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Chương 12: Jurassic Era of Dinosaurs? ( Re-Edited )

( Re-Edited )

After the Cambrian period ends, it is the beginning of the Jurassic. Species on the planet have reached unprecedented heights, whether it is the quantity or the life level, it is far more than before. The most conspicuous is the rapid growth in the diameter of the planet. On the planet panel, there have been corresponding changes.

{ Planet Name: Blue Star

Planet level: first class

Planet diameter: 83.6 kilometers

Planet Species: 502

Deduction route: none }

When the Jurassic era came, It has accelerated this growth. Jiang Fan was also looking forward to it. Earth in the past, in many epochs, the Jurassic is probably the most famous one. The main reason for this is in this era, there lives a well-known large animal, Dinosaurs. This incredible creature has been referenced by countless film and television animation works in later generations.

"I wonder if dinosaurs will be born on the blue star?" Jiang Fan couldn't help but have such an idea in his heart. He also knew that the conditions of Blue Star are completely incomparable to Earth, as the area is too small, so there is no room for dinosaurs to grow, so It's hard to give birth to large creatures like dinosaurs.

The truth is as Jiang Fan expected. After the Jurassic begins, the whole planet became warm and dry. Primitive mammals appeared. It was also at this time that the first vertebrates that could fly appeared. The earliest turtle in the world, the Seychelles giant tortoise, was born. The first snakes, moths, bees, and many new small mammals also appeared one by one. Then, birds began to appear. Mammals develop slowly and vigorously. Flowering plants also make their debut. It also represents the highest and largest group in the plant kingdom, Angiosperms.

Boarded the stage of biological evolution, such as magnolia, willow, maple, poplar, birch, palm, and so on. Angiosperms flourished rapidly and spread all over the surface. The emergence and development of angiosperms provide a large amount of food for some animals, such as insects, birds, and mammals. Among animals, such as horses, antelope, and bison, some common species were born.

On the planetary structure, land, and sea gradually became distinct. Grassland, Alpine, Forest, Hills, Basin, and Desert appear one by one. The crustal movement tends to be stable, so the climate is more suitable for the survival of life. If we assume that the Cambrian is called "the explosion of life", then the Jurassic is "The Big Bang Theory".

The number and quality of species present are far from comparable to the Cambrian. It's a pity for Jiang Fan. The dinosaur that he has been thinking about for a long time has never been able to appear, but there have been many species that are not quite the same as the previous Earth. After all, they are two different planets, so for the evolutionary direction, of course, they can't be exactly the same.

The time is approaching the late Jurassic period. Although this period is not long, it is the most colorful. All kinds of new species are on the way. To the planet, it gives amazing vitality, so visually, the diameter of the planet has exceeded 100 kilometers, and more.

"There are probably more than a thousand species on the planet now." Jiang Fan made an estimate while observing.

If you show it to others, It is estimated that it will scare a lot of people to death. To understand, even on a Tier 4 planet is almost impossible to have so many species not to mention a planet has just awakened. It is already very good.

With a little regret about not being able to see dinosaurs, Jiang Fan looked away. The next stage, is the third generation of the Phanerozoic. After the Cambrian and Jurassic, another era is also the most critical and important period until the birth of the planet, the Anthropocene.

Intelligent life begins.

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'' Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization ''


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