before the mission."

Hiruzen repeats, sounding confused, "Epic ranked…skill book…drop? What are you saying? Either way, this is disastrous! It will kill everyone in the village if it hits the ground."

Pamela eases the old man's worries. "Don't worry about it. The spell only damages those he designates as an enemy and does no damage to the world around it. Just a really good area of effect spell."

Hiruzen, still confused as ever, looks back at the ground. "Hey, where did Orochimaru disappear to?!?"

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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