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Chương 113: Hu Liena vs Xie Yue

Under Hu Liena's bewildered gaze, Lin Yan kept away the pots and pans and quickly jumped into the carriage. The three girls also stood up with a smile and said.

"See you."

"See you later."

Hu Liena stayed still and looked at them. The direction in which they are going is really into the deep of the Star Dou Forest.

Is it true?


Not long after Lin Yan and others left a tall man leaped in the forest like a gust of wind. After a while, he came to Hu Liena's side.

He looked at Hu Liena, who was staring into the distance with blank eyes, puzzled.

"Sister. What are you looking at?"

"I was looking at a group of people."

Xie Yue narrowed his mouth. That direction is the depths of the Star Dou Forest. If there are really people who went in they are probably dead.

"Nana, it's not that I am scolding you. Your time now is very precious. You should devote all your body and mind to your cultivation, and should not be in a daze. Let's go, I'll take you to another area to practice."

Hu Liena glanced at Xie Yue with her narrow eyes.

"Brother, I don't need experience anymore, let's go home and return to the Spirit Hall."

Xie Yue frowned. "Sister did you forget the three elements of the strong that I told you? Forget it, it's okay, I'll tell you again. If you want to be strong, you have to have perseverance, steel will....."

Hu Liena: "..."

"Brother, I have broken through to level fifty."

"What's wrong with level fifty? Is level fifty the reason why you don't work hard?" Xieyue was unable to process what Hu Liena said and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cause of educating his sister.

"In order to become the Soul King, I went through three months of fighting in this Star Dou Forest. I shed a lot of blood and sweat before I broke through level 50..."


Suddenly, Xie Yue stopped bragging and realized that he seem to have overlooked an important thing.

"Wait...you have broken through to level fifty."

Hu Liena nodded silently.

"It's impossible... not in line with common sense."

Xie Yue couldn't believe it at all.

Because Bibi Dong predicted that Hu Liena would have to spend at least half a year in the Star Dou Forest before she could reach level fifty.

Even if there are some deviations, it will not be particularly large.

But it has only been a few days, and she actually told me that she had broken through.

As a staunch supporter of the Pope, he has enough reason to suspect that his sister is deceiving him.

Hmph, this girl seems to be spoiled by him, and she wants to cheat me! It's time for her to be disciplined.

Xie Yue thought angrily.

"It's true, you don't seem to believe me."

Hu Liena released her soul power as she spoke.

"It turned out to be level 50 soul power..."

Xie Yue was stunned and he could feel that Hu Liena's spirit power was extremely condensed.

This meant that once his sister acquired the fifth spirit ring, the fifty-first level was not the limit at all. It can even be higher.

How is this possible?

How did she achieve this!

Xie Yue asked blankly. "Nana, you... how did you do it?"

"If I say it, you may not believe it. I ate a bowl of fried rice with eggs and some fruits and broke through... and my martial spirit has also evolved!"

Hu Liena's eyes were colorful, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Okay, Nana, don't say it. If you say that, I really won't believe it!"

Xie Yue waved his hand again and again. This is too fake.

I dare say that even in story books such opportunities will not be present.

"Xie Yue, look at me!"

Hu Liena was angry. She decided to show her ability.

"Huh?" Xie Yue cast his gaze subconsciously. The two look at each other.

He saw Hu Liena's eyes, there was a flash of golden brilliance.


It was like a sledgehammer hit him in the head, leaving his brain blank.


It took him five breaths to regain consciousness.

"This, what is this?"

He was horrified, for so many years since he was a child. He didn't know that Hu Liena had such a magical attacking skill.

"Huh, you want me to talk now?" Hu Liena sneered.

"My good sister, brother is wrong. Tell me."

Xie Yue said with a smile. He was really curious about how his sister got this ability.

"This is the additional ability brought by Martial spirit Evolution, mental shock. Of course the martial spirit Evolution also originated from that meal!"

Xie Yue "...Can I believe it? But it seems a bit of a joke."

But this time he didn't completely deny it, and became skeptical.

"Do you know? In the mental shock attack just now, I only used one-tenth of my mental power. I am afraid that if I used full power I will turn you into an idiot."

Hu Liena shook her head as she said.

