Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 214: READ PLEASE.

I know many will find this… perhaps not easy to take. But I'm taking today off, and tomorrow, I need a break, a mental health weekend

I am writing, and I will write while I take these days off. But I need to write without the pressure of the update, especially now that im starting the sequel to the novel I promised I would make a sequel of.


I had a rough month last month, and not so good first week in Jan, I even got food poisoning.

The point is, I want to write for two days without any thoughts of posting here, or how many chapters behind I am from my schedule.

For those that now me, I've been doing this for a long time already, and I suppose I was bound to tire my mind eventually.

Worry not, most of this is just me being super stressed, not only with my writing, but with the things that have happened in my family, like the death of my uncle.

I will be back on Sunday, with two chapters. I just need two days to breathe from the expectations and slowly stack up my chapters.

As for the Avatar sequel, it's coming. When, around March, the first chapter will debut today at night in Patreôn.

I thank you all for your comprehension. Love you all. Corn.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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