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Chương 2: Kobeni is kawaii

After five years since Ryota's birth, his parents' selfishness and indifference had left a void in his young life. However, amidst the emotional neglect, there was one person who stood by his side – his older sister, Kobeni.

On a sunny afternoon, Ryota found himself in Kobeni's presence, his usually stoic expression softened by her protective nature. Kobeni, with a fierce determination in her eyes, approached Ryota with a sense of purpose.

The sun was painting the town gold, and within a serene home tucked away from the bustling city, the bond of siblinghood was shining even brighter. Ryota and Kobeni, two souls intertwined by fate and love, embodied the essence of a bond that time had strengthened, not weakened.

Kobeni had always been the sturdy rock in Ryota's unpredictable life. Her nurturing instincts were the balm to the scars of Ryota's emotional battles. While their parents remained emotionally distant, Kobeni's heart had always remained open and inviting for her younger brother.

Their laughter and giggles filled the air that evening, a soothing melody of shared moments and intertwined memories. But as the golden hour approached, it was time for a tradition they both held dear—a shared bath.

Ryota was the first to set foot in the bathroom. He adjusted the water temperature to a comfortable warmth and poured in lavender-scented bath salts, allowing the room to fill with a relaxing aroma. As he began to disrobe, he couldn't help but notice Kobeni's hesitant movements beside him. Recognizing her discomfort, he tried to lighten the mood. "Remember those days when we would argue over who gets to play with the rubber duck?"

Kobeni responded with a soft chuckle, her nervousness melting away, "And you always won, somehow."

The room's ambiance, now laid-back, saw Ryota settling into the bathtub first, water enveloping him in a warm embrace. As Kobeni joined him, he could sense her unease. Wanting to alleviate the tension, he suggested, "Let me help wash your hair; you always said I had the magic touch."

Kobeni smiled, her initial hesitancy fading. "Only because you took it so seriously. It's just shampooing, you know?"

Their shared bath was an intimate experience. Ryota gently massaged shampoo into Kobeni's long hair, the rhythmic motions creating a serene, almost meditative atmosphere. Kobeni leaned into his touch, allowing the soothing movements to ease away the stress of the day.

In between, their conversation flowed easily—soft laughter, shared memories, and playful splashes punctuated the comfortable silence. At some point, Kobeni playfully nudged Ryota. "Remember the time you accidentally used my conditioner as body wash?"

Ryota's laughter echoed in the room, "It felt so slimy! I thought it was some fancy soap you'd bought."

As the water turned cooler, signaling the culmination of their ritual, Kobeni took a moment to look deeply into Ryota's eyes. Her voice, tender and filled with emotion, whispered, "Thank you for always being my pillar, Ryota. Even in these moments, I feel your love and care."

Ryota, in his characteristic soft-spoken manner, replied, "Always, Kobeni. It's my way of ensuring my big sis looks after me."

Their parents' home, a vast estate filled with echoing halls and empty rooms, felt warmer with their shared laughter and tales of daily adventures. Today had been an eventful one—Ryota had managed to save a kitten stuck in a tree, and Kobeni, ever the talented artist, had sketched their furry little friend.

Their day was filled with shared experiences—the joy of a kite flying high, the taste of a forbidden treat sneaked from the kitchen, and the soft melodies they hummed together under their favorite cherry blossom tree.

As the sun set, casting long shadows on the cobblestone pathway of their garden, they both knew it was time for their cherished tradition—a shared bath to wash off the day and embrace the night.

Ryota, always one for preparation, had taken great care to ensure the bath was perfect. The temperature was meticulously adjusted, and the scent of lavender mingled with the steam, promising relaxation. As they stepped into the bathroom, Kobeni's nervous glances didn't go unnoticed.

Ryota smirked, trying to diffuse the tension, "You still embarrassed about that time you splashed all the water out?"

She blushed, recalling the memory, "That was one time! And you dared me to make the biggest splash."

With Ryota in the tub, he beckoned Kobeni to join. She hesitated for a moment, then remembering their shared trust, she stepped in. Their shared bath became a vessel for shared stories—of dreams, nightmares, hopes, and fears. They spoke about school, friends, that new bookstore downtown, and their secret plan to build a treehouse.

At some point, the conversation turned playful. Kobeni splashed water on Ryota, teasing him about the girl he had a crush on. Ryota retaliated by talking about the boy who'd given Kobeni a love letter.

However, the playfulness soon shifted to a more intimate and genuine exchange. Ryota softly confessed, "Sometimes, I feel lost. But with you, everything seems clear."

Kobeni, tears glistening, responded, "You are my north star, Ryota. I'd be adrift without you."

As the bath came to its inevitable end, the two wrapped themselves in towels, the warmth of the water a mere shadow compared to the warmth they felt from each other.

In a home where sunlight shone brighter due to sibling love, Ryota and Kobeni's bond was an enigma. They shared laughter, stories, and moments that were more valuable than gold. But today was slightly different. Ryota had something on his mind, a plan to make their bond even more steadfast, especially after he'd noticed how the external world had started influencing Kobeni's thoughts about their relationship.

