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6.66% Lizkook life
Lizkook life Lizkook life original

Lizkook life

Tác giả: haduamani

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1: deciding dinner

(this fanfic is about jungkook and lisa. please don't mind anything because i'ma beginner. i am just trying to write)

Jungkook: hey, tae hyung i'm so hungry. Can you get some food from market?

Taehyung: yeah sure, jk but i think you should avoid jung food. Don't you remember, last week what doctor advised you?

Jungkook: say it clearly, you have no time, because your girl friend (rose) is coming.

Taehyung: umm, lol you got it. But i'm serious about your health.

knock knock (someone on the door)

rose: Hi babe! how are you?

Taehyung: yeah i am fine, what about you?

rose: me too, jungkook hyung why don't you select your girlfriend?

Jungkook: seriously, huh i'm not interested. love is the thing that can be finish soon, and i don't want to fall in love with anyone.

Rose: but i know one day you'll fall in love. Btw, i was just saying that, what about if we all i mean jisoo, jennie, and lisa including all BTS members will go on a dinner?

Jungkook: oh yeah, nice idea let's go

(As jungkook said that he can't fall in love with anyone, but what do you think, will he able to control himself?)


haduamani haduamani

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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