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Chương 6: Chapter 5: Timeskips, Elementary School and Basketball. IMPORTANT NOTICE AND POLLS

Changes & Explanations:

-Went back to change the family name

-When I talked about the punishment of the quest, I changed it to make more sense saying 'The punishment will only be light and nothing too drastic, BUT it won't be something stupid like 'death' or 'loss of all money' making them homeless

-With the Skills made from wishes, he'll have to level that up as well

-Changed the quest a little by adding squats as well

-Vote here whether:

A) Shichiro joines Seirin with Tetsuya Kuroko

B) Shichiro joins a different high school with another GoM like Aomine

C) OR none of the above and I make up a random high school that Shichiro goes to (personally, I don't want to do this since it takes a lot of brain power which I don't have so hopefully you guys choose either A or B)



[Quest Had Been Accepted]

I've accepted the quest and now me and dad are going home back to Tetsuya-nii and mom

-Back at home-

Dad: "We're back!"

I head up to my room to start this quest. To start off I do some light stretches so I don't pull a muscle.

{Light workout for the arms and legs COMPLETED!}

I get down in a push-up position. I use my weight to connect my chest with the floor

{Push-ups 1/25}

I carry on doing push-ups... {6/25} Damn, it's tiring. I mean, what did I expect, I'm in a 4 year old body..

{Push-ups 24/25} Just one more...

{Push-ups 25/25 COMPLETED!}

Good, now I can do the Sit-ups. I lay down on my back, and move my feet backwards closer to me so it's like a bridge, and then I move my head up to my knees, using my ab muscles to push me up without the assistance of my legs.

{Sit-ups 1/25}


{Sit-ups 25/25 COMPLETED!}

I now stand up, and move my legs out sideways, getting in a squat position (or horse stance) and use the power of my leg muscles to move my body down.

{Squats 1/25}


{Squats 25/25 COMPLETED!}

"Bloody hell!" That's tiring... And now I have to do 10 minutes of jogging?!

'I can't do this' My legs are sore, my arms are sore, my chest hurts, how the hell can I do 10 minutes jogging right now? I'll just do it later once I get my energy back

-2 Hours Later-

After having dinner I go back up to my room to finish my workout

I start jogging on the spot, this is clearly to build up my stamina whereas the other 2 are to build up my speed and power

-10 minutes later-

{10/10 Minutes of Jogging COMPLETED!}

[Daily Quest Has Been Completed!]

-Timeskip, 1 Year later-

Today is the day I turn 5 years old, and the final day of completing the first part of the Quest Chain

we've already celebrated mine and Tetsuya-nii's birthday, so I just head up to my room to finish the workout


[Quest Chain Part 1 Has Been Completed!]

[Rewards: An Athlete's Body, Next Quest for Quest Chain and Level-Up on all Skills]


-{Dribbling - Level 03 -> Dribbling - Level 04: Exp - 0/80}

-{Perfect Copy - Level 00 -> Perfect Copy - Level 01: Exp - 0/10}

-{God-Speed Impulse - Level 00 -> God-Speed Impulse - Level 01: Exp - 0/10}

[Quest Chain Part 2 Activated]

{Daily Quest - Every day until you're 6, do an exercise/workout routine consisting of:

-Stretches for every part of the body

-100 Push-ups

-100 Sit-ups

-100 Squats

-1 Hour Jogging on the spot

{Time Limit: Once Every Day}

{Reward: Quest Chain finished, Level-Up on all Skills, Permission to play basketball]

{Punishment For Failure: Body back to old health}



-Timeskip, 1 Year Later-

Tomorrow is the day I start 1st grade (Elementary school) and today, I've finished the Second part of the Quest Chain.

[Quest Chain has been completed]

{Rewards: Quest Chain Finished, Level-Up on all Skills, Permission to play basketball}


{Dribbling - Level 04: Exp - 0/80 -> Dribbling - Level 05: Exp - 0/160}

{Perfect Copy - Level 01: Exp - 0/10 -> Perfect Copy - Level 02: Exp - 0/20}

{God-Speed Impulse - Level 01: Exp - 0/10 -> God-Speed Impulse - Level 02: Exp - 0/20}

Today, once again, it is mine and Tetsuya-nii's birthday(s), I walk out of my room and meet Tetsuya as we both head down the stairs going to the kitchen where mom and dad are

Dad&Mom: "Happy Birthday Tetsuya and Shichiro!"

Tetsuya&Me: "Thank you! and happy birthday to you Shichiro-nii/Tetsuya-nii"

Dad: "Well, you guys start elementary school tomorrow, which means-" He glances at me and says "Shichiro here, can play basketball"

Tetsuya: "Basketball? What's that?" Tetsuya, at this age, didn't know what basketball is, after all he started playing basketball during junior high (I think) in the anime

"It's a very fun sport where you have 2 teams that try to get as many points as you can by scoring in the other basket"

Tetsuya: "Can I play it aswell?" He asked curiously

'hm.. If Tetsuya were to play basketball with me, do I try and teach him about misdirection and teach him phantom shot and drive from early, or do I teach him other skills but make him lose his misdirection...?'


Important Poll:

A) Keep Tetsuya's misdirection but learn phantom shot and phantom drive from an early age

B) Teach Tetsuya other skills that could make him as good as Shichiro but not as good since he doesn't have Perfect Copy or God-Speed Impulse as well

C) Something else, Type it in comments


"Of course you can, me and you can practice at the park next to the Sports Store"

Tetsuya: "Great!" He happily exclaimed

I look over at dad and mom who are also smiling at us and ask "When can we go play basketball?"

Mom: "We can all go over to the park right now, AFTER we finish eating lunch, but just to remind you, you guys start elementary school tomorrow so don't be too excited when we come back either wise you'll over sleep and be late to school, and if that happens.... No more basketball on School days, understand?

[Quest activated"]

{Quest - Go to sleep by 10pm and wake up by 7-8am to get a nice healthy rest, ready for school}

{Time Limit - Every day for 5 days}

{Reward: Allowed to play basketball on school days}

{Punishment For Failure: No basketball this week on school days}



-At the park-

We've arrived at the park and I've got the fully pumped up ball ready, I've pumped it up fully since now when dribbling, the ball only goes a little past my head, if I don't have my hand above it to dribble that is.

Since I'm above average in height (3ft 9.5) standing at 4ft, I'm able to start shooting now.

And due to my natural ambidextrous body (able to use both arms and legs equally, so no preferred hand/foot) I'm able to shoot with any form.

All I'm doing to start off and get the shooting skill, is just doing the basic shooting form, of putting one hand under the ball, and the other on the side of the ball so that the ball is balanced and I'm able to aim, I then use my hand at the bottom of the ball to push the ball with all my strength and try and get it in the basket.

The ball missed.

I didn't get the shooting skill either.

I go for the ball and move back to the free throw line where I was previously standing, and shoot again. The ball hits the back board and goes into the hoop.

"oh yeah!" I celebrate for scoring my first ever basket

[Skill has been created: Free-Throw Shooting]

{Skills: 4}

{Free-Throw Shooting - Level 01: Exp - 0.1/10}

Author Question: Should I get MC to meet Momoi in elementary school, or should I just do a timeskip to junior high/middle school, to where Shichiro and Tetsuya meet Momoi at Teiko?

A= Elementary school

B= Teiko

Darkened7 Darkened7

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