The vast estate they called home often echoed with their voices, their shared secrets, and the soft hums of melodies they'd grown up listening to. Their day had been filled with experiences—Ryota's brave rescue of a trapped kitten and Kobeni's art capturing the moment flawlessly.

Their shared bath time, a tradition they both cherished, approached. Ryota had meticulously prepared the bath. The scent of lavender created a calm ambiance, a perfect setting for the plan he had in mind.

As Kobeni hesitated, stepping into the bathroom, Ryota recalled an incident. "Remember that time you accidentally drenched both of us because you wanted to see if soap bubbles could float on water?"

Kobeni giggled, "I can't believe you remember that! I was just curious."

The two settled into the tub, and as they started washing off the grime from their day, Ryota decided to broach a sensitive topic. "Kobeni," he began carefully, "I've noticed you sometimes seem distant. Like something's bothering you. And I've heard those silly rumors at school about our bond, how they label it as a 'brother complex.'"

Kobeni's eyes darkened, hinting at the turmoil she'd been experiencing. "I...I didn't want to bring it up. It's just that sometimes, people don't understand our bond. They give it names, make fun of it. It makes me question if our closeness is...normal."

Ryota, his heart aching at her vulnerability, replied, "Kobeni, what others say or think doesn't define us. Our bond is unique because it's ours. We've been there for each other when no one else was. And if that gives rise to a 'complex,' then so be it. It's a complex of love, understanding, and mutual respect. We should wear it as a badge of honor."

He continued, "And if you ever feel insecure about our relationship because of societal norms, always remember that those norms change. What remains constant is genuine love and affection."

Kobeni, tears brimming, whispered, "Thank you, Ryota. It's just been so hard, but hearing you say that...it makes everything clearer."

In a home where memories were many, Ryota and Kobeni's relationship was notably skewed. Behind the veil of normalcy, there was a dark secret. Their mother, driven by twisted desires, often preyed on Ryota. He was her victim in a vile series of ongoing sexual abuses.

Kobeni, having walked in on one such act, felt her world shatter. The image of her younger brother, being violated by their own mother, was engraved in her mind. This scarring experience gave birth to an obsessive need within Kobeni to shield Ryota from further harm, forming the core of her pronounced brother complex.

As the two siblings began their usual bathing routine, an undercurrent of tension was palpable. The aroma of lavender did little to mask the weight of the atmosphere.

Seeing Kobeni's evident distress, Ryota attempted to inject some normalcy. "Hey, remember our old soap battles?"

Distracted momentarily, Kobeni replied, "Yeah, and how you'd always cheat."

The playful banter couldn't stave off the inevitable confrontation. Voice shaky, Kobeni started, "I saw her, Ryota. I saw what mom did to you."

Ryota's face turned ashen. "I thought I was careful, that I'd shielded you from seeing that."

"But you're the one who needed shielding," Kobeni responded with tear-filled eyes. "That's why I'm like this now, all overprotective and obsessive. I can't let her touch you again."

Ryota, eyes wet, said, "I've lived with it, Kobeni. But I didn't want it to affect you. Besides you can't do anything you are weak now "

Kobeni tried to argue " I can't.....I will be strong and save you.....As I should....I won't let my sweet brother share this cruel fate as me"

In the enveloping warmth of the bath, amidst their shared trauma, the siblings found strength in each other. They realized that, moving forward, they had each other's backs.

Ryota found himself sharing a shower with Kobeni, the warm water cascading down their bodies, steam enveloping the room. The intimacy of the moment, the feel of water, and the muted sound of droplets created a surreal atmosphere.

In the midst of this, Ryota's eyes glazed over, and he slipped into a vivid daydream, almost trance-like. He saw himself in a dystopian world – a place dominated by extremism, hatred, and violence. Everywhere he looked, he saw a society that was twisted beyond recognition, filled with horrors that would make one's blood run cold

Suddenly, a cry escaped his lips - raw, pained, and filled with anguish. The haunting images from his vision still lingering in his mind's eye.

Kobeni, startled by his cry, quickly turned towards him. She saw tears mixing with the water on Ryota's face, his expression one of pure horror. "Ryota? What's wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Ryota, struggling to catch his breath, managed to utter, "A nightmare...a terrible nightmare." He clutched onto Kobeni, seeking comfort and grounding from the horrific visions that had invaded his mind.

In that moment, a profound understanding passed between them. Ryota reached out and gently ruffled Kobeni's wet hair, a silent acknowledgment of her uniqueness and the bond they shared. Kobeni, her eyes meeting Ryota's, found solace in his unspoken acceptance.

"Hey kobeni let me rub your body " Ryota said as he brought a sponge

"Heeeee " Kobeni screamed

What followed is that laughs of two sibilings being intimate together....A totally wholesome relation between two innocent siblings

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