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Chương 26: Results are in

Results have been established and here are the results!

The love interest will be heather! (no surprise there) she should be appearing in a few chapters and will make relatively regular appearances

The mc will have a second dragon! Don't worry this will be his last personal dragon, i plan on integrating it into the plot soon! I will however point out that while a certain spikey boy will not be his dragon he will make a cameo. Don't worry I plan on limiting the amount of mh creatures I bring into the world from here on

The mc will go on some unique and original adventures, some of them spanning days and others potentially years, I will put them over filler episodes and during gaps of time

And finally, with a pretty close battle, pineapple on pizza has been proven to be the worse option, we Hawaiian pizza eaters are in the wrong😢

(Also a few people have complained that I haven't changed enough in the plot? I hope you realise that I'm only like one movie and like seven episodes in, there hasn't been much to change in the first place.

So I Must ask the question, because I honestly can't think of much, what would you want changed in the plot?)

I should be posting another chapter in around 9 hours, after I sleep

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Stone -- Power Stone
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