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Chương 17: Pathetic (2)

"Everything will be okay because I'm here."

Gyuutarou and Ume dazedly looked at the young boy who was shorter than them.

Although he looked kinda boasting, but at this moment they felt safe and secured.

"Who are you?" The lackeys reacted and readied their stance because the sudden intrusion of a short figure.

"Oof, I forgot there are still some fishes left." Ye Xinghan raised his eyebrow and smiled.

"Blame yourself for choosing the wrong master."

"What do you me-" One of the lackeys said, but didn't managed to finish his sentence before being knocked out altogether with the rest.

"Fiuh, its done." Ye Xinghan said as he wiped his non-existent sweat on his forehead. And then he looked at the siblings.

Gyuutarou and Ume flabbergasted as they only saw a flash and then all the lackeys fainted.

Ye Xinghan used the light devil fruit power to quickly traveled between the lackeys and hit their necks. Of course he won't tell them the details.

His purpose was to create a sense of mystery of himself inside the siblings mind, especially Gyuutarou.

"Well,...." Gyuutarou managed to regain his composure earlier, and then he asked "You didn't kill them?"

"Kill? Of course I won't. They are just ordinary people trying to make a living." Ye Xinghan replied. He added "And I didn't kill Shen Ye as well."

"Why?" Gyuutarou asked while gritting his teeth. Shen Ye was the person he hated the most as for now.

"While his identity isn't that important, it doesn't change the fact that he is a bonafide young master of Sacred Family. I don't want to make an unnecessary trouble.

Besides, his life is for you to take." Ye Xinghan calmly said.

"Me?" Gyuutarou confusedly asked while pointing at himself.

"Yeah, Ume was just one of the victims of those so called young master. And the fact that I don't kill Shen Ye today means that he will continue to commit those atrocities." Ye Xinghan calmly explained

"Then isn't it the more reason you have to kill him?" Gyuutarou tilted his head, he was really puzzled by the train of thought of Ye Xinghan.

"Urghh...." Ye Xinghan pinched the bridge of his nose, he continued "To put it bluntly, Shen Ye is your responsibility. The later you are getting stronger, the more crime he will commit."

"What? aren't you being unreasonable?" Gyuutarou argued.

"To be weak is a sin." Ye Xinghan calmly said

"At this point, don't you realize how pathetic you are?"

"No, onii chan is amazing. He fight those people despite knowing that he will lose."At this time, Ume barged in and excitedly said to Ye Xinghan.

But Ye Xinghan ignored her, and kept staring at Gyuutarou.

"Ume, he was right." Gyuutarou smiled bitterly.

"I took advantage of his kindness to remove my own problem. Because I don't want to bear the consequences of offending major family."

"I am indeed pathetic." Gyuutarou looked down at his feet. "I want to be strong, I want to protect Ume. But I don't know how..." His figure looked depressed and lonely.

Ye Xinghan smiled as he said "We all just trying to survive, I understand you and I won't blame you for that. Because I am no different from you."

"My goal is to create a safe haven for everyone if I may do so."

"But isn't it ironic that I let go a hidden danger such as Shen Ye?

I want you to be strong and motivated, that's why I sacrifice the future victims of Shen Ye.

I am no saint, I couldn't really help anyone whenever and wherever. I could only lend a hand in front of me.

But, I will and won't hesitate to sacrifice the world for the one I love. That's why I'm no different than you." Ye Xinghan slowly said as he took off his black robe.

"Gyuutarou, I will ask you once more because you have the freewill to refuse.

Help me on my journey." Ye Xinghan brought his right hand forward to Gyuutarou.

"I don't know what the hell you see in me. But now you convince me.

I, Gyuutarou will help you accomplish whatever plans you have. As long as it isn't detrimental to my sister." Gyuutarou grasped Ye Xinghan's tiny hand.

This is 'Sickle Demon', the first of the four stars under Ye Xinghan that will shook the draconic ruins realm in the future.


The three of them went back to the Snow Wind Family with caution.

Because they didn't want to be seen by Sacred Family people.

Ye Xinghan had weird face throughout the journey.

The reason was because Ume kept staring at him since earlier, and almost stumbled several times.

Finally, Ye Xinghan was impatient and asked

"What's wrong with my face?"

Ume gasped and smiled innocently

"Little brother, you are so strong."


Daki as a human was naive and kind (source Demon Slayer Wiki)

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