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Chương 18: 018: You really dare to admit it

Dịch giả: 549690339

Forth Mrs. Su still wanted to struggle a bit, as going to Duke An Mansion was clearly an errand that would offend people. However, the moment the great madam glanced at her, she swallowed the words she wanted to say and forced a smile, "I will go now, mother."

"Go ahead," said the great madam with a wave of her hand.

Forth Mrs. Su left, forcing a smile, and Mrs. Zeng hurriedly followed her out.

Only then did Second Mrs. Su arrive, not knowing what had happened and completely confused.

As the eldest wife had already taken the lead, Third Mrs. Su did not dare to say anything else. Even though the second wife was late, she wasn't as sarcastic as before.

Second Mrs. Su quickly went forward to greet the great madam and said with a smile, "Just before going out, I received a letter from a servant by Lan Xi's side. Mother, Lan Xi is pregnant."

Finally, the great madam showed a slight smile, "Really? That's great news. You should go to South Duke Mansion today to visit her."

Second Mrs. Su agreed immediately, and the atmosphere in the room instantly relaxed.

It was only then that Su Jingmo whispered to Su Xinyi, "Did you eat leopard gall today?"

Su Xinyi: …

Why hadn't she noticed that Su Jingmo was so talkative before?

"What if I did?" Su Xinyi said.

Su Jingmo became stiff, as he was just kidding, but she actually dared to admit it!

Su Xixian, facing Third Mrs. Su's fiery gaze, slowly shuffled over and whispered, "Sixth sister, I didn't see it before, but you're quite powerful."

"I'm no match for fifth sister," said Su Xinyi.

Aunt Weng was afraid that Third Mrs. Su would tamper with her daughter's marriage, so she specially asked Third Master to marry her daughter back to the Weng Family. Who would have thought that the young master of the Weng Family was also raised in luxury, and even though Su Xixian was his cousin, when the young couple had disputes, the Weng Family naturally sided with their family's son.

Su Xixian might appear gentle and submissive, but when she acted, she was ruthless. In her previous life, she made a big mess at the Weng Family. Her husband was fickle and romantic, and people around him were always being promoted. She recalled a time when she returned to her mother's house to visit her mother, Su Xixian happened to be there too and was cursing Aunt Weng for ruining her life.

Both the palm and the back of the hand are flesh, but when a person is injured, they instinctively protect their palm first.

Su Xixian was the flesh on the back of the hand to the Weng Family.

Su Xixian didn't expect Su Xinyi to say this, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I'm the elder sister, so of course I'm more powerful."

Due to Su Lan Xi's good news of being pregnant, the entire Duke Mansion was jubilant. Perhaps the only one who wasn't happy was Fourth Mrs. Su. Su Bai Wei had married Shi Zhong Qian and had a daughter on their first try.

Forth Mrs. Su felt like she was adding frost to snow. She had a cold face and went to Duke An Mansion first. After returning, she couldn't swallow her anger and went to see her daughter, Su Bai Wei, at the Duke Qin Mansion to urge her to quickly give birth to a son to consolidate her position.

Meanwhile, Su Xinyi was preparing to go out for a trip. She wanted to explore the hunting grounds first to make preparations for sabotaging Shang Jun Yan's actions.

Fourth Mrs. Su did not try to stop her, thinking it was a good thing for the child to want to go out for a stroll. She even gave her a bag of silver.

Su Xinyi took the silver and went out with Lianqiao. However, she found an excuse and sent Lianqiao away, changed into a man's clothes, and then rented a horse from the Horse Shop to go to the hunting ground.

The hunting grounds were not far away, just to the west of the city. She rode the horse up the mountain path, but when she came halfway up the steep slope, she had to abandon her horse and walk due to its rugged, difficult terrain.

Su Xinyi got off her horse, only to find a familiar figure standing still in front of her.

Shang Jun Yan looked at Su Xinyi, who was dressed in men's clothing, in astonishment. If it weren't for being too familiar with her body shape, he would almost not recognize that the person in front of him was once his wife.

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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