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Chương 19: A Rare Girl

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

When they entered the hospital, Jiang Feng led Lin Miaoxue into his little sister's ward.

"Dad, Mom, this is my former classmate, Lin Miaoxue. She lent me money so my little sister could be treated."

As soon as they walked into the ward, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and started to introduce them.

"Nice to meet you. Come in and have a seat," Yu Xiumin said as she hurriedly stood up.

Lin Miaoxue smiled and nodded. She followed Jiang Feng into the ward and placed all the fruits she had bought on the table by the bed.

"How's the patient?" Lin Miaoxue asked, sitting beside the bed and gently taking his little sister's hand.

"I'm fine, Sister. Thank you for helping us."

Little Sister was not afraid of strangers at all, so she just smiled and spoke to Lin Miaoxue.

Looking at the beautiful, fairy-like young woman in front of her, she could not help having a good impression of her. Besides, she had been willing to generously help her brother when he was down and out, which made her feel even closer to Lin Miaoxue.

The old couple next to her was also shocked by Lin Miaoxue's appearance. Her looks were definitely striking. Even compared to popular superstars, she was not inferior in any way. Even if she wore light makeup or no makeup at all, she could easily crush them, and the elegant demeanor of her body was even more extraordinary.

The old couple couldn't help but think of their son's ex-girlfriend, Yu Jia. The two of them were as different as heaven and earth. Although Yu Jia didn't look bad, her temperament and manners were incomparable to this girl's. Lin Miaoxue was much better than her in all aspects.

"Xiaoxue, have some water." Yu Xiumin didn't stay idle. She poured a glass of water and handed it to Lin Miaoxue enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Auntie," Lin Miaoxue replied politely as she took the glass with both hands. Her every move was filled with the etiquette and self-cultivation of the daughter of a good family.


As they sat in the ward, everyone chatted for a while. By now, Jiang Feng's family had a very good impression of Lin Miaoxue.

Seeing that it was almost time to leave, Lin Miaoxue took the initiative to stand up.

"Take good care of yourself, Little Sister.

"Uncle and Auntie, it's so good to see that she is fine, but she needs to rest a bit more. I won't disturb her anymore."

She spoke with a faint smile, looking very gentle.

This made Jiang Feng, who was standing next to her, feel very touched. All these years, he really hadn't realized that Lin Miaoxue had such a warm side.

"It's not easy to find a taxi here. Let me take you back," Jiang Feng said, standing up as well.

Yu Xiumin and her husband also stood up to see her off. As his little sister watched Lin Miaoxue walk out of the ward, she suddenly called out to Jiang Feng.

"Brother, come over here!"

When he heard his little sister's voice behind him, Jiang Feng turned around and walked back to her.

"What's wrong, little sister? Do you want me to come back and bring you some delicious food?"

Jiang Feng patted his little sister's head and spoke to her dotingly.

"Brother, this girl is much, much better than Yu Jia.

"Such a girl is hard to come by. You have to cherish her. Seize this opportunity!"

Xiao Yu pulled Jiang Feng close and spoke to him quietly.

As she did, she winked at Jiang Feng. Upon hearing her words, Jiang Feng smiled. His little sister really should worry about herself rather than him.

"I will fight for her," he said with a smile before he turned around and left the ward.


While driving Lin Miaoxue home, Jiang Feng was chatting with her. During this short time, the two of them did not feel as estranged as before. They said a lot to each other, talking about things until they felt quite comfortable.

"Oh, right. I have to return the 30,000 yuan you lent me.

"I really didn't expect you to be the only one to lend me money. I'm really touched."

However, as soon as Jiang Feng finished speaking, Lin Miaoxue's expression immediately changed. She deliberately frowned and pretended to be angry. "I'm not short of money right now. There's no need for you to be in such a hurry."

She had only lent him the money in the morning, and that was why she had gotten in touch with Jiang Feng today. But if Jiang Feng turned around and returned the money now, he would have no reason to contact her in the future. Lin Miaoxue was a girl after all. She was prone to overthink, which was why she had deliberately said this.

However, in Jiang Feng's eyes, returning the money didn't mean that they would not contact each other again. Besides, he knew that Lin Miaoxue wasn't the sort of person who spent money recklessly. This 30,000 yuan was definitely not too much for her, but she had earned it with hard work.

"I know your family is not short of money, but it doesn't make a difference.

"Besides, I won't forget all about you tomorrow just because I paid you back today."

Upon hearing Jiang Feng's words, Lin Miaoxue burst out laughing!

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    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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