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Chương 24: Well sorry

Well sorry..

My internet was not normal these last few days. The upload rate was crap and sometimes even Twitter posts couldn't be done.

Anyway, that was the reason I didn't post more chapters of the story I was trying to write at the time. And that got me thinking about a few things. Mainly about what I was really trying to do with all of this.

; This story of writing something; stopping and starting writing something else wasn't going well. Neither for you nor for me.

During this time 'No internet'; I got kind of bored so I thought I'd write several chapters and keep them. And that didn't work either. For some reason, I wasn't inspired by this new story. Sad...

But it wasn't the end. And I felt strangely motivated to rewrite the stories I 'abandoned'.

This was not a momentary motivation. And I'm rewriting my first story posted on this site a week ago. No creative interruptions. And, in fact, with more creative force than usual.

But that doesn't mean I'll be posting anytime soon. Since I intend to do something nice with her; something good. And for that; I'm planning on writing the first full story arc before I start posting.

My goal is to write about 40 chapters for this first 'arc'. And when I'm done, I'll post 20 of them on P@treon; for the symbolic value of 1 dollar. Later I will post 10 chapters here on this site. And every week; 10 new chapters will be posted here and on P@treon. Then on P@treon; every week will have 10 chapters in advance.

The name of the story will change; From 'Manipulation of Reality' to 'Rewriting of Reality'. And this change is because I find the new name more consistent with the story itself.

The story will have many changes; both in the narrative and in the form of writing. And I'm very excited to try to turn this once 'average' story; into something good and really engaging.

I have studied a little about literature and the process of making books; So I think my decision is the best in terms of cost-benefit.

Of course, I would love to make a living writing; That's why I created P@treon. So I would love for readers to support my story on this site. But if it is not possible for you; no problems; the story will continue to appear on this site, only with a delay of one week.

Anyway, this is just a conversation chapter. And a chapter explaining why I won't be writing my new story for now.

My mind always has many different stories being thought of every day. And my ADHD never lets me finish them.

Many of these stories never made it to any website. And I feel sad about it.

I am someone who; in addition to having problems with attention and constancy, I'm also a perfectionist. And if it's not good for me; it's not good for anyone. And that's the big reason I 'drop' many stories that didn't even make it to this site; in addition to those who arrived.

I am a person full of personal problems; problems I know I have. For that, I apologize to the readers.

But. Better days will come! What if what I plan for my current and future stories works out; it will be good for you and me. So I hope you all are looking forward to it. And may everyone accompany these 'better days'

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