"Hiss. I am sure to become an idiot, are you sure?"

Xie Yue frowned secretly.

Who is he Xie Yue? The first person of the younger generation of the Spirit Hall.

Hu Liena had just hit him by surprise, which was the reason she shocked him.

Now you say that I will become an idiot if attacked with full power.

Arrogant. If I believe you, I am an idiot!

"Brother, don't be like that! If you don't believe it then attack me with all your strength! That's right, I'm talking about using your own soul ability, Full Moon."

Ah...Xie Yue hesitated. Full moon is his own spirit ability, but it's power is something even he feels scared off.

But my sister wants me to use this skill on her. Isn't she crazy?

"Nana, you know, once I use this spirit ability, I may not be able to control it and hurt you!"

Xie Yue shook his head.

"Hehe, Xie Yue, that would have happened if you are able to hit me. Besides, if I defeat you head-on, how can you not believe what I said?"

Hu Liena smiled faintly, her face full of confidence.

"Okay. I'll see how you crack my spirit ability, I will only use 30%!"

Xie Yue held both hands, and the two beams of moonlight turned into crescent moons were held in his hands. It was his Martial Spirit Moon Blade.

Although this martial soul is rare, it has extremely strong offensive power.

"I am coming!"

Xie Yue roared as his figure disappeared and a disc shining with white light appeared in the field and attacked Hu Liena.

However, Hu Liena's behavior surprised him.

Because Hu Liena didn't choose to move but stood still?

This? What is she doing?

If in the past, Hu Liena faced such an attack, she would have been moving in a way to keep a distance and enchant the opponent.

But this time it is different.

She shook her head disdainfully, "It's too slow."

That's right it is slow.

At this moment, golden light flashed in her eyes, and Xie Yue's movements seemed to slow down in her eyes.

This is the benefit of being strong.

At this time, if Lin Yan knew Hu Liena's ability he would be surprised, "Isn't this the golden version of the purple magic pupil?"





We've heard the sound in movies both old and new, it finds its way into horror movies as some lost mysterious code. Heroes in action flicks use it to help send out secret messages past the villains holding them captive, and secret lovers have passed messages using it in carefully constructed pieces of art or even braille. It served as the foundation for a new era of communication, and has served vital roles in wars old and new. What is it we're talking about? Morse Code of course! Morse Code Day celebrates this amazingly concise, powerful, and influential way of transmitting information and the history of how it changed the world.

Morse Code Day has been designed to pay tribute to this traditional form of communication. This is a telecommunications method that was used for encoding text characters. It involves using standardized sequences of two different signal durations. These were called dits and dahs or dots and dashes. The name "morse code" has been inspired by the inventor of the telegraph; Samuel Morse.

There is an International Morse Code, which encodes a small set of procedural signals and punctuation signals, as well as Arabic numerals, the English alphabet, and some non-English letters as well.

There are a lot of interesting facts out there about morse code, and Morse Cody Day is certainly a good time to learn about them. For example, did you know that there is no distinction between the lower and upper case when using Morse code?

Moreover, Morse code was designed so that for every symbol, the length was roughly inverse to how frequently the character appeared in the English dictionary. For example "E" is the most common language within the English alphabet. So, based on the notion mentioned, "E" is going to have the smallest signal, and it does; it is simply a dot.

The year was 1836, and Samuel F.B. Morse was working on something with a pair of compatriots that would utterly change the way the world transmitted information. What they would develop would be the device and technology that would drive communication until the radio finally became fully developed years later. Even then, radio was often used to transmit Morse Code over long distances, as even weak signals could often carry a comprehensible message in Morse code. It also has the distinction of being a coded language that a human with the right experience can translate by ear, at speed, without a decoder.

While it was developed for English, the alphabet has frequently been modified for other languages, making its reach and use universal in nature. From then it has found its way into Aviation, Amateur Radio, and can even be transmitted by flashing lights, as any fan of media can tell you. Mirrors, flashlights, even bright spotlights have all been used to transmit information in this amazing and diverse codebase. Perhaps the most amazing and unexpected use of this language is to help those with disabilities be able to communicate through simple tapping, or even through a simple skin buzzer. It truly is powerful and adaptive.

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