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Chương 48: rework

yo all. sorry for my absence for many months. I had some deep personal shit to deal with and my course which I had paid alot of money to do.

my course is nering it's end and the tight deadlines have lesser allowing me to repost. I've already begun posting daily chapters for skyrim fic and will do the same with my star wars one.

as for my borderlands fic, I've thought it over and decided to do a rework of it.

only minor changes in the first few chapters will happen, other than that everything is copy and past upto now.

I'll be posting the next chapters/continuing on from where I last left off tomorrow.

I'm removing the multiverse aspect and am rewriting the story draft currently and will be finished relatively soon with all of it.

there will be minor multiverse elements in this rework, but they will be less prevalent and I will focus the entire rework fic entirely on the Borderlands verse and will end the fic within the Borderlands verse.

please let me know by commenting if u still follow this fic, it gives a lot of encouragement for me to do as many chapters daily by seeing that u guys are invested into my stories.

the rework fic will be called...

Borderlands: Siren in the Badlands

let me know what u think?

should I rework it less multiverse or do multiverse. do note that if you choose the 2nd then it'll be like a dozen chapters max in each world, depending on how big the verse is that mc travels to.

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